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The Regulation On Insurance Companies ' Reporting Of Exposures Against Group Companies And Associated Companies

Original Language Title: Forskrift om forsikringsselskapers rapportering av eksponeringer mot konsernselskaper og tilknyttede selskaper

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The regulation on insurance companies ' reporting of exposures against group companies and associated companies-Date 2001-10-22-1709 Ministry Ministry of finance published in the 2004 booklet 13 effective date last modified 22.10.2001 FOR-2009-12-18-1726 from 21.12.2009 Change applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1956-12-07-1-§ 4 Announced 22.10.2004 short title regulations on insurance companies ' Reporting Authority: set by the financial supervisory authority (now the financial audit) 22. October 2001 under the legal authority of the Act 7. December 1956 No. 1 about the supervision of financial institutions, etc. (financial supervision) section 4.
EEA EEA referrals: annex IX Nr. 12 c (Directive 98/78/EEA).
Changes: modified by regulation 18 des 2009 Nr. 1726. § 1. Scope this Regulation applies to the insurance companies that have permission to drive business here in the Kingdom after the insurance business law section 2-1. Financial audit can when particular reasons, except an insurance company from the reporting obligation laid down in this regulation.

§ 2. Reporting insurance company duties each year to fill out the reporting form set out by the financial audit. The reported financial statements should be for the end of the year. The padding shall be made in accordance with the Guide to the completion of the reporting form.
Financial audit can in particular cases determine different reporting frequency than is set out here.

§ 3. The deadline for submitting the reporting form should be sent Financial audit after the end of each accounting period. The submission deadline for the companies is the end of February the following year.

§ 4. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force immediately.