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Regulations On The Design Of The Sea Plane Seats (Bsl E 3-4)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om utforming av sjøflyplasser (BSL E 3-4)

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Regulations on the design of the sea plane seats (BSL E 3-4).

Date of-2002-12-03-1383 Ministry Ministry of transportation published in 2002 booklet 17 (Comments, figure) entry into force 01.01.2003 last modified the Change FOR-1999-03-17-363 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1993-06-11-101-section 7-1, FOR-1999-12-10-1273 Announced 13.12.2002 short title regulations on design of seaplane place Chapter overview: the main part Attachment Guide to BSL E 3-4 set by the Aviation Administration 3. December 2002 pursuant to the Act of 11. June 1993 No. 101 about aviation (Aviation Act) section 7-1, jf. the delegation decision of 10. December 1999 Nr. 1273. Attachment 1 (illustrations) applies to that regulation.
(Provisions that are marked with * below the text has guided material in BSL E part 2.)

§ 1. Purpose the purpose of this regulation is to prevent and reduce the impact of aviation accident which can be attributed to the design of or equipment at sea plane space.

§ 2. Scope (1) these regulations apply to the design of and equipment on sea plane space to be approved for traffic by seaplane with allowed start mass up to 5700 kg or authorized with fewer than 10 passenger seats, jf. the Aviation Act § 7-11 and the regulations of 30. October 2001 No. 1231 on the requirements to technical/operating approval of airports, admitted in the BSL E 1-2.

(2) For airports to be approved for traffic by seaplane with allowed start mass of 5,700 kg or approved by 10 passenger seats or more, the CAA fix the requirements in each case.

§ 3. Additional requirements (1) if the seaplane to be used by space other aircraft than those covered by this regulation, cf. section 2 above, the CAA fix special additional requirements if necessary in the interests of flight safety.

(2) Special additional requirements can also be determined if the conditions of the particular art at sea plane space makes it necessary in the interests of flight safety.

(3) Special additional requirements to be disclosed in seaplane company's approval document.

§ 4. Definitions Dimensjonerende aircraft: The aircraft that require the longest path length and which runs through sea plane space regularly.
Nominal length: nominal length for a landing and the start area corresponds to dimensjonerende air ship start distance at the maximum allowed weight starting at sea level in standard atmosphere and no wind.
Taksekanal: a restricted area of the sea plane space created for use by taksende seaplane for the purpose to work as the connection between the different parts of the airport, including between the mooring facilities and aircraft platforms and landing and starting area.

§ 5. Requirements for landing and the start area (1) in General a) a sea plane space should have at least one landing and the start area.

b) Landing-and start site (s) should normally be placed, is oriented and designed so that landing and the start can be made against the prevalent wind direction.

c) Landing-and start the area's shape can be, cf. Annex 1:-approximate quadratic,-sektorformet,-rectangular (one or multiple sites with different orientation).

d) at the location of the landing and the start area (ne) should be taken into account especially required sea state and any conflicts with other traffic on the water.

(2) Dimensions a) A landing-and start the site's length to be determined from the path length that is required by dimensjonerende aircraft.

b) Landing-and start the area's length, L, to minimum be nominal length corrected for altitude and a fixed addition of minimum 60 m. to be the largest Correction of 0.025% per metres height above sea level or the as stated by flygehåndboken for dimensjonerende aircraft.

c) if landing and starting area are virtually square, jf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c first bar point, shortest side have dimension L, jf. Appendix 1.

d) if landing and starting area is sektorformet, jf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c other bar point, radius have dimension L and angle the opening should be a minimum of 150 degrees, jf. Appendix 1.

e) if landing and starting area is rectangular, jf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c third stroke point, it shall have a minimum length and width 100 L metres, jf. Appendix 1.

f) sea plane space to have commercial traffic with paying passengers, to have a landing and the start area with minimum length, L, of 1,000 metres.

g) sea plane space to have the base for flight school, is going to have a landing and the start area with minimum length, L, of 600 meters.

h) Landing and start the site should have water depth of at least 1.5 metres at the lowest water level.

section 6. Requirements for taksekanaler any claims to the taksekanaler is determined by the CAA in each individual case, and should be disclosed in the approval document.

§ 7. Requirements to the mooring facilities and aircraft parking, and more.
(1) the Fencing and more.

Mooring facilities and aircraft parking should be sufficiently secured against unauthorized use by necessary signage as well as about necessary security and/or fencing.

(2) position Mooring facilities and aircraft parking, including buoys, should be so placed that they are an obstacle for traffic to and from the landing and starting area.

(3) other requirements Any other requirements for mooring facilities, aircraft parking and more determined by the CAA in each individual case, and should be disclosed in the approval document.

§ 8. Requirements for the marking of the landing and starting area etc. Any requirements for the marking of the landing-and start the area's extent, taksekanaler and mooring facilities, aircraft parking and more determined by the Aviation Administration in consultation with the Norwegian coastal administration in each individual case, and should be disclosed in the approval document.

§ 9. Requirements for obstacle surfaces and the identification of obstacles (1) Obstacle surfaces For a sea plane space to it for each landing and start site determined a number of obstacle surfaces that consists of input and utflygingsflater and side surfaces as specified below.

(2) the input and utflygingsflater (cf. Appendix 1) a) By approximately the square landing-and starter site, cf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c first bar point, should it be determined four input and utflygingsflater each of which is limited by:-an inner edge of length corresponding landing-and the home site's page and that coincides with this.

-two side edges that diverges so that two adjacent in-and utflygingsflater.

-An outer edge parallel to the inner edge.

b) by sektorformet landing and start site, cf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c other bar point, it shall determine an entry and utflygingsflate that are limited by:-an inner edge that coincides with the circular arc that defines the landing-and start the area's sector limitation.

-two side edges along the extension of the radii that limits the landing and starting area.

-A boundary which is a circular arc between the extension of the radii that limits the landing and starting area, and who have a distance from the inner edge equal to the surface length.

c) by rectangular landing-and starter site, cf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c third stroke point, it shall for each landing and the home direction determined input and utflygingsflater each of which is limited by:-an inner edge of length corresponding landing-and start the area's width, and which coincides with the landing-and start the area's end limitation.

-two side edges that diverges 10% in relation to the landing-and start the area's centre line.

-An outer edge parallel to the inner edge.

d) If a site is used only for landing, it shall for each landing flat determine an utflygingsflate for the aborted landing. Utflygingsflate for the aborted landing to have limitations as a conventional utflygingsflate, but the location of the inner edge is determined in validation. If the inner edge does not coincide with the landing site's end limitation shall be established special procedure for cancelled permission to enter.

e) a input and utflygingsflate should have a slope in relation to the horizontal plane of 5%, and a length of at least 500 meters.

f) For the sea plane space to have the base for flight school or commercial traffic with paying passengers, to the input and utflygingsflaten have a length of a minimum of 1,600 meters.

(3) Side surfaces (cf. Annex 1) a) On each side of a landing site and it is determined to start a page surface. This does not apply when the landing-and start the area's shape is approximately square, jf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c first stroke point.

b) a flat landing page for and start rectangular area, cf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c third stroke point, is limited by:-an inner edge that coincides with the landing and departure area's length restriction.

-two side edges that coincide with the input and utflygingsflatenes page borders.

c) a flat landing page for sektorformet-and starter site, cf. section 5 first paragraph, LITRA c other point to limit the stroke, of the inner edge and the page borders as specified in Appendix 1.

d) a page should have a flat slope in relation to the horizontal plane of 33%, and a length so that it goes ready all prevent in the current direction.

(4) identification of obstacles a) within the landing and starting area to all fixed and moving objects are considered as obstacles.

b) terrain and objects (both fixed and moving) that imbue obstacle surfaces, to be considered as a hindrance.

§ 10. Requirements for removal and marking of the obstacle (1) the removal of the obstacle a) all fixed and movable block should basically be removed.

b) within the landing site and start all the fixed block is removed.

c) all fixed and movable obstacles that cannot be removed shall be subject to a risk analysis. By risk analysis should be considered the flight security risk the hurdles represent and what compensatory measures that need to be determined to ensure flight safety. Compensatory measures are determined by the CAA in connection with approval of the airport, and should be disclosed in the approval document.

Compensatory measures can be as the example, but are not limited to:-

The change of the hinderets height, mass and brake bar hot-restrictions on the aircraft that can use the space constraints on the amount of traffic-special in-and utflygingsprosedyrer-Special requirements for operators and vessel bosses that can use the space d) all fixed obstacles that cannot be removed, shall be made known, jf. § 12 fifth paragraph below, and optionally be marked, jf. § 10 the second paragraph below, and if applicable, highlighting, jf. section 11 below.

(2) the marking of the fixed block a) all fixed obstacles that cannot be removed, to be marked if not prevented have a design or color that makes it differs clearly from the environment and is clearly visible from the aircraft.

* b) Fixed obstacles that should be marked, to be marked with contrasting colors, eg. in red and white or orange and white.

c) Fixed obstacles that should be marked, to be marked in square pattern or Ribbon pattern or in some other appropriate manner. The squares ' and båndenes size to fit hinderets size.

* d) Fixed obstacles that should be marked and that is less than 1.5 m both horizontally and vertically, to be marked solid color red or orange.

section 11. Requirements for lighting Any requirements for lighting systems to be determined by the CAA in each individual case, and should be disclosed in the approval document.

§ 12. Requirements for airport data and announcement of such (1) in General a) seaplane the place's proprietor to produce, document and maintain the data on sea plane space as stated by different to the seventh paragraph.

b) seaplane the place's proprietor to do the data stated in the other to the seventh joint known for seaplane company's users, possibly through an announcement system.

c) seaplane the place's proprietor shall ensure that the airport data that is announced for the airport at any time are correct.

(2) the airport reference point a) of a sea plane space to it is determined a geographical reference point as close to the seaplane company's geometric center as possible.

b) Reference point position shall be made known in degrees and minutes.

(3) the airport's height a) seaplane company's elevation will be measured with accuracy 1 m.

b) seaplane company's height shall be made known in the whole foot.

(4) the airport's design a) The maps and drawings that are necessary for the announcement of the airport data should be worked out.

b) the following data shall be made known:-landing and starting areas: true and fair direction, length and width.

-Taksekanaler: Location and width.

-Mooring facilities and aircraft parking: location and other necessary information.

-Labelling (cf. section 8 above): design and location.

-lighting systems (cf. section 11 above): types, design and location.

(5) the obstacle a) all fixed objects that make up an obstacle, jf. § 9 the fourth paragraph above shall be made known. The announcement should contain the hinderets location (in degrees, minutes, seconds) and the greatest height (in feet), a description of the object as well as enter any marking and lighting.

b) All terrain that make up an obstacle shall be made known. The announcement shall contain a description of the hazard and set the hinderets extent. The announcement should also contain the position of the hinderets main highest points (in degrees, minutes, seconds), as well as the same point height in feet. In addition to the announcement include information on any marking and lighting.

(6) Path lengths a) For each landing and the home direction should the following be announced:-Available start distance (TORA)-Available landing distance (LDA).

(7) local restrictions and notices a) the following data be made known:-whether or not the sea plane space have CAA approval.

-seaplane company's scope and limitations in use.

-departure from the current requirements for the design and operation.

-other information of flight security importance.

section 13. The dispensation When particular reasons indicate that the CAA can give an exemption from the provisions of this regulation.
When an exemption is granted in connection with the approval of the airport, to both its dispensation and flight safety measures are recorded in compensating, the airport's approval document.

section 14. Recall the CAA can revoke the approval of the design of the sea plane space if the requirements of this regulation are not met, cf. aviation law section 7-11, third and fourth paragraph.

section 15. Entry into force this Regulation applies from 1. January 2003. From the same time repealed regulations of 17. March 1999 Nr. 363 about design of sea plane space to not public use (BSL E 3-7).

Attachment Guide to BSL E 3-4 Note to § 6: a width of 40-50 metres is normally sufficient to ensure the manoeuvrability requirements, the gusts etc. 
Note to section 7, third paragraph: If the sea plane space to have fuel plant, the regulations of 21. March 1975 No. 2 about the refueling of aircraft (BSL D 1-10). Other relevant provisions can be given by the Directorate for fire and electrical safety (DBE), the State's pollution Inspectorate (SFT), municipal authorities, etc. 
Note to § 10 the second paragraph letter a: For selecting temporary and movable block, will be shown to the regulations on the ground service on land (BSL E 4-1). 
Note to § 10 the second paragraph letter c: For further details appear to the regulation on reporting and registration of the aircraft to prevent (BSL E 2-3).