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With Regard To The Ordination Of Persons With Exercising Enforcement Activity Of Mrs V. Shanmugam

Original Language Title: cu privire la învestirea cu împuterniciri de exercitare a activității de executare a doamnei Bezede Valentina

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    Pursuant to paragraph 1. (2) article 14, article 16 of law No. 113 of 17 June 2010 on bailiffs, point 7 of paragraph 1. (1) (a).) in the regulation on the organisation and functioning of the Ministry of Justice, approved by Government decision No. 736 of 3 October 2012 and the personal application of 28 December 2015, ORDON: 1. învesteşte bailiff Babo V with powers the exercise of enforcement activity (License series LE No. 185), in the District of Căușeni District Chairman, starting January 11, 2016.
2. The order shall be brought to the attention of the National Union of Bailiffs and Court Căușeni district where the bailiff has its Office.
3. This order shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova.