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Regulations On The Regulation Of Fishing For Cod, Haddock And Saithe North Of 62 ° N In 2016

Original Language Title: Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter torsk, hyse og sei nord for 62° N i 2016

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Regulations on the regulation of fishing for cod, haddock and saithe north of 62 ° N in 2016

Date FOR-2015-12-15-1676

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 2015 Booklet 15

Commencement 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016





LOV-2008-06-06-37-§11, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§12 LOV-2008-06-06-37-§14, LAW-2008-06-06- 37-§16 LOV-2008-06-06-37-§27, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§36, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§37, LAW-2008-06- 06-37-L-39, LOV-2008-06-06-37-section 59, LOV-1999-03-26-15-§12 LOV-1999-03-26-15-§20, LAW-1999- 03-26-15-L-21, TO-2000-02-11-99

23.12.2015 kl. 15.30

Short Title
Regulations on regulation of cod mm, 62 ° N, 2016

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1. Fish Prohibition and quotas (§§ 1-6)
Chapter 2. Fishing with trawl (§§ 7-11)
Chapter 3. Fishing with tongue (§§ 12-13) || | Chapter 4. conventional fishing vessels (§§ 14-16)
Chapter 5. Fishing with conventional gear with vessels of less than 500 m³ cargo volume in closed group (§§ 17-21)
Chapter 6. Fishing with conventional sale of vessels in the open group (§§ 22-26)
Chapter 7. General Provisions, etc. (§§ 27-35)
Chapter 8. Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force (§§ 36-38)
Appendix 1. Coastal cod Regulation - area restrictions
Appendix 2. Protection of coastal cod 2016

Adopted by the Ministry of Fisheries Ministry on 15 December 2015 pursuant to the Act on 6 June 2008 no. 37 on the management of wild living marine resources (Marine Resources Act) § 11, § 12, § 14, § 16, § 27, § 36, § 37, § 39 and § 59 and Act of 26 March 1999 No.. 15 on the right to participate in fishing and hunting (participation Act) § 12, § 20 and § 21; see. delegated decision on 11 February 2000 no. 99.
Changes: Amended by regulations 22 Dec 2015 No.. 1834, January 25, 2016 no. 64, March 11, 2016 no. 255, March 18, 2016 no. 294, april 1, 2016 no. 346, april 8, 2016 No.. 357, april 15, 2016 No.. 386, april 21, 2016 No.. 411, april 27, 2016 No.. 434, June 10, 2016 no. 618, June 17, 2016 no. 715, 19 August 2016 No.. 995, 1 September 2016 No.. 1031 .

Chapter 1. Fish Prohibition and quotas

§ 1. General prohibition It is prohibited for Norwegian vessels to fish and land cod, haddock and saithe north of 62 ° N in 2016.

§ 2. Total Quota Notwithstanding the prohibition in § 1 may Norwegian vessels entitled to participate, fishing and land up:

417 518 tonnes of cod in the area north of 62 ° N,

122,394 tons of haddock in the area north of 62 ° N, and

123 950 tonnes of saithe in Norwegian territorial waters and economic zone north of 62 ° N.

By quantities in subsection deposited 707 tons of cod, 373 tonnes of haddock and 250 tonnes of saithe to research and education allowances, 7000 tons of cod, 300 tons of haddock and 2000 tonnes of saithe to cover catches within youth fishing scheme and recreational fishing (recreational and fishing tourism), 3 000 tonnes to monitoring of coastal fisheries committee for Finnmark (inshore fishing quota), 350 tonnes of saithe agnformål and 4 000 tonnes to cover quota bonus on live storage.
All quantities in the regulations specified in live weight.

§ 3. Group Quotas for trawler vessel that has trawling license can fish and land up to 132,928 tons of cod, 46,254 tonnes of haddock and 44 900 tonnes sei, of which 500 tons of pollack allocated to cover bycatch in industrial trawl fisheries.
The quantities in subsection distributed as follows:

Vessels with cod trawling permit can fish and land up to 132,178 tons of cod, 45,504 tonnes of haddock and 35 920 tonnes of pollack and

Vessels seitråltillatelse can fish and land up to 8480 tonnes of saithe. Vessels with seitråltillatelse can also fishing and land up to 750 tonnes of cod and 750 tonnes of haddock bycatch.

§ 4. Group Quota for notfartøy Notfartøy can fish and land up to 30 337 tonnes of saithe.

§ 5. Group Quotas for vessels fishing with conventional gear Vessels authorized to fish with conventional gear can fish and land up to 269,883 tons of cod, 75,467 tonnes of haddock and 46 113 tonnes sei.
The quantities in subsection distributed as follows:

Conventional fishing vessels can fish and land up to 34,572 tons of cod and 13,584 tons haddock and 5072 tonnes of pollock, of which 500 tons of pollack allocated to bycatch.

Vessels in closed group fishing for cod, haddock and saithe for vessels that have less than 500 m³ cargo volume that fish with conventional gear, fishing and land up to 209,662 tons of cod, of which 17,200 tons are deposited an addition of vessels that land all catches fresh (fresh fish scheme) and 55,846 tons haddock, of which 6 000 tonnes allocated to bycatch, and 34,585 tonnes of saithe.

Vessels in open group can fish and land 25,649 tonnes of cod, 6037 tonnes of haddock and 6456 tonnes of saithe. Of the group quota of cod for open group allocated 2,100 tonnes of fresh fish scheme.

Beyond provisions for fresh-fish and bycatch arrangement referred to in subsection b distributed quantities of cod, haddock and saithe in groups as follows:

Vessels with hjemmelslengde under 11 meters can fish and land up to 53 216 tonnes of cod, 14,056 tonnes of haddock and 9788 tonnes of saithe.

Vessels with hjemmelslengde from 11 meters and with 14.99 meters can fish and land up to 51 118 tonnes of cod, 12,960 tonnes of haddock and 8992 tonnes of saithe.

Vessels with hjemmelslengde as of 15 meters and with 20.99 meters can fish and land up to 52 812 tonnes of cod, 14,705 tonnes of haddock and 8957 tonnes of saithe.

Vessels with hjemmelslengde as of 21 meters and with less than 500 m³ cargo volume can fish and land up to 35 316 tonnes of cod, 8125 tonnes of haddock and 6848 tonnes of saithe.

§ 6. Quota flexibility for cod, haddock and saithe new year at group level By overfishing in 2015, the Directorate of Fisheries charge group quotas of cod and haddock with a similar quantity in 2016.
By the fishing in 2015, the Directorate of Fisheries credit group quotas of cod and haddock up to 10% in 2016.
by overfishing in 2016 Directorate of Fisheries may charge group quotas of cod, haddock and saithe with a similar quantity in 2017.
by the fishing in 2016 Directorate of Fisheries may credit the group quotas of cod, haddock and saithe with up to 10% in 2017.
If it remains more than 10% of an aircraft group residual quota, the excess quota redistributed to the other vessel groups within the same kvoteår.
Group quotas specified in the regulation is not adjusted for any overfishing or under fishing.

Chapter 2. Fishing with trawl

§ 7. Vessel Quotas in fisheries for cod and haddock Vessels with cod trawling permit and quota factor 1.00 can fish and land a vessel quota of 1,514 tonnes of cod and a vessel quota of 578 tonnes of haddock.
Directorate of Fisheries may grant permission for quota that would otherwise be allocated trawler under this section, instead fished with vessels fishing with conventional gear according to guidelines set by the Ministry.

§ 8. Vessel quotas in fishing for pollock for vessels with cod trawling permit Vessels with cod trawling permit can fish and land following vessel quotas of saithe:

Trawl Group
vessel quota


Fresh / round freezer trawlers

Factory Trawlers

Directorate of Fisheries may grant permission for quota that would otherwise be allocated trawler under this section, instead fished with vessels fishing with conventional gear according to guidelines set by the Ministry.

§ 9. Vessel quotas in fishing for pollock for vessels with seitråltillatelse Vessels with seitråltillatelse fishing and land the following vessel quotas of saithe:

Quota Factor
vessel quota





Fisheries deciding factor for each vessel with seitråltillatelse. In making its decision the vessel size according to brand registry pr. 1 January 1998 shall apply.
When replacing or extension to larger vessels after 1 January 1998, the replacement vessel quota calculated by replacing the vessel's length before said cutting date.

§ 10. Bycatch for vessels with seitråltillatelse Vessels with seitråltillatelse can have up to 15% bycatch of cod and haddock calculated in round weight of catch on board at all times and in the catch landed. In the period from 1 January to 31 May 2016, it is allowed to have up to 30% bycatch of cod and haddock calculated in round weight of catch on board at all times and in the catch landed.

§ 11. Bycatch for vessels with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawling license Vessels with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawl permit maximum fishing 130 tonnes of pollock bycatch.

Chapter 3. Fishing with tongue

§ 12. Maximum Quotas Vessels eligible to participate in the closed group may fish and land the following quantities sei tongue:

Hjemmelslengde Factor
Guaranteed quota

Under 15

15 to 20.99

21 to 22.99

23 to 25.99

26 meters and over

Old fishing permit

Vessels eligible to participate in the open group can fish and land corresponding quota as pilot in closed group with hjemmelslengde under 15 meters.
Vessels with access to fish pollock tongue can also go fishing old fishing quota with conventional tools. Utility flexibility under the first sentence does not apply to vessels in open coastal group who fish pollock under subsection.

§ 13. Calculation of allowance for replacement and rebuilding of vessels When replacing or extension to larger vessels by 28 April 1999, the replacement vessel quota calculated by replacing the vessel's length before said cutting date. In deciding added time of introduction to mark the register basis.
The timing of the issuance of identity documents or Certificates issued by NMD central equated with the time of introduction to mark register.
When replacing or converting to smaller vessels by 18 December 2002, the quota shall be calculated by replacement vessel hjemmelslengde.

Chapter 4. Conventional fishing vessel

§ 14. Quotas Conventional fishing vessels with quota factor 1.0 can fish and land a vessel quota of 373 tonnes of cod.
Conventional fishing vessels with quota factor 1.0 can fish and land a vessel quota of 159 tonnes of haddock.
Conventional fishing vessels permitted to engage in fishing for saithe with nets, and whose quota factor 1.0 can fish and land a maksimalkvote of 350 tonnes of saithe.

§ 15. Bycatch Conventional fishing vessels that do not meet the conditions for participating in the direct fishery for pollock nets, can when fishing for other species have up to 50% bycatch of pollock in each catch and in the catch landed in the time it direct fishing with conventional gear is open.
When the direct fishery for saithe with conventional tools is stopped, or when the individual vessel has fished his maksimalkvote, conventional fishing vessels have up to 25% bycatch of pollock in each catch and in the catch landed.
It is not permitted to fish catch of cod or haddock out of vessel quotas.

§ 16. Calculation of allowance for replacement and rebuilding of vessels of 28 meters in length and over By extension or replacement for longer vessels or over 28 meters in length by 9 December 1994, the replacement vessel quota in the cod fishery are calculated by replacement vessel length aforementioned cutting date.
By extension or replacement of vessels under 28 meters in overall length for vessels at or over 28 meters in overall length during the period from 9 December 1994 until 18 December 1998, the replacement vessel quota in cod fishery was calculated by replacement vessel length.

Chapter 5. Fishing with conventional gear with vessels of less than 500 m³ cargo volume in closed group

§ 17. Fishing for cod quota unit after hjemmelslengde and overall length are as follows:

Legal authorization

Overall length

Quota Unit
(guaranteed quota)

Under 11 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

11 to 14.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

15 to 20.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

21 to 27.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

Vessels with access to participate can fish the following quantities of cod (tonnes):

Legal authorization

Quota Factor
Guaranteed quota

Under 7 meters

7 to 7.9

8 to 8.9

9 to 9.9

10 to 10.9

11 to 11.9

12 to 12.9

13 -13.9

14 -14.9

15 to 15.9

16 to 16.9

17 -17.9

18 to 18.9

19 to 19.9

20 to 20.9

21 to 21.9

22 to 22.9

23 to 23.9

24 to 24.9

25 to 25.9

26 to 26.9

27 to 27.9

It is not permitted to have a bycatch of cod in excess of the quotas set.
When a vessel is allowed to fish several quotas of cod in pursuance of structural arrangement, the transferred quotas calculated using the same quota unit when calculating the receiving vessel due allowance.

§ 18. Ferskfisk scheme From 2 May 2016, vessels which land all catches fresh in addition to the quota in § 17 fishing and land up to 20% cod rain of total catches in the period Monday. 0:00 until Sunday. 23.59. The supplement is increased to 30% as of June 27, 2016. The charge increased to 40% from 22 August 2016.
It is a condition that cod catch landed as round or gutted cod, and registered with corresponding product condition and preserving manner landing and sales notes.
Vessels that have cod quota again should only quota charged for the proportion of cod exceeding the charge under subsection on a weekly basis. If the vessel does not have cod quota again, confiscated this percentage or value of it.

Additional as described in the first paragraph may not be granted for catches allowance charged according to § 32 seventh paragraph on live storage of cod.

§ 19. Fishing for haddock quota unit after hjemmelslengde and overall length are as follows:

Legal authorization

Overall length
Quota Unit (guaranteed quota)
Quota Unit (maksimalkvote)

Under 11 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

11 to 14.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

15 to 20.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

21 to 27.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

Vessels with access to participate can fish these quantities haddock (tonnes):

Legal authorization

Quota Factor
Guaranteed quota
Maksimalkvote's length under 11 m
Maksimalkvote overall length of 11 m

Under 7 meters
Unlimited Unlimited

7 to 7.9
Unlimited Unlimited

8 to 8.9
Unlimited Unlimited

9 to 9.9
Unlimited Unlimited

10 to 10.9
Unlimited Unlimited

11 to 11.9
598.3 306.4

12 to 12.9
709.5 363.4

13 to 13.9
860.7 440.8

14 to 14.9
980.3 502.1

15 to 20.9

21 to 27.9

It is not permitted to have a bycatch of haddock exceeding established quotas.
If fishing is stopped, it can be certain vessels continue fishing within the guaranteed quotas. Vessels that fished maximum quota, can have up to 30% bycatch of haddock in each catch and landing.
When a vessel is allowed to fish several quotas of haddock in accordance with structural arrangement, the transferred quotas calculated using the same quota unit when calculating the receiving vessel due allowance.

§ 20. Fishing for saithe quota unit after hjemmelslengde and overall length are as follows:

Legal authorization

Overall length
Quota Unit (guaranteed quota)
Quota Unit (maksimalkvote)

Under 11 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

11 to 14.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

15 to 20.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

21 to 27.9 m
Under 11 m

Over 11 m

Vessels with access to participate can fish these quantities sei (tonnes):

Legal authorization

Quota Factor
Guaranteed quota
Maksimalkvote's length under 11 meters
Maksimalkvote overall length of 11 meters

Under 7 meters

7 to 7.9

8 to 8.9
215.9 111.4

9 to 9.9
267.1 137.9

10 to 10.9
285.1 147.2

11 to 11.9

12 to 12.9

13 to 13.9

14 to 14.9

15 to 15.9

16 to 16.9

17 to 17.9

18 to 18.9

19 to 19.9

20 to 20.9

21 to 21.9

22 to 22.9

23 to 23.9

24 to 24.9

25 to 25.9

26 to 26.9

27 to 27.9

If fishing is stopped, it can be certain vessels continue fishing within the guaranteed quotas. Vessels under 11 meters hjemmelslengde that fished maximum quota and vessels over 11 meters hjemmelslengde that fished the guaranteed quota, can have up to 20% bycatch of pollock in each catch and landing. The right to have a bycatch does not apply to vessels fishing coalfish with tongue and whose quota in accordance with § 12. For such vessels shall pollock when fishing with conventional gear charged old fishing quota.
When a vessel is allowed to fish several quotas of saithe in pursuance of structural arrangement, the transferred quotas calculated using the same quota unit when calculating the receiving vessel due allowance.

§ 21. Calculation of allowance for replacement and rebuilding of vessels less than 500 m³ load capacity By extension or replacement for longer vessels after 21 December 1998 for vessels that had access to participate in closed group (Group I) in 2002 shall substitute the vessel's quota in the cod fishery are calculated by replacing the vessel's length before said cutting date. For other vessels in closed group is cut-off date 1 November 2002. By decision added the time of introduction to mark the register basis.

By extension or replacement for longer vessels after 1 November 2002, the replacement vessel quota fishing for haddock and saithe calculated by replacement vessel length aforementioned cutting date. In deciding added time of introduction to mark the register basis.
Directorate of Fisheries' regional office may grant exemptions from the requirement that the replacement or extension must be registered with the Register within cut-off date if the lack of registration is caused by the government's hand. Fisheries is the appeals body.
The timing of the issuance of identity documents or Certificates issued by NMD central equated with the time of introduction to mark register.
When replacing or converting to smaller vessels after 31 December 2001 the quota for cod fishery was calculated by replacement vessel length. For fishing for saithe and haddock cut-off date 1 November 2002.

Chapter 6. Fishing with conventional gear with vessels in open group

§ 22. Fishing for cod Vessels eligible to participate in the cod fishery in the open group can fish the following quantities of cod (tonnes):

Overall length
Guaranteed quota

Under 8 m

8 to 9.99 m

10 m and over

It is not permitted to have a bycatch of cod exceeding established quotas.

§ 23. Inshore fishing quota When a message is sent, Ref. Subsection, owners of brand registered vessels in open group residing in Finnmark, Northern Troms and other municipalities in Troms and Nordland, and covered by the geographical scope the Sami Parliament applicant based subsidy under subsection in addition to the quota in § 22, fishing a quota supplement of 26 tonnes of cod, of which 16 tons of cod are guaranteed quantity.
The geographical scope covers the following municipalities or parts of municipalities:
Alta, Berlevåg, Båtsfjord, Gamvik, Hammerfest, Hasvik, Karasjok, Kautokeino, Kvalsund, Lebesby, flea, Måsøy, Nesseby, Nordkapp, Porsanger, Sør-Varanger, Tana, Vadsø and Vardø.
Karlsøy, Kåfjord, Nordreisa, Kvænangen, Lyngen, Skjervøy, Storfjord, Balsfjord, Accurate, Salangen, Gratangen, Lavangen and Skånland. For brand registered vessels in Tromsø municipality must own the vessels be resident in one of the circuits Jovik, Olderbakken, Lakselvbukt, Lakselv valley Sjøvassbotn, Stordal, Sjursnes, Reiervik, Breivika or Ullsfjordmoane.
Narvik, Hamarøy, Tysfjord and Evenes.
Before starting fishing on additional quota turn, must submit a written notice to the Directorate with all necessary information on organization, municipality, start date, vessel, registration number and owner's name and home address. Subject to notification shall be made by fax at no. 55 23 80 90, at the following e-mail: or by letter: PO Box 185 Sentrum, 5804 Bergen.
It is not permitted to have a bycatch of cod exceeding established quotas.

§ 24. Ferskfisk scheme From 2 May 2016, vessels which land all catches fresh in addition to the quota in § 22 fishing and land up to 20% cod rain of total catches in the period Monday. 0:00 until Sunday. 23.59. The supplement is increased to 40% from 22 August 2016.
It is a condition that cod catch landed as round or gutted cod, and registered with corresponding product condition and preserving way to landing a contract note.
Vessels that have cod quota again should only quota charged for the proportion of cod exceeding the charge under subsection on a weekly basis. If the vessel does not have cod quota again, confiscated this percentage or value of it.
Additional as described in the first paragraph may not be granted for catches allowance charged according to § 32 seventh paragraph on live storage of cod.

§ 25. Fishing for haddock Vessels eligible to participate in fishing for haddock in the open group, fishing haddock without quota restrictions, and has the following guaranteed quota haddock (tonnes):

Vessel Length
Guaranteed quota

Under 8 m

8 to 9.9 m

Over 10 m

§ 26. Fishing for saithe Vessels eligible to participate in the open group, can fish pollock without quota restrictions. Each vessel has a guaranteed quota of 5 tons.
If fishing is stopped, it can be certain vessels continue fishing within the guaranteed quotas. Vessels that fished the guaranteed quota may at fishing for other species have up to 20% bycatch of pollock in each catch and landing.

Chapter 7. General Provisions, etc.

§ 27. heaters with multiple activities Vessels that are authorized to conduct trawling for cod and haddock and who runs such fishing in combination with conventional vehicle can not fish more than its quota for that size group unless the vessel is allocated more quota pursuant of § 7

§ 28. Quota Utilization Each vessel can only fish and land one quota of the individual species within the regulatory year. If the vessel has started fishing on a quota, it can not start fishing on another quota of the same species during the adjustment year. Notwithstanding this, each vessel fishing and land quota exchanged or assigned pursuant to the provisions on special quota arrangements. The provision of first and second sentence shall not apply to fishing for pollock for vessels during the year has been awarded both cod trawling permit and seitråltillatelse.
If vessel owner replacing their vessels, deduction shall be made in the quota allocated to the acquired vessel for the quantity vessel owner has fished and landed within regulatory year with the vessel replaced. Notwithstanding the first paragraph, vessels own fish with the acquired vessel even if the previous owner has fished and landed with the same vessel within the regulatory year, but it should then be deducted from the quota of the volume seller of the replacement vessel has been fishing and land in regulation year with the vessel. Subsections applies equally to the replacement of vessels in the open group. As can be deducted both the first and second sentences, shall the quantity is greater deducted.
When purchasing the vessel for continued operation can new vessel owner notwithstanding subsection fishing with the acquired vessel even if the previous owner has fished and landed with the same vessel within the regulatory year, but deducting the quota for the seller of the vessel fished and landed with this vessel during the adjustment year. The same applies to the purchase of vessels to participate in an open group.
When allocating fishing licenses to replace similar fish permission given from another vessel deduction shall be made in the quota for the quantity within regulation year is fished in accordance with the license given by the other vessel. The vessel assigned to a fishing license may, notwithstanding subsection fishing on the assigned fishing license, but deducting the quota of the quantity the vessel has fished during the regulatory year. As can be deducted both the first and second sentences, shall the quantity is greater deducted.
If it is made replacement or sales for continuing operations several times during adjustment year, or both replacement and sales for continuing operations, shall where appropriate allowance for this by deduction in the quota for second to fourth paragraphs. The same applies if a fish permission assigned to substitute for similar fishing license given from another vessel, and the given permission earlier this regulation year is allocated to compensation for fishing licenses given from another vessel. The same also applies to the extent appropriate, if during the regulatory year is conducted both replacement or sales for continuing operations, and granting of fishing licenses to substitute for similar permission.
Exceptions may be made from the provisions of the first paragraph, second sentence and third paragraph if the vessel has participated in closed group of individual fisheries and has not changed hands in the past two years. Exceptions may be made from the provision in the fourth paragraph if fishing permit as stated has been assigned the same vessel continuously for the past two years.
Directorate of Fisheries' regional office may grant exemptions from the first paragraph, second sentence and third paragraph to vessels acquired to replace vessels that due to breakdown or loss has significant downtime. It is essential that the conditions for use of chartered vessels are otherwise met.

§ 29. Transfer of Catch The quantity which can be fished by the individual vessel can not be transferred to another vessel. It is also forbidden to receive and land catches fished by another vessel.
When a sales organization, pursuant to the Act of 21 June 2013 No.. 75 for first hand sales of wild living marine resources (fish Sal tier Act) § 14, ref. § 13, has initiated compulsory catch conducting in an old fishing fished, the sales team authorize the transfer of catch between vessels which are registered and participating in the fishery. Sales teams keep their own list of granted permits. The overview is made available to the Directorate of Fisheries.
When a sales organization, pursuant FISKESALG Act § 13, has introduced regulations for the sake of decreasing, the sales team authorize the transfer of excess catch on the field between vessels in closed group over 21 meters in overall length that fish with seines. It is not allowed to transfer catches taken on board. Sales teams keep their own list of permits granted, and shall continuously inform the FMC in Fisheries.

§ 30. joint fishing operations Notwithstanding the prohibitions of § 28 and § 29, two vessels with hjemmelslengde under 11 meters under the following conditions conducting joint fishing operations:

Fisheries must have received written notice of joint fishing operations prior to fishing. At enrollment, all necessary information on participating vessels, registration number, organization and owners stated. It must also be notified when joint fishing operations cease. Mandatory messages to be sent by fax no. 55 23 82 76 or email

vessels have the same right to participate in closed group fishing for cod, haddock and saithe north of 62 ° N.

By joint fishing operations with different owners, both owners must have had an opportunity to take part in fishing with a vessel in 2014 or 2015 and the country following minimum quantity of cod in one of the years:

Minimum Capture for one of the years 2014 or 2015

Under 7 meters
4 tons

7 to 7.9 meters
5 tons

8 to 8.9 meters
6 tons

9 to 9.9 meters
7 tons

10 to 10.9 meters
8 tons

By joint fishing operations with its own vessel, the owner must have had an opportunity to take part in fishing with two vessels in 2014 or 2015 and land a minimum quantity of cod in the table above with two vessels in one of the years.
Directorate of Fisheries' regional office may grant exemptions from the requirements for activity.

Vessel Owner must be on board during fishing and sign landing or sales note. When vessels have different owners, both vessel owners stand on board during fishing and both vessels owners must sign landing or sales note. It should be filled out a slip of paper for each of the vessels with an indication of which vessel has exercised fishing and which vessel in samfiskelaget to quota charged. Within each vessel's quota determines vessel owners how much of the catch of cod, haddock and saithe shall be conducted on each vessel in samfiskelaget.

The passive vessel in samfiskelaget can not engage in fishing or land its catch in the time the vessels are registered joint fishing operations.

Vessels may only participate in one samfiskelag during regulation year.

When the active vessel in samfiskelaget has an overall length of 11 meters, also the passive vessel quota reduced overregulation as if it is over 11 meters. Reduced overregulation of the passive vessel quota applies from the start of joint fishing operations and the adjustment year. This also applies after the joint fishing operations are completed.

§ 31. Measures to protect coastal cod is prohibited for vessels at or above 15 meters in length fishing for cod with conventional gear within inlet lines specified in the annex to the regulation.
All fishing with seine is prohibited within inlet lines, also for species other than cod, haddock and saithe. Vessels with an overall length less than 11 meters can still fishing for flounder and hake from 1 June to 31 December. When fishing for flounder should mesh size in codend be at least 170 mm.
It is prohibited for vessels over 21 meters in length fishing cod with conventional gear inside the base line north of 62 ° N. From 1 January to 30 June, it is still allowed to fish in the inlet lines of the statistics area 03 and 04. From 1 January to 24 April, it is allowed to fish in the inlet lines of statistical area 00 and 05. From 1 January to 10 April, it is allowed to fish in the inlet lines in statistics area 06 and 07. it is further allowed to fish in the inlet lines of the Lofoten fishery inspection district during the period and in the areas Lofoten Fishery Inspectorate is set.
The special protected area at Henningsvaer, as specified in Annex to the Regulation, is closed from January 1 to June 30 for vessels with an overall length of 11 meters. Fisheries can adjust the site's extent, if this is necessary to protect coastal cod outside the border. Fisheries may grant exemptions from the prohibition for vessels over 11 meters fishing with other conventional machinery than seines if deemed to be sufficiently large concentrations of cod in the area. Fisheries may decide that such an exemption should only apply to vessels with an overall length less than 15 meters. The area's external borders inlet lines throughout the year.
Directorate of Fisheries may limit or prohibit all fishing, also for species other than cod, haddock and saithe, in an area within the stretch Henningsvær-Stamsund if this is necessary to protect coastal cod. Such prohibition shall not preclude fishing with handlines or rod. Fisheries may further restrict or prohibit fishing for cod in the inlet line at Valberg Field at Henningsvær by dominant occurrences of coastal cod. Furthermore, the Directorate of Fisheries in the same area allow fishing also for vessels greater than 15 meters if there are large concentrations of cod.

From 1 March to 31 May, all fishing is prohibited in an area Borgundfjorden specified in the annex to the regulation, also for species other than cod, haddock and saithe. The ban does not apply to fishing with handlines or rod. Fisheries may grant exemptions from the prohibition for vessels fishing with other conventional gear than seines if deemed to be significant concentrations of cod in the area.
From 1 March to 31 May it is also prohibited to fish with post set nets in an area east of a line drawn between the following positions (Heissafjorden)

N 62 28.18 'E 06 05.42' Tunes

N 62 28.16 'E 06 03.91' Erkneflua

N 62 26.21 'E 06 03.35' Eltraneset.

It is permitted with post set nets when height stretched mesh in nets and poles total is less than 23 meters.
Vessels fishing for species other than cod within inlet lines with conventional gear, may in this area have a maximum of 5% bycatch of cod in weight in each catch and landing. Vessels under 15 meters can have up to 20% bycatch of cod. Vessels are prohibited from fishing cod with conventional gear inside the baseline, can when fishing for other species in the area between the baseline and inlet lines have a maximum of 20% bycatch of cod in weight in each catch and landing unless otherwise specified. All catches of cod settled vessel quota, or the prevailing fresh fish scheme, cf. § 18 and § 24

§ 32. Capture-based cod fishery with conventional tools - quota regulation and duties of an escape before the vessel begins fishing for cod shall be kept alive on board, shall be submitted in writing registration to the Directorate of Fisheries' regional office in the region the vessel is domiciled.
Upon landing without reacting simultaneously will be landing declaration mandatory. Quantity charged quota normally, unless the exceptions in the sixth or seventh paragraph applies.
Live fish should be tended at least once every day. By escapes shall fisherman immediately notify the Directorate of Fisheries' regional and competent sales organization written notification. Reference to the landing declaration, assumed cause and extent shall be specified.
By primary sale shall contract note required. Quantity charged allowance if there is no written landing declaration for fish before.
If the former is written landing declaration for fish, the quantity contract note represent quota load in the following cases:

When the discrepancy between the quantities on the landing declaration and sales note is not greater than that provided by natural seasonal variations in fish condition, and / or

When the discrepancy is due to escape, which is a result of an event beyond the control fisherman or anyone acting on his behalf. The quantity contract note applies only if the fisherman substantiates the cause, extent and that the incident is outside the fisherman's control or anyone acting on his behalf.

Final quota load shall be 50% of the quantity contract note for cod that has been or will be implemented in temporary storage cages. It is a condition of minimum one week storage cage to get triggered 50% quota load. It is a condition that quota type "bonus quota by live storage 'is set on landing and sales notes.
Competent sales organization reaches decisions by fifth and sixth paragraphs.

§ 33. Quota Factors Fisheries sets quotas on the basis of the individual vessel quota factors.

§ 34. Bycatch for coastal vessels that can participate in fishing Brand Registered coastal vessels that do not have access to participate in open and closed group, when fishing for other species up to 10% by-catch total of cod, haddock and saithe by landing. Overall catches of cod may not exceed 2 tonnes during the calendar year.

§ 35. Authorisation Directorate of Fisheries may close the fishery when the TAC, group quotas or the quotas allocated for fresh fish scheme and bonus scheme is intended caught.
Directorate of Fisheries may amend the Regulations and specific regulations that are necessary to achieve a rational and appropriate for conducting or completing fishing.

Chapter 8. Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force

§ 36. Violation charges undertakings and who willfully or negligently violates provisions made in or pursuant to these regulations, subject to administrative fines under the Marine Resources Act § 59 and Regulation of 20 December 2011 No.. 1437 on the use of coercive and penal charge for violations the Marine Resources Act.

§ 37. Penalties who willfully or negligently violates provisions made in or pursuant to regulations shall be punished in accordance with the Marine Resources Act § 60, § 61, § 62, § 64 and § 65. The same penalty complicity and attempts.

§ 38. Entry into force This regulation enters into force on 1 January 2016 and is valid until 31 December 2016.

Appendix 1. Coastal cod Regulation - area restrictions

To read Annex 1 see here:

Appendix 2. Protection of coastal cod 2016

To read appendix 2 see here: