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Regulations On The Regulation Of Pig And Poultry Production

Original Language Title: Forskrift om regulering av svine- og fjørfeproduksjonen

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Regulations on the regulation of pig and poultry production.

Date FOR 2003-04-11-461

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Published in 2003 Booklet 6

Commencement 04/11/2003


FOR-2014-12-12-1598 from 01.01.2015

FOR 1994-05-26-370



LOV-1995-05-12-23-§3, LAW-2004-01-16-5-§2


Short Title
Regulations on pig and poultry production

Adopted by Royal Decree. 11 April 2003 pursuant to Act 13 June 1975. 46 on the regulation of commercial livestock § 2, second paragraph and § 10 and Act of 12 May 1995 no. 23 on earth (soil Act) § 3 subsection. Promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Food).
Added basis: Act on 16 January 2004 no. 5 on the regulation of pig and poultry production § 2.
Changes: Amended by regulations March 26, 2004 no. 573, April 1, 2004 no. 611, April 26, 2013 No. . 420, 12 Dec 2014 No.. 1598.

§ 1. Concession Boundaries The boundaries of pig and poultry production that can be operated without the ministry's permission is;

Broiler production by up to 280,000 traded and slaughtered chickens per. year or

Turkey production by up to 60,000 traded and slaughtered turkeys pr. year or

Egg production with a maximum of 7,500 inmates chickens at any time or

Swine production by up to 2,100 traded and slaughtered slaughter pigs per. years, or a maximum of 105 inmates sows at any time or

Satellite in cop ring with up to 53 breeding sows at any time, or a maximum of 2,100 traded and slaughtered slaughter pigs per. year.

For hubs in sows reductions may be granted a license for up to 450 inmates sows.
§ 2 - § 11 repealed from 1 April 2004, cf. Regulation 1 April 2004 no. 611.