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Regulations On Subsidies For Measures In Featured Cultivated In Agriculture And World Heritage Sites Vegaøyan And West Norwegian Fjord Landscape

Original Language Title: Forskrift om tilskudd til tiltak i Utvalgte kulturlandskap i jordbruket og verdensarvområdene Vegaøyan og Vestnorsk fjordlandskap

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Regulations on subsidies for measures in Featured cultivated in agriculture and world heritage sites Vegaøyan and West Norwegian fjord landscape

Date FOR 2016-08-10-966

Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Climate and Environment Ministry

Published in 2016 Booklet 11

Commencement 01/01/2017





16.08.2016 kl. 13.30

Short Title
Regulations relating to subsidies to the World Heritage areas Vegaøyan and West Norwegian fjord landscape

Adopted of Agriculture and Food 10 August 2016 pursuant to the Act of 12 May 1995 no. 23 on earth (soil Act) § 18 and Agricultural Agreement Sec. 1150 record 50.11, and of Climate and Environment Ministry on August 10 2016 pursuant to the parliament's annual budget resolution for ch. 1420 post 81 (not World areas).

§ 1. The purpose of the scheme The purpose of the grant for a project in the World Heritage sites is to promote agriculture in the World Heritage areas.
The purpose of the grant for a project in Selected cultural landscape is to contribute to ensuring values ​​associated with biodiversity, landscape, cultural heritage, including ensuring the long-term maintenance and operation.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 2. Scope This regulation applies to measures within Selected cultural landscape of agriculture and world areas Vegaøyan and West Norwegian fjord landscape as these are defined in Naturbase.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 3. Award criteria County Governor may grant subsidies in accordance with the purpose of the grant, objectives in current plans for the site and any agreements between the applicant and the County. There must be written permission from the landowner and any licensee.
County governor may impose further conditions for the granting of subsidies for the individual measures.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 4. Measures Measures Grants shall be in accordance with current plans. Such measures may include:

Restoration and management of spaces

Reconditioning, maintenance and upkeep of buildings and other cultural heritage

Necessary planning measures

Facilitating traffic


Other measures that promote the purpose of the scheme.

Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 5. Requirements for application Fylkesmannen set deadline. Applications for grants must be sent the County. Applications for grants relating to non-recurring measures shall contain a statement of the area and a description of the action to be undertaken. The application must also include the budget and implementation plan.
If the application is based on agreements between the County and applying to the agreement stated in the application.
Regional commissioner sets requirements for the use application and set additional requirements for the content of applications.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 6. Deadline for implementation deadline for implementing the single measures is three years from the grant was granted, unless the county has set a shorter time limit the granting of the application. County Governor may on application extend the deadlines, but not exceed 5 years from the grant was granted.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 7. Payment of grants and reporting requirements for non-recurring measures disbursed granted subsidies written request seeking when the County has approved final accounts. It may nevertheless made payments on the basis of approved documentation as part of the intervention performed. At least 25% of the grant be withheld until the work is complete and final accounts are approved.
Recipient of grants must submit a final report and final accounts to the County within the deadline laid down in Decision letter regarding the granting of subsidies. Further reporting requirements may be granted in the decision letter.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 8. Appeals Decisions made by the County may be appealed to the Directorate of Agriculture under the provisions of the Act of 10 February 1967 relating to Public (Public Administration) Sec. VI.
The complaint submitted to the Environment Directorate and the Directorate for any statements before making its decision.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 9. Duty of disclosure and control Seeking grants is obliged to provide all information that the county and Agriculture Directorate finds necessary to administer the scheme.
County governor and Agriculture Directorate can verify that the payment of grants is in line with the conditions. The applicant must disclose all accounting, correspondence and records relating to the grant. Checks may be made on-site.
Seeking grants is obliged to provide all information that the county or Agriculture Directorate deems necessary to control the use of grant funds is in line with the conditions.

Applicant must disclose all accounting, correspondence and records relating to the grant. The county governor and Agriculture Directorate may undertake on-site inspection.
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 10. Commutation and repayment Grants that are not used in accordance with the allocation decision can be recovered.
Decisions granted subsidy can be converted and paid out grants can be reclaimed if it is uncovered conditions that are inconsistent with what is provided by the granting of the subsidy.
For repayment requirements may be required interest when the requirement is not met at maturity. The size of the interest rate follows the rate established pursuant to the Act of 17 December 1976 no. 100 relating to interest on overdue payments
Enters into force on January 1 2017.

§ 11. Commencement This regulation enters into force on 1 January 2017.