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Regulations On Energy Labeling. Of New Passenger Cars

Original Language Title: Forskrift om energimerking mv. av nye personbiler

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Regulations on energy labeling. of new passenger cars

Date FOR 2001-07-11-829

Affairs Ministry

Published in 2001 Booklet 9

Commencement 07/11/2001


FOR 2012-10-10-963 from 01.01.2013




LOV-1981-12-18-90-§3, LOV-1981-12-18-90-section 6, LOV-1981-12-18-90-§7, LAW-1981-12-18- 90 §8, LOV-1981-12-18-90-§10, TO-2011-01-28-101, TO-2011-02-14-749


Short Title
Regulation on energy labeling. of new passenger cars

Adopted by Roads on 11 July 2001 pursuant to Law 18 December 1981 no. 90 concerning the labeling of consumer goods etc. § 3, § 6, first paragraph, § 7, fourth paragraph, § 8 and § 10; see. Delegated Decision 28 January 2011 No.. 101, ref. delegated decision 14 February 2011 No.. 749.
EEA information: EEA Annex XX Sec. III. 21ac (Directive 1999/94 / EC as amended by Directive 2003 / 73 / EC).
Changes: Amended by regulations November 5th, 2004 No.. 1442, 5 July 2011 no. 760, October 10, 2012 No.. 963.

§ 1. Scope mm regulations include consumer information on fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions in connection with the marketing of new passenger cars.
With promotional literature understood in these regulations all printed matter used for marketing, advertising and promotional activities for vehicles to the general public. This includes as a minimum technical manuals, brochures, advertisements in newspapers, magazines and trade press and posters.
With new passenger cars as used in this Regulation vehicles that are adapted to be used for the carriage of a maximum of 9 persons including the driver (M1), and who have not previously been registered in Norway or abroad.
With outlet in this regulation means any place where cars are exhibited or offered for sale or lease. Fairs where cars shown in public are covered by this definition.

§ 2. Retailers and manufacturers' obligations Every exhibitor new passenger cars at a retail location shall before exhibition put an energy label in accordance with § 3 clearly displayed on or near each vehicle. New cars must not be provided with other labels, symbols or inscriptions than in § 3 above energy label if these may seem deceptive or misleading.
Anyone exhibiting cars at a point of sale shall gratuitously provide access to it in § 6 mentioned overview of fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions to consumers who request it.
Anyone who sets out new cars at a point of sale shall readily visible place put up a poster or display for each make of car in accordance with § 4.
manufacturer or his representative shall make the necessary information available to the dealer so that it can perform its duties in accordance with these regulations.

§ 3. Energy label Energy label with information about new passenger cars' fuel consumption etc. shall contain information and designed as specified in these regulations, cf. art. 3 of Directive 1999/94 / EC, as amended by Directive 2003/73 / EC. The label must have size 297 mm x 210 mm (A4 format) and must be placed standing. The label must contain the following information under each other and in that order:

Reference to the model and fuel type of the passenger car label attached to and which EEC type-approved person cars' specification of the model, type and / or variant should match those specified in the type approval,

The numerical value for the specific CO₂ emissions rounded to the nearest whole number in grams per. kilometer (g / km), the numerical value for fuel consumption in liters per. 100 kilometers (1/100 km) with a decimal and

Lyrics "An overview of fuel economy and CO₂ emissions with data about all new passenger cars propelled available on (New Car Selector). Access to the outline obtained for free on all outlets. "And" A vehicle's fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions is determined not only by its energy efficiency, but also by driving style and other non-technical factors. CO₂ is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. "

Fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions determined in accordance with Directive 80/1268 / EEC, cf. Regulation of 4 October 1994 no. 918 on technical requirements and approval of vehicles, parts and equipment (Vehicle Regulations) § 49-1.

§ 4. Poster / electronic screen A poster or a display with information about new passenger cars' fuel consumption etc. shall contain information and be designed as specified in these regulations, cf. art. 5 of Directive 1999/94 / EC, as amended by Directive 2003/73 / EC.
The poster or display shall have a minimum size of 70 cm x 50 cm. When the information is displayed on an electronic screen should display at least 25 cm x 32 cm (17 '').

The poster or display shall include at least:

A grouping of passenger car models where noted separately by fuel type. Within each fuel type arranged models after rising CO₂ emissions with the model with the lowest fuel consumption at the top,

An indication of the numerical value for fuel consumption and the specific CO₂ emissions as indicated in § 3, and

Lyrics "An overview of fuel economy and CO₂ emissions with data about all new passenger cars propelled available on (New Car Selector). Access to the outline obtained for free on all outlets. "And" A kjøretøysdrivstofforbruk and CO₂ emissions is determined not only by its energy efficiency, but also by driving style and other non-technical factors. CO₂ is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. "

Poster or displays shall be updated at least every six months. When using an electronic screen, the information shall be updated at least once every three months.
Poster / display may completely and permanently replaced by an electronic screen. In this case the electronic screen positioned so that it at least attracts consumers' attention to the same extent as it would otherwise have been the case using poster or display.

§ 5. Promotional documentation Promotional documentation used in marketing new cars must contain information on fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions of the models and variants documentation concerns. The information must be easy to read and understand, and should be at least as visible as other information in the documentation.
The information on official fuel consumption must be presented for all models covered by the documentation. If the documentation includes more than a model, it is possible to specify either the official fuel consumption or the area between the model has the poorest and whoever has the best fuel economy. The official fuel consumption is expressed in liters per. 100 kilometers (1/100 km) with one decimal.
If the promotional documentation only deals with a brand and not a specific model, it is not required to adduce information on fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions.

§ 6. Overview of fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions NPRA shall prepare and maintain keeps running an overview of fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions for new passenger cars, cf. Art. 4 of Directive 1999/94 / EC, as amended by Directive 2003/73 / EC. The overview is made available to consumers on (New Car Selector). Consumers will upon request be granted free access to the list of outlets and the Public Roads Administration.
Section must at least contain:

A list of all new passenger car models offered for sale in Norway each year, broken down by manufacturer in alphabetical order. If the mentor be updated more than once a year, it shall contain a list of all new passenger car models available on the date when the updated list is published,

The numerical value for fuel consumption and the specific CO₂ emissions in accordance with § 3,

A list of the ten most fuel-efficient new passenger cars in order of increasing specific CO₂ emissions for each fuel type. The list shall specify the model, the numerical value for fuel consumption and the specific CO₂ emissions,

Afford motorists that correct use and regular maintenance and driving behavior, such as avoiding aggressive driving, lowering the move earlier braking, correct tire pressure, reduced idling and not to cause excessive heavy load improves fuel consumption and decreases the car's CO₂ emissions,

An explanation of greenhouse emissions the effect, the possible climate change and motor vehicles role in this, as well as information on the different fuel options that are at the consumer's disposal, and their environmental impact based on the latest scientific findings and legal character

A referral to the EEA area's goals for average CO₂ emissions from new passenger cars and the date when the target to be reached, and

A referral to the European Commission's internet listing of fuel economy and CO₂ emissions, when this is available.

§ 7 Supervision The Regional Road Office oversees that every exhibitor new passenger cars at a sales outlet meets the provisions on environmental labeling and environmental information as reasonably determined in § 2 and in the provisions on promotional literature in § 5. Regional Road Office may also supervise the manufacturer and importer of new passenger cars to see if they meet the provisions on promotional literature in § 5.

The sales outlet is obliged to provide the Regional Road Office access to the premises, furnish documents and assist as otherwise required to carry out inspections.

§ 8. Statutory rectification and fines Regional Road Office may impose a correction within a given deadline if supervision shows that outlet or manufacturer / importer violates the provisions on environmental labeling and environmental information in § 2 and § 5
If rectification is not undertaken within the given deadline, the regional Road Office impose a penalty. Coercive determined as a fine running from the time a given time limit for correction has been exceeded and the correction is made. The final decision on payment of fines are enforceable by execution, see. Enforcement Act § 7-2. Coercive fines recovered by the Regional Road Office.
Roads appealed the decision on rectification within a given deadline and fines hit by the Regional Road Office.

§ 9. Violation charge If someone on behalf of the outlet willfully or negligently violates the provisions on energy labeling as set out in § 2, first paragraph, the Regional Road Office may impose outlet a fine of $ 3,000, -. The fee may be imposed on the spot.
Is not the fee paid within three weeks after imposition, increased it by fifty percent. Administrative fines goes to the state.
Final decision on administrative penalties are enforceable by execution, see. Enforcement Act § 7-2.
Appeal of imposed fee must be submitted within three weeks from the date when the fee was imposed. In calculating the deadline applies Administration Act § 29 fourth paragraph and § 30. The court appealed, but the complaint be submitted to the Regional Road Office. The complaint shall state the reasons the appeal is based on potential evidence. Otherwise the Public Administration Act § 32. Appeals against imposed fee does not prevent the increase in the second paragraph.
Handling of complaints prepared by the Regional Road Office. Fees or increase the fee may be waived by the Regional Road Office. Application for waiver may be lodged with, or independent of, the complaint to the district court. In connection with the complaint to the district court, the question of waiver of fees assessed. Regional Road Office may also suspend imposed fees if complaint preparation for district court shows that the fee is illegal imposed. For deciding applications for waiver applies Administration Act. Decisions concerning waiver may still not be appealed.
The Regional Road Office sends the complaint to the district court at the place where the outlet has its business address. At the District Court hearing of the case summoned the complainant to the hearing at the service of the subpoena. Appeals can still be decided without hearing is held if the court finds this unobjectionable. There is no need to summon the complainant to hearing where only adjudged ruling. If the complainant or witnesses summoned to the hearing, shall also regional roads department notified.
Court may obtain the evidence as it deems appropriate. It can provide regional roads department orders and petition proceedings undertaken by other dishes. During a court hearing for consideration of the complaint any person to attend and give evidence as a witness in court and submit documents for the rules applicable to the trial in criminal cases at the District Court. The minutes are made pursuant to the provisions for trial.
If it fails complainant without the enlightened or probable that he has valid absence, the appeal may be decided on the basis of the other information.
Is it petitioned refresher for overstepping complaint deadline, the district court in the treatment of the petition at the same time decide the case itself. Otherwise the Criminal Procedure Act, including the provisions of Sec. 30 on costs to the extent applicable. The provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act Sec. 9 of the public defender does not apply. Promulgating the complaints can be made by a police officer.

§ 10. Transitional provisions Energy labels referred to in § 3, the poster / electronic display as mentioned in § 4 and promotional literature referred to in § 5 and which are not in accordance with the requirements may be used until six months after this Regulation came into force .

§ 11. Entry into force These regulations enter into force immediately.