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Regulations On Hold Of Swine

Original Language Title: Forskrift om hold av svin

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Regulations on hold of swine Date FOR-2003-02-18-175 Ministry the Ministry of agriculture and food published in 2003 booklet 3 effective date last modified FOR 18.02.2003-2012-06-28-690 Change FOR-1996-01-15-91 applies to Norway Pursuant law-2009-06-19-97-section 6, law-2009-06-19-97-section 7, law-2009-06-19-97 section 8, law-2009-06-19-97-section 9, law-2009-06-19-97-section 12, law-2009-06-19-97-section 23, law-2009-06-19-97-section 24, law-2009-06-19-97-section 25, law-2009-06-19-97-section 38, FOR-2010-06-11-814, law-2003-12-19-124-section 33, law-2003-12-19-124-section 36, FOR-2003-12-19-1790 Announced 21.02.2003 Directed 01.04.2003 (section 34) short title regulations on hold of swine Chapter overview : chapter I. scope and Purpose, definitions (§ § 1-3) chapter II. General provisions (§ § 4-16) chapter III. Supervision and care (§ § 17-24) chapter IV. Special provisions for some groups of swine (§ § 25-27) chapter V. Administrative provisions (§ § 28-32) Chapter VI. Entry into force and transitional arrangements (§ § 33-34) legal authority: Ministry of agriculture established (now the Ministry of agriculture and food) 18. February 2003 with authorization in law 19. June 2009 Nr. 97 about the animal welfare section 6, section 7, section 8, § 9, § 23, section 24, section 25 and section 38, cf.. the delegation decision 11. June 2010 No. 814, and allowed 19. December 2003 No. 124 on food production and food safety, etc. (matloven) section 33 the first paragraph, cf.. section 36 the second paragraph, cf.. the delegation decision 19. December 2003 No. 1790. the EEA Joint referrals: the EEA Agreement attachment in chap. In the Nr. 5 (Directive 91/630/EEC as amended by Directive 2001/88/EC and Directive 2001/93/EC), part 9.1 No. 11 (Directive 2008/120/EC).
Changes: modified by regulations 17 June 2003 No. 710, 9 jan 2004 Nr. 116, June 29, 2006 no. 858, 14 nov 2007 Nr. 1269, 30 Dec 2008 Nr. 1546, 18 Dec 2009 Nr. 1808, 6 aug 2010 No. 1147, June 28, 2012 No. 690. Chapter I, scope. purpose and definitions section 1. Purpose the purpose of these regulations is to facilitate for good health and well-being at the swine, and ensure that the natural taking into account the needs dyras.

§ 2. Scope the regulation applies to the hold of swine to be used for breeding, slaughter or in any other business activity.

§ 3. Definitions a) Swine: animals of the family Suidae. Also applies to wild boars and hybrids with wild boar.

b) Sow: a female of swine after the first grising.

c) Ungpurke: a female of swine that are not primarily held for slaughter, after maturation and until the first grising.

d) Gjeldpurke: a sow after weaning and up to the time around new grising.

e): swine Piglets from birth and up to 10 weeks of age.

f) Weaning: time where the ability is deprived of piglets to die naturally.

g) Slaughter pig/avlsgris: swine over 10 weeks of age as primarily held for slaughter or breeding.

h) Hog: a males of swine after maturation as not primarily held for slaughter.

in) refinement of Fixation: motion possibilities so that the animals cannot turn around and/or so that they can not carry out body care or other normal behavior.

j) Climate: air temperature, air speed, air humidity, radiation temperature and air quality.

k) Utedrift: forms of operation where the animals ' activity and feeding areas are outdoor all or part of the year.

l) Free area: the area that is not restricted by feeding machines, binge or other separate technical equipment. Feeding lie booths with width equal to or over can be counted with 0.70 m in free space.

Chapter II. General provisions § 4. In General, hold of swine should be taken into account behavioural and physiological needs dyras, and the animals should be protected against the risk of undue stress, pain and suffering. Breeding to promote good function and health of the animals.

§ 5. Expertise and other Animal owner in charge of swine to be able to document the necessary knowledge of the dyras behavioural and physiological needs, current operational modes, and the provisions of this regulation. The pet owner is responsible for the personnel who handle animals have the necessary skills to handle the animals in a good way.

section 6. Tamhet Swine to vennes to people from an early age.

section 7. Building, room, etc. to add Operating ways right so that they provide good opportunities for swine movement, exercise and normal behavior. Dyrerom should be designed and decorated so that animals not be applied or inflict themselves harm.
The entrance to the dyrerom shall be equipped with smittesluse to counteract the disease transmission and ensure good hygiene. It should be suitable place which ensures that the input and unloading the animals can take place on a dyrevernsmessig and smittemessig. In relation to the dyrerom should be running cold and hot water. Entrance to the/output from dyrerom to have suitable place where personnel can change clothes, wash them and reingjøre equipment. Personnel should have access to the fôrlager and service rooms without having to go through expensive room or time where the animals roam the area.
Materials used in the dyrerom and décor that swine comes in contact with, should not be harmful to the animals, and to be able you must and disinfected in a practical way.
Hold of the swine over other animals in the same room is not allowed.
Energized cord should not be used as a binge or otherwise separator to delimit the dyras living space indoors.
To use technical solutions for utgjødsling and manure handling to allow use of adequate amounts of sprinkle in dyrerom. It will be implemented measures to prevent that it is harmful amounts of manure gas in the animal room. In the new build will be the connection between the dyrerom and fertilizer warehouse be designed so that the manure gas poisoning does not occur.

section 8. Stabling-bins, floor etc. Swine should have access to a convenient, dry, clean and free lie with fit temperature. The animals should be able to lie down, rest and get up normally.
Swine should have separate sleeping space and fertilizer space, where a smaller portion of fôrtroa may be over fertilizer space. The design of the bins to be so odd can be used. The floor should have a plan, not the smooth surface. It should be tight floors, djupstrø or express on the lie and the area is going to be so great that all the animals can reside at the same time. The other part of bingen may have draining floors. By the use of slatted to column width plank be as big in the whole plankenes length. Planks with damaged edges should immediately be replaced.
Swine to oppstalles so that they can see, smell and hear other swine. Pigs can be kept out of sight of other swine the last few days before the expected grising.
When pigs are kept in the group, should it be taken precautions to prevent the brawl that go beyond normal behavior.
Swine that is particularly aggressive or that have recently been attacked by other pigs, and pigs that are sick or injured, to oppstalles temporarily in individual bins or smaller groups when the consideration to animal welfare implies this. Individual bins should be so large that the animals can easily turn.
It will be in buildings for swine be different bins to sick animals and animals that need extra attention. In groups of slaughter pigs and/or cops should be a sufficient number of sick bins and always a free nursing binge where animals can oppstalles one by one. Ill just have to be used for bingen limited stay, and it should be so great that the animals can easily turn around, unless a veterinarian recommends that the animal must be in a tighter binge. It should always be provided that animals in sick bins have sufficient heat and sprinkle, and secured access to water and feed.
When it picked slatted to swine, column width and column plankens the opening be in accordance with the objectives specified in the following table.

Spalteplankebredde, mm Aperture, mm Feed bins-plastic columns 10-16 10-12-metal columns 10-30 10-12-concrete columns 30-50 10-14 Bins to small pigs over 28 days-plastic columns and metal column floor 10-16 10-12-concrete columns 30-50 10-14 Bins to slaughter the pig, ungpurker and pregnant sows-concrete columns minimum 80 maximum 20-plastic-and metal columns, see the eighth paragraph of the relationship between the column width and the width of the column to be so that the plank floor give the animals a satisfactory surface to tread on and so that klauvskader does not occur. The width of the column the opening should not be greater than 20 mm. For other types of column concrete floors to plankens than column width be: a. at least equal to the width of the column the opening when this is 10-12 mm.

b. at least equal to 2 x the width of the column the opening when this is 13-20 mm.

In feed bins to column floor with larger than 10 mm to the charger in the time around grising.

§ 9. Weaning piglets shall be weaned at the earliest at 28 days of age. Earlier weaning is only allowed for medical indication considered by the veterinarian.
Automatic milk assignment that substitute for natural breastfeeding is in exceptional cases allowed for piglets when natural breastfeeding is not possible and the killing of little pigs is the only option. The use of automatic milking the assignment to record in the animal holds the journal with a description of the situation. Piglets that are set on automatic milking the assignment, to have been the first few hours after colostrum birth as far as possible.

§ 10. Surgical and medical treatment Intervention happens in other purpose than providing treatment or diagnosis is prohibited.
The ban in the first paragraph does not include: a) the Teeth of piglets younger than 7 days, which if necessary, files or be cut with suitable tool provided that this leaves a smooth tooth surface and without that it opens to the tooth Canal. Cutting teeth on the piglets are prohibited.

b) reduction of the length of the canines to the runner which can be decreased if it is necessary for security reasons from.

c) Surgical castration of hanngris under 4 weeks of age is allowed. The procedure will be performed by the veterinarian with the use of anesthesia, and it should in addition to anesthesia used long-acting pain management given that injection in connection with the procedure. By neutering, it should not be used with the overriving method of the tissue.


It's about amputation of the tail on the swine, if this is necessary from a veterinary indication. The procedure can only be performed by the veterinarian that uses anesthesia and long-acting pain management in connection with the procedure.

e) Selection of swine after labeling regulations, or, if necessary, marking of treated swine.

section 11. Fixation and sampling it is not allowed to fix your boar. It is still allowed in the following cases with fixation:-in conjunction with feeding-in connection with the veterinary treatment/insemination-especially troubled individual animals during the rut-especially troubled cops from grisingstidspunktet and up to 7 days after grising.

Oppbinding is not allowed as the fuser method. By new construction and remodeling of food departments add that fixation is not necessary.
There should be facilities that make it possible to fix your animals by veterinary treatment, sampling and the like. This is also true at utedrift. It is to be provided assistance by necessary sampling carried out by the supervisory authority.

§ 12. Technical devices Technical devices that are used in farm animals room should at least ettersees once a day. In case of technical devices, features that relate to the dyras welfare and hygienic conditions, within a reasonable time could be safeguarded by alternative solutions. By power outages should there are alternative solutions that ensure adequate air change.
Alarm systems required in this regulation should work also by the failure of the power supply. It should be able to be documented that the systems be tested regularly.

section 13. Climate the temperature and luftkvaliten in the animal room should be adapted to the dyras needs. Dust concentration should be at a reasonable low level. All dyrerom should have ventilation systems that ensures adequate air shift out from consideration to animal welfare.
Ventilation systems and systems for manure handling should be designed, operated and maintained so that harmful concentrations of manure gases does not occur.
It's going to be the opportunity for emergency ventilation. This does not apply if the ventilation is sufficient even if the mechanical plant fails.
Mechanical ventilation systems should be connected to the alarm system that alerts by a power outage and at too high or too low temperature in the animal room. The alarm system shall be such that the alarm can be seen by people who know what measures to be taken. The claim about the alarm system does not apply if the emergency ventilation is not necessary after the third paragraph.
At the outdoor animals stay to be able to find protection against the Sun and adverse weather conditions.

section 14. Light Dyrerom should have enough Windows to ensure access at daylight. It should also be the possibility of artificial lighting so that the animals get adequate light. The light intensity shall be at least 75 lux for at least 8 hours a day. Light sources should be placed so that they are not to the discomfort of the animals. Swine shall not be exposed to permanent artificial light. This does not preclude the use of the heat lamp to the piglets and weak orientation light at night.

section 15. Noise Swine shall not be exposed to excessive noise. The noise level is going to be so low that it is not on any place in the animal room is to the disadvantage of the animals. Permanent noise of more than 65 dB should be avoided.

section 16. Fire protection in operating buildings with pig selection of materials, the design of the constructions and fittings, and implementation of maintenance and cleaning should be done with a view to the prevention of fire. Ventilation systems are not going to be able to spread the fire gases.
In operating building with fire prevention devices with the sectioning to animal form a separate fire section, if applicable, their own fire sections. In such buildings to the ventilation system could not spread the fire gases between the seksjonerte parts of the building.
It should be fire hoses or a sufficient number of hand closing appliances in all buildings with the pig. These should be checked regularly and be appropriately placed. The requirement of fire extinguishing equipment does not apply when it is obviously unnecessary.
The animals will easily be able to be dropped out of the building in case of fire or other emergency situations. The location and design of the times and the doors to allow for the evacuation of the animals. It should be at least 2 starting out from the doors the pet Department in the building. It should be good space between the doors with the good opportunity to evacuate the animals in two directions.
All operating buildings where it is held more than 10 sows, rocker and/or ungpurker or 60 slaughter pigs older than 10 weeks, should have a satisfactory system for warning of fire. This does not apply when the fire alarm is obviously unnecessary. In the combined crews is calculated the total number of swine so that one sow, ungpurke or hog counts just as much as 6 slaughter pigs.
Dyreholder'll be sure and be able to document that it carried academic control of electrical systems a minimum of every three years.

Chapter III. Supervision and care section 17. Supervision and care to have Swine daily supervision. Swine that are newborns, sick, injured or are acting abnormally, shall have supervision several times a day. The requirement for more frequent audits also applies to highly pregnant animals, and specifically in the time around birth. The swine to be given good and regular grooming, including are kept clean.

§ 18. Sick and injured animals Sick and injured to be treated in the swine immediately proper way. When needed to the veterinarian be consulted. When necessary, sick or injured animals shall be isolated in sick binge with dry and soft sleeping space, or be put to sleep. If it causes unnecessary suffering for the animal to live on, it should be put to sleep.

§ 19. Preventive health care preventive health work to be carried out. The animals ' klauver to be inspected regularly and cropped as needed. Parasite load will be monitored, and if necessary should the animals be treated against parasites. It is going to get together the necessary measures to prevent sores, and lie halesår wound on framknær with suckling pig.

section 20. Cleaning it should be good cleaning in pets room. Utgjødsling to happen every day. The requirement for daily utgjødsling does not apply to animals that go on the express/djupstrø, or for binge solutions with deck booths. Sprinkle to be used in the necessary extent to keep the animals dry and clean, and in such extent that there are always sprinkle on the lie. Express will be strøs as needed.
Before insertion into the feed bins to the cops/you must ungpurkene.
Utgjødsling and storage of manure should take place on a hygienic and health.

§ 21. Potter material Swine to at all times have access to adequate amount of material that they can investigate, mucking in and employ them with material such as straw, hay, sawdust, peat, wood (particle), Earth or a mixture of these can be used. Potter material should not bring animals ' health at risk.

§ 22. Feed and water the feed to be so complex that it covers dyras needs under all conditions. Swine will be before sexual maturation and under diegivningsperioden are fed at least 2 times a day. Swine are maturation are fed at least once daily. In addition to the other feed to pigs, ungpurker and rocker have access to adequate amount of straw, hay or other forage with high fiber content which can provide satiety and satisfy the need for chewing. It is not a claim for feed with high fiber content by free access to the other feed. The animals should be able to eat at the same time if they do not have free access to the feed, or it used individual computerized feeding.
All swine shall at any time have access to adequate amounts of drinking water of acceptable bacteriological and chemical quality.
Automatic devices for allocation of feed and water should be checked daily. By computerized, individual feeding to the number of animals per feeding machine be adapted to the needs and level of production dyras, and at least have such a capacity that all the animals can eat his 24 during the ration 12 hours.

§ 23. Requirements for outdoor areas, be kept out pig who should have access to dry be space that provides adequate protection from wind, rain, Sun and adverse temperatures. The animals shall if necessary be protected from predators and other health hazards in the area. Lying area shall have a minimum of 3 dense walls and ceilings. In warm weather, the animals shall have access to the mud bath, or other opportunities to cool down. By grising out in the cabins to the cops have access to sufficient track material.
On the feeding places and other highly charged surfaces in the landscaping to the reason be built up, hardgjort and drained. Out areas such as swine, should be using fit for purpose, and should be checked regularly with a view on the conditions that can inflict the animals injuries and disorders.
Landscaping that swine have access to, to have a size and variation in soil conditions and vegetation that give the animals opportunity for exercise, to poke into the ground and to hide the search for other arts traps.

section 24. All year utedrift By utedrift all year must the provisions of section 4, section 5, section 6, section 7, section 9, section 10, section section 11, section 12, section 14, section 15, section 16, section 17, section 18, section 19, section 20, section 21, section 22, section 23 and section 28 must be met.
In addition to the animals by year-round protection against secured utedrift adverse weather conditions in the House with three walls and a roof. It will be the opportunity to fill in also the fourth wall by extreme weather conditions. The animals shall be by whole year utedrift water supply is secured. The allocation of water and feed shall take place on the dry areas. Sick and injured animals should be able to be isolated in a suitable place, where the temperature is tailored each animal's needs, and the possibility of dry and soft sleep space. It should be ensured that frostbite does not occur.

Chapter IV. Special provisions for some groups of swine § 25. Special provisions for cops and Cops ungpurker ungpurker and to be kept in groups during the period from no later than 4 weeks after mating to a week before the expected grising. This does not apply to groups with less than 10 sows and/or ungpurker. Single bins must be so large that the animal can easily turn.
Bins for ungpurker and for the cops should have at least these dimensions: Ungpurker-binge with strewn mattress

The number of pigs per binge-free area, m ² per sow Lying surface area, m ² per sow Shortest side, m Troplass per sow, m 1 3.0 m ² ² 2.25 m 1.5 m 0.35 m 2-5 1.8 m ² 1.1 m ² 2.25 m 0.35 m 6-40 1.65 m ² ² m 1.0 2.4 m 0.35 m Over 40 1.5 m 0.9 m ² ² 2.8 m 0.35 m Cops-binge with strewn mattress the number of pigs per binge-free area , m ² per sow Lying surface area, m ² per sow Shortest side, m Troplass per sow, m 1 3.0 m ² ² 2.25 m 1.5 m 0.45 m 2-5 1.4 2.5 m ² ² m 2.4 m 0.45 m 6-10 2.25 m 1.3 m ² ² 2.8 m 0.45 m 10-40 2.25 m ² ² m 1.2 m 2.8 m 2.0 0.45 Over 40 m ² 1.1 m ² 2.8 m 0.45 m Lying area and times feeding should be behind the booths designed so that the animals can easily turn. Times shall be the stalls behind feeding at least 2 m wide. In systems where swine are kept in groups, and are fed by means of computerized power feed stations, the total surface area be at least 2.5 m ² per sow.
In feed bins without fixation should be space enough for the sow can be on tight floors and can easily turn. Bins should have the following dimensions: Total area at least 6 m ².

Width at least 1.8 m.

By use of the fuser stall should this have the following dimensions: Length measured inside from troas back at least 2 m Width measured internally 0.70-0.80 m depending on the purkas size to use plenty of grit in food bins. From 3 days before the expected grising to be the sow have appropriate material to build the account of it to be a. open space behind the sow to ease assisted or natural birth. Little pigs shall have their own place in the food bin where they are protected from the sow. Little pigs should have plenty of space to die.

§ 26. Special provisions for piglets, slaughter pig and breeding stock Free area that is at our disposal in the bins to await the piglets and slaughter pigs/avlsgris that are held in groups should be at least Live weight m ² up to 10 kg 0.15 10-20 kg 20 kg 0.20-0.35-30 30 50 kg 50-0.50 kg-85 85 110 0.65 kg 0.80 Over 110 kg 1.00 it should be sufficient to all land that lie pigs can reside at the same time.
After weaning to little pigs are placed and kept in stable groups, and will be moved as little as possible. Mix of pigs from different groups should as far as possible be avoided. If animals that don't know each other to be mixed, this should normally be made within a week after weaning. When animals are mixed, they shall have sufficient opportunity to escape from the other animals. When there are signs of serious combat, should the cause immediately be investigated, and appropriate measures must be put in the works such as by giving the animals plenty of straw or other rote material.

§ 27. Special provisions for rocker to be Rånebinger placed and designed so that rånen can turn around and hear, smell and see other pigs. To a hog should be at least 6 free area m ². If the bin is to be used also to natural bedekning, to the free space to the hog be at least 10 m ².

Chapter v. section 28 Administrative Regulations. Message about animal husbandry and buildings to the stabling Any that will keep the animal, shall in advance notify this to the Norwegian food safety authority. Message to be given to the way the FDA determines the relevant information about and contain the animal, including the name of the hospital has dyreholderens, enterprise or national identity number, dyreholderens and animal holdets address, information about the buildings to the stabling of the animals, production form and capacity, as well as information about the competence, cf. dyreholders. § 5. Changes to this information, including the erection of new buildings, significant changes of existing buildings and the cessation of animal companionship, shall be reported to the FDA.

section 28a. The importation of swine from countries outside the EU the swine introduced from countries outside the EU should be accompanied by a certificate issued by the public authority where it is documented that the animal has been handled and oppstallet in accordance with the European Directive 2008/120/EC, the minimum provisions for the protection of pigs.

section 29. Supervision and decision the FSA supervises and don't understand the decision to carry out the provisions given in and in pursuance of this regulation.

section 30. Exemption the FSA can in special cases, the provisions of this dispense from these regulations, provided that it will not run counter to Norway's international obligations, including the EEA Agreement.

section 31. Penalty Violation of provisions given in this regulation or individual decisions given in pursuance of these regulations, are punishable according to the animal welfare act, section 37 and section 28 matloven.

section 32. (Repealed by regulation 6 aug 2010 No. 1147.) Chapter VI. Entry into force and transitional arrangements in section 33. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force immediately. From the same time repealed the provisions about the swine in the regulation of 15. January 1996 No. 91 about the hold of cattle and swine.

section 34. Transitional arrangements the provisions in section 25 as to length of binges pages, requirements to the free surface area and to the area with dense floor are applied to all new or redesigned dyrerom for swine that are taken into use after 1. January 2003. For dyrerom that were in use by forskriftens entry into force, the provisions applicable from 1. January 2013. Until then, the claim to free land in the Group bins minimum 1.8 m ² per pregnant sow.
The following provision takes effect 1. January 2007:-section 12 as to alarm associated with ventilation systems.

For dyrerom that were in use to the swine by this forskriftens entry into force, to take the following additional provisions in force 1. January 2006:-section 7, the second paragraph as smittesluse and suitable space for load/unload of the animals, and section 8, sixth paragraph as to the requirement of at least one sick binge per 50 slaughter pig and cops, and-section 25, eighth paragraph.

For dyrerom that were in use to the swine by this forskriftens entry into force, the following provisions in force 1. January 2013:-section 8, seventh paragraph about the minimum column width plank and maximum aperture, and-section 27 as to surface area.

The following provisions come into force 1. January 2011:-section 7 last paragraph last sentence about the connection between dyrerom and fertilizer warehouse in new buildings should be designed so that the manure gas poisoning does not occur.

-section 16 fifth paragraph about fire alarm.