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The Regulation On Supplements To Frøavl And More In Gras, Eng Legumes, Root Crops And Vegetables

Original Language Title: Forskrift om tilskudd til frøavl m.m. i gras, engbelgvekster, rotvekster og grønnsaker

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The regulation on supplements to frøavl and more in gras, eng legumes, root crops and vegetables Date-2002-07-03-794 Ministry the Ministry of agriculture and food published in 2002 booklet 9 entry into force 03.07.2002 Recently changed-2014-09-03-1144 Change FOR-1997-04-23-414 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1995-05-12-23-section 18 Announced 18.07.2002 Directed 11.08.2003 (§ 4 para. 4.2 letter c) short title regulations on grants for frøavl etc.

Legal authority: set by the Ministry of agriculture (now the Ministry of agriculture and food) 3. July 2002 pursuant to the Act of 12. May 1995 No. 23 about the Earth (jordlova) § 18, and after consultation with the Norwegian and Norwegian Farmer and small user layer.
Changes: modified by regulations, June 20, 2003 Nr. 724, 9 jan 2004 Nr. 178, 26 sep 2008 Nr. 1047, 3 sep 2014 Nr. 1144. Corrections: 11.08.2003 (§ 4 para. 4.2 the letter c).

§ 1. Purposes Grants be given to promote the cultivation and seed supply of grasses, legumes, root crops and vegetables with climate adjusted to sort.

§ 2. General provisions the grants be given to: a. certified Norwegian frøavl of approved Norwegian sort of gras, root crops and vegetables. Frøavlen must be on the contract with approved såvareforretning.

b. Certified såvare of approved Norwegian sort of gras, eng legumes, root crops and vegetables that overlagres from one growing season to the next. The grant will be paid after the application to the approved såvareforretninger who is responsible for overlagringa.

§ 3. Enrollment and limiting the areas Såvareforretninger has the following deadlines for enrollment to the Agricultural Directorate of seeds areas such as be scheduled outlined of every sort:-Grasses and legumes-15. November the year before disbursements.

-Root Crops and vegetables-1. February in utleggs year.

Any suggestions about changing the grant rates, scope of restructuring and other measures with the effect on the total needs of the grant funds be presented simultaneously with the growers ' plans.
The scope of the tilskuddsberettiget seed cultivation shall be approved by the Agriculture Directorate.
Seed breeding contracts should be able to be terminated when the supply situation makes this necessary. It can be approved until two years of clover seed breeding for the same gjenlegg, and up to three years of grass seed breeding. For engkvein can it be approved until seven seeds breeding sow.
Såvareforretninger has the following deadlines for enrollment to the Agricultural Directorate of seeds to check areas such as:-Grass areas to be checked for land grants-1. September.

-Root growth areas to be checked for land grants-1. July.

§ 4. Grants the rates established by the Ministry of agriculture and food Ministry after consultation with Norwegian and Norwegian Farmer and small user team, after a frame provided under the agreement grant Agricultural.
The Ministry of agriculture and food can change the rates in accordance with the current price development. 
4.1. Price grants rates for price grants ($ per kg) (base/certified seeds) 10.00 Bladfaks Beach tubes 10.00 10.00 20.00 Rødsvingel sheep's Fescue Eng rap Engkvein krypkvein 25.00 20.00, Onion Organic 5.00 300.00 stikkløk photos from Northern Timothy sort bred in Trøndelag 7.50 Price subsidy should only be given for item that fills the requirements for qualitatively certification. This means that payments may occur when the first item is cleaned, sprout and purity researched, and approved. 
4.2. Land grants a. Eng rapp, bladfaks, rødsvingel and beach tubes-gjenlegg It can be given a land grant by acres in return put the wounded for eng rap at $ 700, rødsvingel at $ 500, sheep's Fescue at $ 700, $ 500 bladfaks, beach tubes at $ 400, $ 500 krypkvein and organic engsvingel at $ 300. Land grants can be paid out to gjenlegg with and without cover growth. Land grants can be disbursed when the return difference is satisfactory, with regard to the innvintring plant ingredients and content and growing weeds when rules are followed (cf. Appendix A5 in the regulation on såvare).
The following factors are essential for a gjenlegg to be able to be termed as satisfactory: 1) For gjenlegg with deck growth must be the straw removed.

2) plant number per area unit may be relatively low, but the plants must be evenly distributed.

3) incidence of difficult bekjempbare weeds species and species that are difficult to clean from såvaren, must not be greater than that avleren can keep ugraset under control with the help of weeding or chemical means.

b. turned off first-year frøavl by The meadow organic can be given a land grant by acres of $ 400 to all species, when organic frøeng will be turned instead to be harvested in the first engår to reduce the incidence of ugrasplanter.

c. White clover and tetraploide sort of red clover-harvesting Of white clover and tetraploide sort of red clover is given an area grants of $ 500.0-per acres in høsteåret. The grant will be paid out on the basis of the approved area, growth control, and the subsidy is limited to only the first høsteår.

d. Guarantee amount for brytsukkerert Aslaug and Red clover By frøavl of brytsukkerert red clover Aslaug and be given a guarantee amount of $ 10,000, respectively, and $ 100 per acres. The prerequisite for the payment of the guarantee amount is that the breeding is considered as satisfactory performed by 1. one-time growth control. By completely failed seed crop paid security amount, and if the seed crop utbringer a smaller amount than the amount of the guarantee, the difference will be paid as grants.

e. Root Crops For fields that are taken out for wintering or by failed seed crop, have avleren requirements on land grants according to the following rules:-The surface area which after inspection to be taken out. bad wintering, are entitled to half a land grants. This is also true about avleren at their own expense will let the area lie to the seed harvest.

-the area where the cult be completed on contracts, are entitled to full land grants, even if the field does not make seed which meets the quality requirements applicable to certification according to. Regulation on såvare. The same is true if the seeds meet forskriftens quality standards, but såvareforretningene puts the higher quality requirements and thus do not purchase seed.

-If the harvest of cleaner, approved seed from an area utbringer a smaller amount than the mounted land grants, the difference will be paid as grants.

-Area that is not being approved at the last inspection of the causes that avleren is without fault in, is likewise entitled to fully land grants.

Ordinary land grants is at $ 500.0-per acres. 
4.3 additions to the overlagring of seeds of grasses, eng legumes, root crops and vegetables Grants are given on the basis of the inventory of overlagret item per 30. September. Grants are given to approved såvareforretninger as per 30. September has a total inventory of seed of all the species covered by the scheme, on a minimum of 10 tons. The grant is calculated and paid for the part of the on-hand inventory as per 30. September exceeds a minimum of 15% of the average annual sales to the consumer and retailer of seeds of the Norwegian sort, frøavlet in Norway or on contract abroad. Sales to other authorized såvareforretning are not counted.
For Timothy minimum inventory is set to 10 tons.
For seeds that are on the inventory by 30. September gis Company for Norway's Well and Agrokonsult AS a storage supplement that covers the actual capital costs for developed tasks for production and sales. For SNV right to apply storage supplement 2003/2004 t.o.m. såvareåret (count date september 30, 2003). For Agrokonsult AS this applies to the grant scheme in the warehouse of rotvekst and vegetable seeds. The requirement of minimum inventory of 10 tonnes does not apply to SNV and Agrokonsult AS.
For the payment of grants to the overlagring of certified seeds at the approved såvareforretningene, the following maximum grant rates: Art Maximum grant rate us $/kg Timothy 3.60 Engsvingel 3.80 Dog gras 3.70 Eng rap 5.50 5.70 Rødsvingel Engkvein 4.10 Bladfaks 4.30 4.30 Krypkvein Beach tubes 5.10 Luserne red clover Alsike 7.10 8.00 8.00 White Clover Forskriftens 8.00 other grants takes precedence over overlagringstilskuddet for certified seed.
Assuming that the available appropriation covering the payout, the maximum rates for the overlagring of certified seed is used. If the permission is not large enough, the maximum rates will be reduced as a percentage the same for each species to the payoff match the awarded grant.

§ 5. Payout is paid through Grants approved såvareforretningene. Application for a grant shall be certified by a chartered or registered auditor. 
5.1 Price grants For payment of price grants send business task to the Agricultural Directorate of breeds (name and address), black, lot number, volume approved item and calculated price grants on the basis of the settlement of avlere.
The Agriculture Directorate task checks and disburse directed amount. 
5.2 Area grants For payment of land grants send business task to the Agricultural Directorate of avlere, land, seeds and the estimated amount the volume guarantee.
The Agriculture Directorate control, make tilskuddsberettiget, prescribes land calculates grants and pays out directed amount. 
5.3 Storage Products For the payment of the storage supplement sends application to the Directorate of agriculture business. On the application to be inflicted on the information about the lot number and the number of kg overlagret item of each party. It should furthermore be given information about the volume sold to the consumer and retailer every year in the last 5-year period, cf. section 4.3, as well as a statement of intended normal stock for each species. Copy of the analysis evidence of each party could is required.
The Agriculture Directorate determines the application and pays the directed amount.

section 6. Refund it is paid out for a lot of supplements, this is required to be repaid. Grants can be claimed a refund in whole or in part, if it turns out that the conditions of the grant are not met.

When a claim for a refund set forth, the collectible for common law rules, or requirement may be offset against the other supplements which the grant recipient is entitled to. The delay may be required interest rates of the amount to be repaid.

section 7. Control Agricultural Directorate has the authority that this regulation is met.
Those who are applying for the grants, is committed to providing the necessary information and to accept the control measures that will be decided. This also applies to the Auditor General the right to privacy.

section 8. The Agriculture Directorate waive an exemption can the provisions of this regulation when particular reasons warrant. not go beyond an exemption must be the purpose of the grant scheme or the current rates.

§ 9. Complaints Resolution after these regulations may be appealed to the Ministry of agriculture after the law of 10. February 1967 on administrative matters concerning chapter VI.
Appeal deadline is three weeks from the time of notification of the decision is reached.

§ 10. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force immediately. At the same time repealed regulations of 23. April 1997 No. 414 for grants to frøavl and more in gras, eng legumes, root crops and vegetables.