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Regulations On Nationality And Registration Mark Aircraft (Bsl A 1-8)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om nasjonalitets- og registreringsmerking av luftfartøy (BSL A 1-8)

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Regulations on nationality and registration mark aircraft (BSL A 1-8).

Date of-2002-11-23-1332 Ministry Ministry of transportation published in 2002 booklet 17 entry into force 01.01.2003 Recently changed-2007-05-23-540 from 01.07.2007 Change FOR-1978-01-28 apply to Norway Pursuant LAW-1993-06-11-101-section 3-16, LAW-1993-06-11-101-section 15-4, FOR-1999-12-10-1273 Announced 03.12.2002 short title regulations on the marking of the aircraft as determined by the legal authority civil aviation: 23. November 2002 under the legal authority of the law of 11. June 1993 No. 101 about aviation (Aviation Act) § 3-16 and section 15-4, cf. the delegation decision of 10. December 1999 Nr. 1273. changes: modified by regulations 6 feb 2004 Nr. 365, 23 May 2007 No. 540. § 1. Purposes (1) Forskriftens purpose is to establish a system for the identification of the aircraft.

(2) Regulation implementing annex 7 to the Convention of 7. December 1944 No. 1 on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).

§ 2. Scope this Regulation applies to the nationality and registration marking of civil aircraft, helicopters, gliders, ultralight aviation, gyroplan, blimps and balloons except meteorological pilot and radiosonde balloons of the conventional type and unmanned free balloons without download gadgets. Bound by the regulation is the owner or user of the mentioned aircraft.

§ 3. Nationality and registration is location (1) General provisions-Nationality and registration marks to be painted on the aircraft or attached in a way that ensures an equivalent level of durability. The marks shall at all times be kept clean and be well visible.

(2) aircraft lighter than air a) airship should be placed either on Marks the hull or fins. The marks on the hull should be set along each side of this, as well as on the top along the center line. The marks on the fins, to appear both on the horizontal and the vertical. The marks on the horizontal find will be on the right half of the top and on the left half of the base with the top of the letters against the finnens advance. The marks on the vertical figure will be on both sides of the bottom half of the fin with the letters horizontally.

b) Spherical balloons (except unmanned free balloons) Marks to be placed on the two diametrically opposite places by the balloon ascends largest horizontal circumference.

c) non-spherical balloons (except unmanned free balloons) Marks to be placed on each side near the largest cross section of the balloon either just above the taklingsgjorten or just above the cable fixings for the gondola.

d) aircraft lighter than air (except unmanned free balloons) Marks on the pages to be visible from both sides and from below.

e) Unmanned free balloons with load device Marks to be placed on the identification plate, see. section 7.

(3) aircraft heavier than air a) Wings to be placed once the marks on the underside of the left wing as long as they do not extend across the entire wing span. When the whole wing span is used should be placed on nationality selected right wing and the registration mark on the left wing, so that the whole can be read in the context front and from below. The marks should as far as possible be placed an equal distance from the rear edge of the wing and with the top of the letters or digits from the leading edge.

b) Hull and vertical tail to place the Marks can be found either on both sides of the body between the wings and tail fins or on the upper half of the vertical tail fins. It is simply a vertical caudal fin, should be put on both sides marks of this. There are several vertical tail can be found, they shall be placed on the outside of the outer fins. If the space on the fin does not extend to the rudder can be used.

c) special cases 1.
Have air vessel do not share that corresponds to the parts described in the letter a and b, so that the marks are loaded aircraft can easily be identified.

2. Helicopters should be placed on aircraft's impressive record Marks below the page and on both sides of the aircraft's impressive record hull or halebom. The marks on the bottom should either be placed across the hull with the top of the letters against the aircraft's impressive record front, or langsetter the hull with the top of the letters against the aircraft's impressive record the left side. The marks shall be placed in such a way that the helicopter can be identified during flight with under hanging load.

§ 4. Nationality and registration is size (1) in general the letters within each group, select should be the same height.

(2) aircraft lighter than air a) On aircraft lighter than air, except unmanned free balloons, shall be at least 50 marks cm high.

b) on unmanned free balloons that come under this regulation, cf. section 2, is size depending on the size of the disc identification, jf. section 7.

(3) aircraft heavier than air a) Wings to be Marks at least 50 cm high.

b) Hull and vertical tail should be at least find Marks 30 cm high. For gliders are they going to be as high as practicable, but need not exceed 30 cm.

c) special cases 1.
Have air vessel no parts that correspond to those mentioned in the letter a and b, shall be placed on the brands best possible way taking into account the air vessel's construction. The size of the marks shall be such that the aircraft can be easily identified.

2. Helicopters marks on the hull below the page to be as high as practicable, still no higher than 50 cm. Marks on the side of the hull or halebommen should be as high as practicable, but need not exceed 30 cm. The marks shall not under any circumstances be less than 10 cm.

§ 5. Cases (1) the letters should be uppercase Latin letters with no ornamentation. The curved lines can be replaced with a series of short, straight lines under the condition that this does not go beyond readability.

(2) the width of the letters M and W should be 3/4 of the letter height. The width of the other letters as well as hyphens except the letter in, should be 2/3 of the letter height.

(3) letters, and hyphens, to be drawn up in such a color that they draw up sharply against the background. The line width should be at least 1/6 of the letter height.

(4) the distance between the letter and the hyphen should be at least 1/4 of the width of a normal letter.

(5) the letters should stand on the right line and have the same height. On the fly with pilformede wings, can, however, be placed parallel to the wing marks the edge. The letters can pour when the plane's design makes this natural and the letters are shaped so that they are clear and can not be confused with the other letters.

(6) aircraft, and the like on the Decorations must not be placed so that it can be difficult to read the marks or that these can be misunderstood.

section 6. Identification plate Any aircraft to have an identification plate which at least indicates the vessel's nationality and registration mark. The disc should be of refractory material. It should be affixed in an easily visible location near the front door (or equivalent) or unmanned free balloon with load device, easily visible on this. Letters should be engraved or embossed in the disc.

section 7. Exemption the CAA can, when special reasons warrant, dispense from the provisions of this regulation.

section 8. Entry into force (1) this regulation takes effect 1. January 2003.

(2) from the same time repealed regulations of 28. January 1978 about nationality and registration mark aircraft (BSL B 1-4).