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Regulations Concerning The Composition Of And Election To The Deaf Church Bodies, And The Forms Of Their Business

Original Language Title: Forskrift om regler om sammensetning av og valg til de døvekirkelige organer, og om formene for deres virksomhet

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Regulations concerning the composition of and election to the deaf church bodies, and the forms of their business.

Date FOR 2001-02-16-195

Ministry of Culture Ministry

Published in 2001 Booklet 2

Commencement 01.03.2001





FOR-1999-11-19-1632, TO-1998-04-17-338-§10, LOV-1996-06-07-31-§2, LAW-1814-05-17-§16 | ||

Short Title
Regulations on deaf church bodies

Established by the National Council on 16 February 2001 pursuant to Delegated Decision of 19 November 1999 no. 1632 under the Regulations of 17 April 1998 no. 338 about arrangement for the deaf congregations and deaf priest service § 10.
In the rules refer to the law about the Norwegian Church of 7 June 1996 no. 31 (Cl), regulation of 17 april 1998 no. 338 about arrangement for the deaf congregations and deaf priest service (fskr) and rules on the forms of the ward council and ecclesiastical joint Council business (P) established by the Synod november 15, 1996. 1453.

§ 1. Membership and voting rights of the deaf congregation members of the Norwegian Church who are deaf, severely hard of hearing, deaf-blind, deafened and their families and networks and others connected with the deaf ecclesiastical work, the members of the deaf church the parish to by sign up and register for a membership list maintained by Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council. Deaf parish decides in cases of doubt whether a person fulfills the conditions for registration. In special cases, members who are residents of one deaf congregation seek Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council to be registered in another deaf congregation if one believes himself to have affinity to this. Decisions under this section may be appealed to the bishop.
Members of the deaf congregation whose church vote and residing in geographic proximity to ward deaf church or the place where the congregation gathered, have to vote in elections of Deaf ward. Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council decides in case of doubt, what is regarded as geographical proximity. The decision can be appealed to the bishop.
Members of the deaf congregation whose church vote, to vote in church attend the deaf congregation competent parish to, cf. § 4.

§ 2. Composition and election of Deaf ward provisions of church law § 6 and rules issued by the Synod 1996 on the election of parish councils, apply insofar as appropriate.
Selecting ward happens in person in the deaf church (on election site) and implemented by a scheme approved by the Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council. Deaf, severely hard of hearing, deaf-blind and deafened to be in the majority in the ward council.

§ 3. The forms for ward council business provisions in church law § 8 and rules issued by the Synod 1996 on forms of ward council business, apply insofar as appropriate.
Council may in consultation with the parish council appoint congregation choice for areas that are not parish naturally to a deaf church, cf. Fskr. § 9 penultimate paragraph. Council approves composition, rules for the appointment / election, which exercises such ward committees shall have, what areas they should cover etc., Ref. P. § 8

§ 4. The forms of church congress business provisions in church law § 10 and rules issued by the Synod 1996 on forms of church congress business, apply insofar as appropriate. Voting in the church meeting may take place by mail in cases where the ward council so decides.

§ 5. Election of Deaf Kirkenes Joint joint meeting last year elections to take place, shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five play members. Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council convene a meeting and appoint the secretary of the committee.
Every parish proposes three ward members from their deaf congregation as candidates to public council within a time limit which common council decides. The committee sets up a priority list of candidates distributed on deaf congregations. The list shall also contain proposals for three candidates among the joint meeting's members coming from church committees. Candidates shall be listed with name, address, occupation and age and charges. Other information. The committee attempts to provide general guidelines that both sexes must be represented by no less than 40% and that the list also should include candidates under 30 years.
It can forward the candidates at the general session. The joint select one of the proposed ward candidates representative and one deputy from each deaf congregation to Deaf Church Joint Council for two years, as well as a representative and an alternate from the joint meeting's members coming from church committees ref. Fskr. § 8
It held special elections for member and alternate. The candidate who received the most votes is elected. In case of tie the outcome is determined by lot.

Scheme for selecting representative and deputy from among the employees in deaf congregations to common council, ref. Fskr. § 8, determined by Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council.
The newly elected communal council comes into action as soon as possible after the election has taken place.

§ 6. The forms for common council business provisions in church law § 13 and rules issued by the Synod 1996 on forms of ecclesial communal council business, apply insofar as appropriate.
Council constitutes itself as soon as possible after it is selected. The meeting is called by the manager, ref. P. § 1.
Council submits an annual report to the Synod about a deaf church work.

§ 7. Election of Deaf Kirkenes meeting A representative elected by and among the state employees in deaf church that is not a member of the parish council, and a representative elected by and among the other employees in deaf congregations to the general session cf. Fskr. § 7, after a scheme established by the Deaf Kirkenes Joint Council.
After detailed rules laid down by the common council, appoints the individual church selection among its members up to three representatives to the Deaf Kirkenes meeting, ref. Fskr. § 7.

§ 8. Forms for joint congress activities Council sends the notice and agenda to the members at least three weeks before the meeting. Case documents should as far as possible follow the summons. Council prepares the matters to be considered by the joint meeting.
The joint select conductor cabinets, and protocol committee to sign the minutes.
Detailed rules on joint meeting's rules of procedure is determined by the general session.

§ 9. Entry into force This regulation enters into force on 1 March 2001.