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Regulations On Fastsetjing And Change Of Fostringstilskot

Original Language Title: Forskrift om fastsetjing og endring av fostringstilskot

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Regulations on fastsetjing and the change of the date FOR the fostringstilskot-2003-01-15-123 Ministry children and equality published in 2003 booklet 2 entry into force 01.10.2003 last edited by-2016-06-06-580 from 01.07.2016 change the FOR-1989-03-20-785 applies to Norway Pursuant law-1981-04-08-7-section 71, law 1981-04-08-7-section 74 Announced regulations on 11.02.2003 short title of Chapter fastsetjing fostringstilskot Overview: the main part attachments. The base reservation for the calculation you want of the fostringstilskot: of child Heimel Determine and Family Affairs (now children, equality and social inclusion) 15. in January 2003 with law 8 heimel. April 1981 No. 7 if children and parents (barnelova) § 71 and section 74.
Endringar: Modified by regulations 3 June 2003 No. 691, 18 Dec 2003 Nr. 1656, March 18, 2004 No. 559, 29 June 2004 No. 1056, 26 april 2005 Nr. 370, May 31, 2005 Nr. 502, 7 June 2006 no. 599, april 13, 2007 No. 406, June 12, 2007 # 610, June 8, 2008 # 553, 15 Dec 2008 Nr. 1367, June 10, 2009 # 622, 25 May 2010 No. 725, 11 May 2011 No. 489, 23 May 2012 No. 447, 12 Dec 2012 No. 1258, 30 may 2013 No. 555, 17 Dec 2013 No. 1571, 25 may 2014 Nr. 680, 19 may 2015 Nr. 543, 16 June 2015 Nr. 707, 17 des 2015 Nr. 1734, 6 June 2016 Nr. 580. section 1. Public fastsetjing of fostringstilskot Fostringstilskot of children by Chapter 8 of the barnelova will be determine by reglane in this forskrifta with attachments.

§ 2. Distribution of the cost of maintenance the child between the parents according to size on inntekta deira Education style shoe backed to fastsetjast out from under the maintenance cost, cf. section 3 of this forskrifta, and the relationship between the parents and the child their income, jf. section 4 and section 5 of this forskrifta. The share going to reknast out from the choir large part inntekta to the tilskotspliktige utgjer of the parents say amassed income and the part of the child say income to takast with Tilskotet to the quarter-children will not graduate setjast than 5/6 of the maintenance cost.

§ 3. Under the maintenance cost of public fastsetjing to the nyttast fix under the maintenance costs. The cost involves the consumption expenses, buutgifter and expenses for children's attention.
Consumer spending to setjast in four age groups: 0-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-14 and 15-18 years of age, and shall reknast out from the National Institute for consumer research (SIFO) its reference budget for consumer spending. Change in consumer spending will be setjast to 1. July of that year the child reaches 6, 11 or 15 years.
Bukostnadene to the child to reknast out from Statistics Norway (SSB) their forbruksundersøkingar based on average actual consumption. The cost should be shared by all children and shall apply without any omsyn to the kvar in the country the child cage. Expenses for children's supervision to fastsetjast out from about 64 percent tilskotsmottakaren mottek benefit to children's supervision after folketrygdlova section 15-10. It will be setjast different amounts for heiltids and part time supervision. Tilsynsordningar at 33 or several hours per week to reknast that was time supervision. The cost will be reknast out from their medrekna SSB foreldrebetalingsundersøkingar benefit to children's supervision and foreldrefrådrag in income. Spending on after-school to setjast as ein eigen rate, subdivided into heiltids or part-time arrangement. After-school up to 25 hours per week to reknast that was time supervision, and after-school up to 10 hours per week to be reknast as the part time supervision. The cost will be reknast out from the average SSB overview of doctor say foreldrebetalingssatsar for after-school. When tilskotsmottakaren not to child benefit mottek supervision after the first sentence, it shall reknast actual expenses up to a fastlagd rate reduced for between anna benefit of foreldrefrådrag in income. By fastsetjinga of this rate debt maximum rate for child supervision after folketrygdlova section 15-10. When tilskotsmottakaren mottek additional benefit after folketrygdlova section 15-11, to get to the dagsatsane of the fix in frådrag dei actual expenditures. Expenses of the child supervision beyond the fourth school year should only when mottek takast tilskotsmottakaren benefit to the authority after the folketrygdlova section 15-10 and § 15-11.
To the frådrag in the dei together cost derives the rate for child benefit that debt when the base tala in under maintenance cost will be changed a quarter year.
For tilskot to children over 18 years of age to under the maintenance cost for the age group 15-18 years nyttast, but so that it is not going to gjerast frådrag for child benefit.

§ 4. Income Inntekta for each of the parents to setjast to person income and positive net capital income that overstig $ 10,000,-per year.
Have a party income from sjølvstendig næringsverksemd, capital income part of the nutrient inntekta with inntekta reknast in the capital and with income year 2005. Capital income part is business income minus the calculated person income, underskot in the industry in revenue the previous year, performed underskot from previous years and godtgjering for work to the deltakar in the deltakarlikna company.
Have a party income from single person lead roof, to capital income section of the food inntekta reknast in the inntekta tax year capital from 2006. Capital income part is business income minus the calculated person income, underskot in the industry in the income year and performed underskot from previous years.
For the person leg Corporation or deltakar deltakarlikna in the company to all utdelingar from the company to join karen reknast with by fastsetjinga of positive net capital income after the first link. The debt also the part of the utdelinga that is skjerma for taxation at the delta karen. For deltakar in deltakarlikna company to not the løpande fordelinga of the selskapsoverskotet or giving away to dekkje ordinary tax takast with Særskild godtgjering to the deltakar in the deltakarlikna company for selskapslova section 2-26 the first paragraph will be regarded as a person income after the first link.
When support for tilskotsmottakaren cash tilskotsbarnet mottek, extended child benefit or extra småbarns addition, this shall not be paved to the inntekta to the tilskotsmottakaren. The same debt the fix the benefit of særfrådrag for einsleg forsytar. The tax benefit will be setjast to the half when inntekta to the printer is in the contributor mottaka border area for when the tax liability to be utløysast. It should not be to the top cat takast omsyn by fastsetjinga. If some of the ytingane in this piece is distributed between the parents that shared agreement følgje bu suburbs, etc., should not be paved in ytingane to each of the parents say income that tilskotsmottakarar so dei is distributed.
Inntekta to fastsetjast for discretion when ein of parents not put forward etterspurd documentation, or if there is reason to tru that parent held back opplysningar that may have something to seie for avgjerda. The same debt when ein of parents is without any income, or inntekta is vesentleg than the undergraduate he or ho should achieve out from education and abilities, without that parent can give a sense reason for him or ho can't provide income or that the inntekta is not graduate. Inntekta will not be considered to be vesentleg if a parent has undergraduate income that is up to 20 percent undergraduate than he or ho nor should be able to achieve.

§ 5. Inntekta of the child where the child a thrill has a årleg income of more than 30 times per månad incresed tilskotsforskot after forskotteringslova, to meirinntekta of the child reknast into the proportional fordelinga by under maintenance costs. When your child is sjølvforsørgt, tilskot not fastsetjast. A child shall reknast for sjølvforsørgt when it has a årleg income of at least 100 times tilskotsforskott incresed per månad.

section 6. Tilskotsevne Calculated tilskot pursuant to section 2 to section 5 of the forskrifta here to prøvast to tilskotsevna to the tilskotspliktige. It will not be that to seie tilskotet fastsetjast to a graduate tilskot than that the tilskotspliktige have att fix midla to tax, possession under the hold, buutgifter and under the hold of his own children in the household property.
Fix midla to tax omsyn tax on tek to General income before frådrag for debt interest, etc. and social security tax. As General income reknast in this samanhengen the inntekta which is set after this forskrifta section 4. Frådraga is minstefrådrag and personfrådrag. Minstefrådraget to reknast out from the satsane for retirement income. Tax belastninga in tilskotsevnevurderinga to setjast to 25 percent, the average of the speed cat steps 1 and 2 to setjast to 1.07 percent and social security avgifta to 8.2 percent.
Midla to possession under the hold is set as a fixed rate of einslege, and a fixed rate for sambuande/wedding. Satsane to regulerast årleg in the medhald of change in the consumer price index from Statistics Norway. Satsane to regulerast quarter of a year out in from the programming in the consumer price index for January, to the index in the månad occasions by previous regulation. Satsane to haldast too that will be maintained by satsane samanlikna with larger endringar as gjerast in the National Institute for consumer research (SIFO) its default budget for consumer spending.
Buutgifter for einslege and sambuande/married to reknast out from the SSB their forbruksundersøkingar.
Midla to hold his own under of the children in the household reknast eigen to average out from section 3 of this forskrifta, but fade by half. The same rate will be nyttast for all children. For his own children in the household it's property as agreed upon divided bu suburbs, to the average calculated under the maintenance cost fade to a quarter.
When a tilskotspliktig with multiple children do not have the full tilskotsevne, avgjerds body after fastsetje tilskota's possession to the initiative the children as nærare determine in barnelova § 75 other piece with tilhøyrande regulations.

section 7. Maximum limit for total tilskotsplikt Total tilskot under section 1 to section 6, section 11 and section 12 in this forskrifta, medrekna tilskot to children over 18 years of age, should not utgjere more than 25 percent of the inntekta to the tilskotspliktige pursuant to section 4.

When it amassed tilskotet to several children overstig the maximum border, avgjerds body after fastsetje tilskota's possession to the initiative the children as nærare determine in barnelova § 75 other piece with tilhøyrande regulations.

section 8. Shared bu suburbs When parents are samde about that they have agreed upon divided bu suburbs after barnelova section 36 the first piece for the child and documents this font leg, it should not be paved to reason that parents have dei same expenses per day of the child the time the child cage with kvar of dei and the child cage just as abundant in both. section 1 to section 7 of this forskrifta to nyttast tilsvarande.

§ 9. Visitation Munnleg and font leg agreed and the public determine the visitation is going as hovudregel to the frådrag in the tilskot calculated pursuant to section 1 to section 7 of the forskrifta here. Where partane have a deal, but not samde about the extent, the least common listed contact pattern still be paved as to the reason. If the ein of partane not give opplysningar about the extent of the contact pattern, the enlightenment the other party found in the ane not be paved to reason.
The rule in the first piece of debt not if the ein of the partane hevdar that the agreement or the public determine the visitation and legal settlement not being følgd up, but companionship is undergraduate, and samstundes clearly proves that the appointment or avgjerda not can not be paved to reason.
If the exception rule in the other piece being made current, it is not given something samværsfrådrag unless the party clearly proves that it is practiced by a non-resident visitation undergraduate class.
Samværsfrådraget connection with the scale of saman visitation so that this is divided into four non-resident classes. Frådraget to gjevast as a fixed dollar amount depending on which a non-resident class the tilskotspliktige derives under and the age of the child. Frådraget is set based on the costs in section 3 second and third piece in this forskrifta. Kronefrådraget involves expenses for food, drink, health and hygieneartiklar, play and leisure, and transportation expenses. For non-resident class 3 and 4 are also buutgifter omfatta.
It will be like hovudregel teljast nights to find out what non-resident class the tilskotspliktige derives under. Non-resident class 1 debt by visitation at 2 to 3 nights, on average, per månad, class 2 by visitation is 4 to 8 nights, class 3 at visitation on 9 to 13 nights and class 4 at visitation on 14 to 15 nights. If the hovudregelen not nyttast can and the tilskotspliktige have at least two days spent, the teljast månaden days, and so that the day will be divided into four. The tilskotspliktige is going in these tilfella under class 1.

§ 10. Children's addition in social security, etc. If the tilskotspliktige receive a pension, forsørgjartillegg from the military or from public performance it anna where children's addition is a part of the allowance, to tilskotet before samværsfrådrag never setjast to an undergraduate total than net motteke child well. When the tilskotspliktige pay taxes, it shall omsyn to this takast. When the forsørgjartillegg tilskotspliktige for multiple mottek, should the add-in delast equally among the children.
If such performance tilskotsmottakaren only where mottek children's addition is a part of the allowance, to be tilskotet after samværsfrådrag never setjast graduate than under maintenance cost reduced for the add-in. The first piece of the second and third periods, debt tilsvarande.

section 11. Skjønnsfastsetjing of tilskot Tilskot to reknast at its discretion if a. tilskotet to fastsetjast pursuant to section 76 in barnelova b. ein of partane is inhabited or working abroad and tax c betalar. the child is forsørgt by other or get married.

§ 12. Change and automatic adjustment of the tilskot By fastsetjing of tilskot that earlier is determine of tilskotsfut, County Governor, court or in the agreement, should the current tilskotet only endrast reglane forskrifta if this will lead to a change of more than 12 percent.
Under the maintenance cost and samværsfrådraget are automatically regulated when the child goes over to a new age group. This debt still not where tilskotet is determine under section 10 or section 11 in this forskrifta. Justeringa samstundes is made with that base in the attachment to this tala forskrifta is being changed.

section 13. Ikraftsetjing This forskrifta tek to apply from 1. October 2003. Dating from the same time the regulation of 20. March 1989 Nr. 785 about fastsetjing and the change of fostringstilskot called off.

Attachment. The base reservation for the calculation you want of the base here will be fostringstilskot tala altered quarter-year. 
Under the maintenance cost after section 3 (20 per månad) during the maintenance cost to fordelast between parents, utgjer costs minus the child benefit. Children's trygda derives not to frådrag for children over 18 years. 
Consumer spending and buutgifter Age of the child 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-14 years 15 years and more the consumption expenditure 2 577 2 577 2 577 2 577 3 489 4 869 5 794 6 644 Buutgifter spending on children's supervision when children's tilskotsmottakaren benefit mottek supervision from the folketrygda 64 percent benefit Entirely ids nursery part-time, 547 park 219 after-school expenses when tilskotsmottakaren to child benefit mottek supervision from the folketrygda 64 percent benefit SFO up to 20 hours per week 522 SFO up to 10 hours per week Frådrag Tilskotsevne 324 child benefit under section 6 (NOK per månad) Midlar to possession under the Halden and buutgifter Married sambuande Einslege/Midlar to possession under the Halden Buutgifter 8 289 7 018 8 907 5 456 Midlar to hold his own under of the children in the household has property the child a bu suburbs the child have shared bu suburbs 3 294 1 647 Tax belastninga in tilskotsevnevurderinga to setjast to 25 percent , the average of the speed cat steps 1 and 2 to setjast to 1.07 percent and social security avgifta to 8.2 percent. Minstefrådraget and personfrådraget to reknast. 
Samværsfrådrag pursuant to section 9 (20 per månad) Age of child 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-14 years 15 years and meir Not visitation/visitation less than non-resident non-resident class class 1 1 00 00 00 00 (2-3 nights, or 2 or more days per månad) 208 301 378 436 non-resident class 2 (4-8 nights per månad) 689 998 1 252 1 444 non-resident class 3 (9-13 nights per månad) 1 953 2 385 2 739 3 007 non-resident class 4 (14- 15 nights per månad) 2 452 2 994 3 438 3 774