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Regulations Concerning The Use Of Airports (Bsl D 1-2)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om bruk av flyplasser (BSL D 1-2)

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Regulations concerning the use of airports (BSL D 1-2).

Date FOR-2001-12-17-1488

Affairs Ministry

Published in 2001 Booklet 16

Commencement 01.03.2002


FOR 1987-12-09



LOV-1993-06-11-101-§9-1, FOR-1999-12-10-1273


Short Title
Regulations concerning the use of airports (BSL D 1-2)

Adopted by the CAA on 17 December 2001 pursuant to the Law of 11 June 1993 no. 101 of the Aviation (Aviation Act) § 9-1, ref. Delegated Decision of 10 December 1999 no. 1273.
Changes : Amended by regulation 28 October 2014 No.. 1361.


Regulations are intended to prevent aviation accidents happen in connection with the use of airports.


With the exception of section. 5 below concerning the use of airport on Norwegian territory, apply these regulations to all civil aviation within Norwegian territory and with Norwegian aircraft outside Norwegian territory when this is consistent with foreign law.
With the exception of Section. 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5 apply to regulations still not civil aviation is regulated by Regulation (EC). 965/2012 as implemented by Regulation 7 August 2013 no. 956 on Air Operations.


In these regulations:


Any area of ​​land or water where aircraft make start, landing or taxiing.

Airport for public use

An airport that is open to the enjoyment of the public.

Airfield for public use

An airport that is not open to the enjoyment of the public.

The airport proprietor

Holders of airports for public use are promulgated in AIP Norway.
Holder Airfield for public use will be the landowner or person who has received permission from the Civil Aviation Authority to build, operate or possess Airfield for general use.


It announced period where an airport for public use are open to public use.


Commander shall not use airport unless he is satisfied that the dimensions, obstacle freedom, wind conditions, air density and surface finish (ground's smoothness and hardness, snow / ice conditions, sea state), and the squares equipment and aids are allowing the use of the airport can take place sound manner, taking into account the aircraft's performance and features.

Use of Airfield for public use shall be agreed in advance (in general or for each flight) with the airport owner or the person authorized. The same applies to the use of airport for public use outside office hours.

Use airport which is not specifically adapted for starting, landing and taxiing of aircraft should in commercial aviation not take place unless the commander has received authorization from their flight operations manager.

Use airport which is not specifically adapted for starting, landing and taxiing of aircraft, where the approach and departure must occur at low altitude near the area where a larger people accumulation is expected to be and should not take place without police permission. Such areas may include beaches, tent camps, campgrounds and areas where organized sports meetings or other public events.

Start and landing (or alternative flight) should not be performed under the bridge span, power lines or the like.

Requirements for air traffic services in connection with the use of airports

Using the airport where there are provided air traffic control service or AFIS, shall be held listening watch on the appropriate frequency and position messages are sent blindly. With the current frequency means the frequency airport Holder has provided and may be published in the AIP or other publications.

Air Route Traffic with landplane should only use the airport when providing air traffic control service or AFIS.

Air Route Traffic by seaplane or helicopter should only use the airport when providing air traffic control service or AFIS or other service approved by the Authority.

Other commercial air traffic than air route traffic with landplane highest MTOM 5700 kg or over or who have been approved for more than 10 passenger seats must only use the airport when providing air traffic control service or AFIS or other service approved by the Authority.


Other aviation other than those referred to in Section. 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 above shall be, when the aircraft is in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), only use the airport when providing air traffic control service or AFIS or other service approved by the Authority. An aircraft is in IFR conditions, considered to use the airport from the date the aircraft entering an instrument approach to the airport.

Unless provided air traffic control service, AFIS or other service approved by the Authority, however, start made in daylight provided that the visibility on the ground is at least 600 m and the start can be performed safely when taking into account any other traffic in the air or on the ground and the obstacles in the takeoff direction.

Claims for instrument approach procedure and lighting systems in connection with the use of airports

Air Route Traffic with landplane be whatever weather and light conditions only use airport with instrument approach procedure and lighting system approved by the Authority.

All aviation under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) shall only use airports with instrument approach procedure and, in the period between sunset and sunrise, lighting systems approved by the Authority.

All aviation under VFR conditions (VMC) shall in darkness only use airport that has sufficient lighting for the takeoff and landing can be carried out in a satisfactory manner.


CAA may, on special grounds, grant exemptions from the provisions of this regulation.


Individual decisions by the CAA pursuant to these regulations may be appealed to the Ministry of Transport in accordance with Public Administration.
The complaint is sent via the CAA.


By violation of these regulations come penal provisions for the Aviation Act Section 14 applies.


This Regulation applies from 1 March 2002.
From the same date, the Regulations on the use of airports, issued by the Civil Aviation Administration 9. December 1987.