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Regulations On The Pension Award In The Pension Scheme For The Pharmacy Business

Original Language Title: Forskrift om pensjonspremien i Pensjonsordningen for apotekvirksomhet

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Regulations on the pension award in the pension scheme for the pharmacies business Date-2003-02-28-221 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs published in 2003 booklet 3 entry into force 01.04.2003 last edited FOR-2012-10-09-002 from 01.10.2012 applies to Change Norway Pursuant Law-1953-06-26-11-section 29 Announced 28.02.2003 short title regulations on the pension premium for pharmacies business Authority: Provided by URkgl.res. 28 February 2003 with the legal authority of the law of 26. June 1953, Nr. 11 about the pension scheme for the pharmacy business, etc. section 29 No. 2. Put forward by labour and Management Department (now Ministry of labour).
Changes: modified by regulations 1 sep 2006 Nr. 1020, 23 Oct 2007 Nr. 1178, 21 nov 2011 No. 1117, 9 Oct 2012 No. 958. § 1. The determination of premium level Premiesatsen for the pension scheme for the pharmacy business is determined to 18.1 percent of salary. The distribution of the prize should be for employers and 14.7 3.4 percent percent for the workers.

§ 2. Ikraftsetting the regulation will take effect 1. April 2003.