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Regulations Concerning The Transport Of Goods In Aircraft (Bsl D 1-7)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om transport av gods i luftfartøy (BSL D 1-7)

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Regulations concerning the transport of goods in aircraft (BSL D 1-7).

Date FOR-2003-01-11-41

Affairs Ministry

Published in 2003 Booklet 2

Commencement 01/03/2003





LOV-1993-06-11-101-§9-1, LAW-1993-06-11-101-§9-4, LAW-1993-06-11-101-§15-4, FRONT 1999-12-10-1273


Short Title
Regulation on cargo aircraft

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. Introductory provisions (§§ 1-3)
Chapter II. Transport of goods (§§ 4-7)
Chapter III. Transport of dangerous goods (§§ 8-15)
Chapter IV. Final provisions (§§ 16-17)

Adopted by the CAA 11. January 2003 pursuant to Act 11 June 1993 No.. 101 aviation (Aviation Act) § 1.9, § 9.4 and § 15-4, cf. Delegated Decision of 10 December 1999 no. 1273.
Changes: Amended by regulations 2 February 2009 No.. 143, October 28, 2014 No.. 1361.

Chapter I. Introductory provisions

§ 1. Purpose The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that:

cargo aircraft during transportation is stowed and wrapped in such a way that it by displacement may cause change of the aircraft's center of gravity or harm persons on board or parts of aircraft,

Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Air done under proper conditions so that damage to life, health and property is avoided.

§ 2. Scope
(1) This regulation applies to aviation with Norwegian aircraft is not subject to Regulation (EC). 965/2012 as implemented by Regulation 7 August 2013 no. 956 on Air Operations.

(2) Regulations apply to the use of foreign registered aircraft, operated by a Norwegian operator.

(3) These regulations shall apply outside Norwegian territory when it is consistent with the foreign law to be applied in accordance with agreements with foreign states or otherwise out of general legal principles, see. Aviation Act § 1-2.

§ 3. Definitions In this regulation:
Dangerous goods:
items, goods, articles and substances (substances) that may present a risk to health, safety or property during transportation in an aircraft.
As dangerous goods are however not considered:

Fabrics, materials and substances that after these regulations § 8 first paragraph may be classified as dangerous, but that is necessary for an aircraft's operational or technical operation.

Articles and items such as aerosols, alcoholic beverages, perfumes, eau-de-cologne, matches and lighters containing liquid gas, accepted on board aircraft for service or sales on a flight or a series of flights.

dry ice used for the preservation of food and beverages that will be served on board.

items, goods, articles and substances (substances) that are transported inside an aircraft.
Landing Space:
A specific land or sea (with buildings, installations and equipment) intended to completely or partly being used for aircraft starting, landing and other maneuvers.
Light aircraft (light aircraft):
Fly with maximum allowable takeoff weight does not exceed 5.700 kg and helicopters with a maximum certificated takeoff weight does not exceed 3.150 kg.
A situation where serious and / or imminent danger threatens, and immediate assistance is needed.
A person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering involvement in the operation of aircraft.
Acceptance, loading, unloading or transport of cargo.
Heavy aircraft (large aircraft)
Fly with maximum allowable takeoff weight exceeds 5.700 kg. Helicopters with a maximum certificated takeoff weight exceeds 3.150 kg.

Chapter II. Transporting goods

§ 4. Transportation of goods in cargo
(1) At the stowage of cargo in cargo holds the provisions relating to the cargo room maximum weight capacity and allowable flat load observed. Any cargo shall have a sign with text that specifies load limitations.

(2) All equipment used for lashing of cargo in cargo in heavy aircraft such as fittings, hooks, ropes, nets, etc. In respect of dimensions and strength to withstand the maximum inertial forces which the aircraft is certified. Unless otherwise indicated, the following minimum requirements:

When the cargo space is so loose cargo could damage the crew members or passengers when the aircraft is subjected to acceleration or deceleration, the equipment withstand:

Power Direction
Breaking strength at least equal

Fly Helicopter

Forward 9 times the load weight
4 times the load weight

Down 4.5 times the load weight

4 times the load weight

Upwards 2 times the load weight
1.5 times the load weight

Backward and transverse
4.5x load weight
4 times the load weight

When the cargo space is to keep the risk as mentioned in a exists, the equipment withstand:

Power Direction
Breaking strength at least equal

All mentioned under letter a
1.5 times the load weight

(3) For other aircraft than heavy aircraft shall fittings used for lashing of cargo in cargo have such strength that resulted goods not pose a danger to the crew and passenger safety.

(4) For heavy aircraft, there must be a policy for the stew, supporting and lashing of cargo in cargo, indicating the types of separation line and fasteners to be used and their instructions. Fracture strength of both fixed and loose parts in the restraining device shall be indicated in the instructions.

(5) For cargo that meets the requirements of the second paragraph, letter b, it can be made for a parcel weight when used separation line. Kompaktstuing or lashing is not then be necessary.

(6) The operator of an aircraft equipped for the transport of goods on pallets, should have instructions that specifically covers this kind of freight flight. There will be particular emphasis on responsibility and control of the locking of the pallets.

(7) The transport of goods in cargo, is also understood transporting luggage in the luggage room.

§ 5. Transportation of cargo in passenger cabin
(1) When transporting passengers in aircraft can freight transported in the passenger cabin under the assumption that the cabin has been approved for this, and that the goods are stowed and lashed as provided for in other items fourth paragraph below.

(2) Freight shall be placed in front of or next to the passenger who sits at the front. Goods stowed in special cargo containers intended for clamping in the passenger seat, can be placed behind the passengers. In helicopters and light aircraft, can goods be placed beside or behind the passengers unless this is prohibited by the AFM.

(3) Gods must not be placed so that it prevents access to or blocking emergency exits, emergency equipment, connection times in the passenger cabin or cockpit. Gods must not hide information signs in the passenger cabin unless used replacement signs or other approved method of information. If passengers are not entrained determines commander to what extent emergency exits, emergency equipment, connection times and signs in the passenger cabin can be blocked or hidden.

(4) Upon loading of cargo in passenger cabin the applicable maximum permissible load on floors, parcel shelf, etc. are not exceeded. The weight of cargo including cargo container placed in a passenger seat must not exceed 80 kg.

(5) For all equipment used for lashing of cargo, apply the requirements for breaking strength as specified in § 4, second paragraph.

(6) Goods which in itself or by its position in aircraft can pose a danger to those on board are not permitted transported in the passenger cabin.

(7) The goods must be container or other secure seal, or be covered with impregnated enclosure having at least the same resistance to fire as seat covers and other furnishings in the passenger compartment. The goods must be packaged so that it is odorless. Packaging for liquids shall be such that leakage is prevented.

(8) Mandate as provided in § 4, third paragraph, shall be applied form also exist for the transport of goods in passenger cabin.

(9) When starting and landing should all carry-on baggage, except lighter effects as coats, overcoats, women's purses, cameras be located:

as specified in subsection

in luggage or cargo, or

under passenger seats.

§ 6. Ballast
(1) Ballast shall, when there is no other approved method, consist of bags of suitable material filled with single, coarse gravel or materials of similar nature that does not damage the bag. The grain size should be 10 to 15 mm. By using fine-grained material, eg. sand, shall be used with close-fitting inner bag of plastic el

(2) Ballast Sack to be tightly closed and labeled with the actual weight. Bags to be placed in the passenger seat shall be provided with straps so that clamping straps can be threaded through these and locked to hold the bags in place.

(3) When placing the ballast in the passenger cabin, § 5, fourth paragraph accordingly.

§ 7. Transport of goods of special nature
(1) An operator who performs the transport of goods of special nature, are obliged to check that the load at all times be treated in accordance with the applicable regulations for such transportation.

(2) Live animals shall be transported in accordance with the provisions of the IATA Live Animals Regulations (IATA LAR), Edition 29.

(3) Firearms or other weapons not permitted resulted in the passenger cabin. The same applies to other objects or substances which are particularly suitable as means of violence or intimidation or inflicting person or vessel damage. Including are also imitations of weapons and other items mentioned. Exempted from the ban are the weapons carried by officers in the police or defense in the exercise of special guard and escort missions. The commander of the light aircraft may grant exemptions from the ban on lead firearms or objects. Permission to bear arms must be presented when so required.

(4) Weapons or items that are mentioned in the third paragraph shall be cleared at the latest at check-in. If you do not make regular check at an airport, should the trust be arranged with the commander before the person enters the staging area if necessary, if one is not appointed, before boarding.

Chapter III. Transport of dangerous goods

§ 8. Hazard classes
(1) Goods which are considered dangerous goods divided into the following risk classes:
Class 1: Explosives
Class 2: Gases
Class 3: Flammable liquids Class
4: flammable solids, pyrophoric substances, substances which develop flammable gases in contact with water
Class 5: Oxidizing substances; organic peroxides
Class 6: Toxic and infectious substances
Class 7: Radioactive materials
Class 8: Corrosive substances
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous goods.

(2) For dangerous goods under any circumstances is prohibited to transport by aircraft, the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, Doc. 9284-AN / 905, ICAO TI, Part I Chapter 2. Disposable gasstennere and detonators that can be prone to leakage under reduced pressure, is forbidden to transport.

§ 9. General rules for transport of dangerous goods
(1) Dangerous goods shall be transported in accordance with the provisions of the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, Doc. 9284-AN / 905, (hereinafter ICAO TI) with the supplements, additions and changes from time to time approved by the CAA.

(2) Civil Aviation Authority may in consultation with the Norwegian supervisory authority in the field concerned in individual cases or for specified species transports, grant exemptions from the requirements stipulated in the first paragraph. This may then be made on special terms.

§ 10. Requirements for packaging for dangerous goods
(1) Packaging for dangerous goods shall be manufactured, labeled and tested in compliance with UN requirements as set out in ICAO TI or be approved by the CAA or other authority approved body, before packaging is used.

(2) Before packaging be reused, the user shall ensure that the packaging still meets UN specification requirements in terms of condition and labeling.

§ 11. Requirements for transporter of dangerous goods
(1) The operator transporting dangerous goods must have the CAA permission. In assessing whether permission should be granted, the CAA emphasize:

Quality of training for personnel handling dangerous goods and

That established procedures and instructions, including emergency procedures for handling dangerous goods is documented.

(2) Permission to carry dangerous goods will not be given before the actual training of the personnel with regard to the handling of dangerous goods is carried out, ref. § 15.

§ 12. Senders duties
(1) Prior to submission of dangerous goods for air transport, the shipper shall decide whether it is prohibited to transport goods by air and ensure that the goods are properly classified, packaged and labeled.

(2) The sender must sign a statement ( "Shippers Declaration" in ICAO TI) confirming that the dangerous goods are fully and accurately described with the correct technical term, and that it is classified, packaged and labeled for transport by air .

(3) The sender's declaration of dangerous goods shall be in English. An operator can for domestic use prepare a shipper's declaration on Norwegian and seek CAA for approval document for use domestically.

(4) Shippers who regularly carries out dispatch of dangerous goods by air freight to have training as specified in § 15. This applies even if the sender uses the forwarder for submission of goods to the operator.

§ 13. The freight forwarder is obliged
(1) A customs on behalf of the shipper consigning dangerous goods for transport, shall evaluate whether the sender declaration is duly completed and signed in accordance with the provisions of ICAO TI. He should also see to it that the goods are labeled and packaged according to the same rules and shows no signs of damage or leakage.

(2) A freight forwarders consigning dangerous goods for transport, shall have training as specified in § 15 or equivalent education given by their own authorities or organizations.

§ 14. Proprietor responsibilities
(1) An operator who receives dangerous goods for transport are responsible for:

that checklist for approval of dangerous goods being completed. The list is filled in by the carrier or operator, and enter punctually order of execution of control functions by the acceptance of dangerous goods for transport,

that the sender has filed Shippers declaration,

to verify that the sender's declaration is issued in accordance with the provisions of ICAO TI,

that all dangerous goods are properly packed and labeled with appropriate danger label in accordance with the provisions of the ICAO TI. Such a danger label is put on the outer packaging of the goods, and indicate which class / secondary class goods are classified,

the goods before loading shows no signs of damage or leakage.

(2) An operator accepting the carriage of dangerous goods shall ensure that the commander before each assignment receives written notification transport (Notification to the Captain). The notification shall contain at least:

What kind of dangerous goods to be transported,

Amount by weight, volume or otherwise,

Where the aircraft cargo is loaded.

Message to the commander (NOTOC) can not be a copy of the transfer certificate, dangerous goods deklareringsdokument, invoice, etc

(3) In passenger transport duties an operator to inform passengers of any goods which are not allowed to incur on board the aircraft, either as hand baggage or luggage. At a minimum, such information:

With the ticket or other travel document,

By informational signs located at ticket counters, check-in counters, aircraft entrance and exit and in arrival halls where luggage is disclosed or

By signs at the sites freight submitted and accepted for transportation.

(4) The operator shall load dangerous goods in the manner set out in the provisions of the ICAO TI, including ensuring that dangerous goods of different classes that mutually react on each other are kept separate, and that dangerous goods be secured to prevent movement which can cause damage during flight.

(5) When an aviation accident, serious incident or emergency with an aircraft with dangerous goods on board, the operator as soon as possible inform the nearest ATS unit to the place where the accident occurred on the aircraft resulted in dangerous goods. The information should include the dangerous goods' technical designation, classification, secondary risk that required labeling, compatibility group Class 1, quantity and location on board the aircraft.

(6) By accident or an accident related to the transport of dangerous goods shall operator, commander, owner or operator of the aircraft shall notify the aeronautical authorities of the State where the accident occurred. It should also be reported undeclared and incorrectly declared dangerous goods discovered in cargo or passengers' baggage. The notification shall be in accordance with state requirements. The CAA shall also be informed of any incident that occurs with dangerous goods abroad.

(7) Dangerous goods in connection with the acceptance or loading is found damaged or shows signs of leakage, or undeclared charges. incorrectly declared dangerous goods discovered in cargo or passengers' baggage, shall not be accepted are brought on board and immediately removed by personnel trained for this.

(8) The operator shall:

establish instructions and emergency procedures for personnel handling dangerous goods. It should be clear what procedures to follow if the accidents with the dangerous goods occurs on the ground or in the air,

when assessing the procedures to be followed, taking into account whether the vessel involved only carries freight or combined freight and passengers,

relate to provisions set out in ICAO Doc. 9481-AN / 928 Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods, in terms of emergency procedures at accidents in the air with dangerous goods.

§ 15. Training and education in handling dangerous goods
(1) Training programs for handling, forwarding and transport of dangerous goods, including for education every two years, will be in compliance with ICAO TI Part 6 or IATA's Dangerous Goods Regulation section 1

(2) training program to be created by or on behalf of:

regular shippers of dangerous goods

forwarders dispensing dangerous goods



Persons or companies at airports that on an operator behalf of the receiving, loading, unloading, storage or other form of handling of cargo, including security check of passengers' hand luggage.

(3) Regular shippers, freight forwarders and other companies or persons who receive, accept, process and pass on dangerous cargo has the relevant training for this. The education must be approved by the respective regulatory authority.

(4) An operator shall ensure that the personnel who handle dangerous goods in connection with the acceptance, loading, unloading and the actual transport of the air has undergone training in relation to personnel category and responsibility. The training shall include emergency procedures in the air and on the ground.

(5) The operator shall maintain internal audit of its personnel who handle dangerous goods in connection with the acceptance, loading, unloading and the actual transport of the air, and ensure that these personnel at all times meets the training conditions as stated in ICAO -TEN.

(6) The operator's training and continuing education courses shall be specified by the operator's instruction works and be approved by the Civil Aviation Authority, which will also oversee operations.

(7) At the request of the Civil Aviation Authority, the operator shall be able to show:


program for continuing education,

list of personnel who have been trained in acceptance of dangerous goods.

Chapter IV. Final provisions

§ 16. Exemptions CAA may, on special grounds, grant exemptions from the provisions of this regulation.

§ 17. Commencement
(1) This regulation enters into force on 1 March 2003.

(2) From the same date, the Regulations of 15 May 1979 no. 23 on the transport of goods in aircraft.