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Regulations On Specific Requirements To Control The Production And Sale Of Meat From Marine Mammals (Mammals Control Regulations)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om særskilte krav til kontroll ved produksjon og omsetning av kjøtt fra sjøpattedyr (sjøpattedyrkontrollforskriften)

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Regulations on specific requirements to control the production and sale of meat from marine mammals (mammals Control Regulations)

Date FOR 2003-03-06-288

Ministry of Health and Care Services

Published in 2003 Booklet 4

Commencement 06.03.2003

FOR 2011-04-02-352

FOR 1997-03-21-298



LOV-2003-12-19-124-§7, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§8, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§9, LAW-2003-12-19- 124 §14, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§15, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§16 FOR-2003-12-19-1790


Short Title
Sjøpattedyr Control Regulations

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. Introductory provisions (§§ 1-8)
Chapter II. Kjøttkontroll the control / reception place for meat from mammals (§§ 9-13)
Chapter III. Administrative provisions (§§ 14 - § 43)
Appendix I: Details of whale meat control
Annex II: Information to selkjøttkontrollen

Adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture (now the Ministry of Health) 6th March 2003 pursuant to the Act of 19 December 2003 no. 124 relating to food production and food safety. (Food Act) § 7 second paragraph, § 8, second paragraph, § 9 first paragraph, § 14, third paragraph, § 15 and § 16 subsection. Delegated Decision of 19 December 2003 no. 1790.
Changes: Amended by regulations January 9, 2004 No.. 133, 19 Dec 2008 no. 1619 as amended by regulation 19 February 2010 No.. 316, april 2, 2011 No.. 352.

Chapter I. Introductory provisions

§ 1. Purpose The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that attention to health, quality and integrity is safeguarded from marine mammals are caught marketed for human consumption.

§ 2. Scope This regulation lays down specific requirements for the approval of establishments specified in § 5 to § 7, ref. § 3 letter f Nos. 1 to 4 and special requirements for meat inspection, approval and health marking in the production and sales of fresh meat from marine mammals.
This regulation does not cover meat and blubber from coastal seals derived from non-commercial hunting, and delivered in small quantities directly to the final consumer or to retail establishments directly supplying the final consumer.

§ 3. Definitions In this regulation be understood by:


Marine mammals, aquatic mammals of different species of whales and seals.


Whale meat: all edible parts of whales, including killer and other products to be sold for human consumption.


Seal meat: all edible parts of seals, including lard and other products to be marketed for human consumption.


Production: all handling, including dressing, cutting and packaging etc. fresh meat from marine mammals from euthanasia and up to the sales.


Clean water: water, including sea water that meets the requirements of current regulations concerning water supply and drinking water, with the exception of requirements for salt (sodium and chloride).


Packaging / packaging: the placing the packaged meat in a outer container and the outer container or outer carton.



Vessel: vessel, with any hunting vessels used during the capture of marine mammals


Hunting vessels: vessels used during hunting for seals


Reception place: activities on land that first receives, and possibly slashed, packages and / or stores the meat of marine mammals


Control place: turnover place relating to the meat inspection of seal meat outside of approved reception.

§ 4. Licensing of meat from marine mammals All meat from marine mammals to be traded as human food should be examined and approved by the regulatory inspection veterinarian. Approved meat from marine mammals shall stamp marked in accordance with the provisions of § 12 and § 13

§ 5. Approval of vessels Catch Vessels with any hunting vessels shall meet the requirements of the Regulations on 22 December 2008 no. 1623 concerning food hygiene and be approved by the FSA for these purposes and assigned a registration number.
For cleaning operations, equipment and hands etc.. shall be used pure water. The same applies ice used to cool the meat from mammals.
FSA shall withdraw approval of vessels given under subsection if catching vessel no longer complies with the requirements of Regulation 22 December 2008 no. 1623 on food hygiene.

§ 6. Approval of receipt place Reception site shall comply with Regulation 22 December 2008 no. 1623 concerning food hygiene and be approved by the FSA as a receive location, and assigned an approval number.
Approved reception place shall in due time, and at least 14 days before harvesting season begins, notify the FSA if they plan to receive meat from marine mammals the upcoming season.

FSA may withdraw approval given under subsection if the receiving site no longer meets the requirements of Regulation 22 December 2008 no. 1623 on food hygiene.

§ 7. Approval of control place for seal meat controls must meet the requirements of Regulation 22 December 2008 no. 1623 concerning food hygiene and be approved by the FSA as a control point.
The application for approval shall be submitted FSA no later than one month before the seal meat shall be submitted for meat inspection.
Upon approval shall take special note that meat control can be carried out satisfactorily without any risk of contamination of the seal meat.
If catching vessel shall be used as a control point, shall be approved under the procedure in subsections.
Seal meat could be sold for human consumption from an approved control place, after prior meat inspection and health marking.

§ 8. Requirements for documentation Responsible business should document performed internal control in accordance with regulations 15 December 1994 no. 1187 concerning internal to fulfill food legislation (Internal Control Regulations), and add these to the FSA as required.
Skipper on catching vessel shall also submit documentation in accordance with this Appendix I or II.

Chapter II. Kjøttkontroll the control / reception place for meat from mammals

§ 9. Arrangements for meat control Inspection / reception place shall notify the FSA of receipt of vessel within 24 hours before delivery.
Inspection / reception place will pave the way for an effective meat inspection. This shall include suitable premises and facilities etc.. made available to the official veterinarian.
Skipper on fishing vessels are responsible for the unloading of whale meat does not begin until supervision veterinarian is present and has given permission for this. This applies regardless of whether whale meat stored in the hold or on deck.
Skipper on fishing vessels have at unloading whale meat responsible for the hatches in the cargo compartment will not open until supervision veterinarian is present and has given permission for this.
Skipper on fishing vessels are responsible for that whale meat from the total catch to be traded, unloaded from the vessel for inspection.
The Veterinary may after special consideration to allow unloading of whale meat on the deck or in cargo and opening hatches in the cargo hold before the person is physically present, ref. § 16. Such permission shall be given in writing to the reception site with a copy to the skipper of the trapping vessel. Whale meat shall in such cases not disposed of, but kept the company's cold storage until the official veterinarian is present and meat inspection can be conducted.
Selkjøttkontroll can be carried on board the vessel out on the fishing grounds under the following conditions:

vessel must be approved in advance in accordance with § 7

Sealing inspector has veterinary expertise and approved by the public oversight authority to perform meat inspection.

Whale meat should not be produced for meat inspection in the frozen state.
Seal meat can be produced for meat inspection in the frozen state. The Veterinary will occasionally require appropriate amounts of seal meat thawed for execution of a satisfactory meat inspection.
Seal meat should not be salted before it is approved by regulatory inspection veterinarian.

§ 10. Kjøttkontroll All meat from mammals desired traded for human consumption shall be legally caught, completely skinned, and examined and approved by the supervising veterinarian in accordance with instructions prepared by the FSA.
The meat should be untainted, without pathological changes and no deviation in color, consistency, odor or taste. Furthermore, the meat must be free of pathogens and other contaminants that may involve health hazards for consumers, either directly through the finished food or indirectly by transfer to other items, people or the environment.
The supervisory veterinarian at the control deviation from the preceding requirements, the meat not approved for human, but dealt with in accordance with § 11

§ 11. Unapproved meat of marine mammals Meat of marine mammals as by supervisory veterinarian is not approved for human be of control / receipt instead cut into small pieces, stained with methylene blue or equivalent and / or acid-ensiled under tilsynsveterinærens control. Otherwise, should such goods stored and handled as specified in regulation 27 October 2007 no. 1254 relating to animal by-products not intended for human consumption.

§ 12. Stamp Marking of meat from marine mammals Meat of marine mammals as by the official veterinarian is examined and approved as human shall stamp marked in accordance with § 13.

Stamp Marking must be carried out under tilsynsveterinærens responsibility after meat inspection, including after sensory assessments are taken and the necessary analysis results are available.
Activities may, by permission of the supervising veterinarian and necessary training, perform stamp marking.
Exposed meat from marine mammals that are approved shall stamp marked either directly on the meat or the label attached to the flesh or on the container.
Approved meat is packaged, the stamp marked on the packaging. The health mark shall be placed so that the mark is destroyed when opening the packaging.

§ 13. Stamp label design health mark for meat from mammals shall be square with 5 cm long sides. The letters shall be at least 0,8 cm high and figures at least 1.0 cm high. The health mark shall contain the following information:

top of the square to "NORWAY" is specified in capital letters.

In the middle shall reception center's approval number, or for control place the number assigned to each district office of the Food Safety Authority, stated.

bottom of the square should be "N" is specified in uppercase.

The requirement for the size of the health mark may be waived by the labeling of consumer packs.

Chapter III. Administrative provisions

§ 14. Inspection and decisions FSA supervises and makes decisions to implement the provisions laid down in and pursuant to these regulations and regulations on 22 December 2008 no. 1623 on food hygiene. FSA should have appointed supervisory veterinarian to perform these tasks.
FSA may at any time during the hunting season inspect the vessel.
Supervision veterinarian shall their work have access to the entire enterprise. Supervision veterinarian shall receive a copy of the form, cf. § 8

§ 15. Appeal of meat inspection decision complaint must be presented to the official veterinarian without delay and not later than 24 hours after complaints are made aware of the decision.

§ 16. Exemption FSA may in special cases grant exemptions from the provisions of this regulation, provided that it does not conflict with Norway's international obligations, including the EEA agreement.

§ 17. Penalties Deliberate or negligent violation of these regulations or provisions and decisions issued pursuant thereto is punishable under the Food Act § 28

[§ 43. Entry into force These regulations enter into force immediately.
Repealed by March 21, 1997 no. 298 on meat inspection, hygiene, etc. by processing and sale of whale meat (whale meat Regulations).]

Appendix I: Details of whale meat control

Annex I and documented internal control shall be submitted for meat inspection, cf.. § 8

It should be filled out one form for each captured whale. Use capital letters.

If meat from the same whale placed in the cargo compartment at different times, this should be stated under points A and B.


Name of catching vessel:

Skippers name:

Food Safety Authority approval number:


Capture Date:


Air temperature while the meat was on deck:
Varying from: ....... ...... ° C ............... ° C

A) Cooling on deck:
From date:
To date:
Total in hours:

A.1) Temp. in different parts of the meat when placed in the cargo hold:
Varying from: ............... ° C .............. ° C

B) Cooling on deck:
From date:
To date:
Total in hours:

B.1) Temp. in different parts of the meat when placed in the cargo hold:
Varying from: ............... ° C .............. ° C

INFORMATION ON WHALE MEAT for human consumption:

Whale Meat:
about. ............... Kg
Whale Blubber:
about. ..... ....... Kg
Other products:
about. ............... Kg
Total for human consumption:
about. ... ........... Kg


Whale Meat / -spekk:
about. ............... Kg
about. ............... Kg
about. .. ............ Kg
Tot. Another application:
about. ............... Kg

....................... ..................... .... ..........

Date Skipper on vessels

Annex II: Information to selkjøttkontrollen

Annex II and documented internal control shall be submitted for meat inspection, cf.. § 8

It should be filled out one form per fangstdag. Use capital letters.


Name of catching vessel:

Number catch boats to this vessel:

Skippers name:

Food Safety Authority approval number:


Capture Date:
Catching Location:
Art (tick):

Hooded seals
Tot. number of captured animals:
................ Pcs.


Cooling Process:
cooled in air at air temp. of about
......... ° C
cooled with ice cap?
Tick ​​if yes:
Time in hours:

Temp. in various parts of meat when added in cold storage:
ranged from ............... ° C to .............. ° C

INFORMATION seal meat for human consumption:

Seal meat:
about. ............... Kg
about. ............ Kg
Other products:
about. ............... Kg
Total for human consumption:
about. .............. Kg

INFORMATION seal meat AND / OR sideline products. TO OTHER APPLICATIONS:

Seal meat / -spekk / -skrotter:
about. ............... Kg
about. ............... Kg
about. .......... Kg
Tot. Another application:
about. ............... Kg

....................... ..................... ..............

Date Skipper on vessels