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Temporary Regulation On Approval, Etc. Of Border Control Stations, Complete With Control Centres Are Subject To The Food Authority's Authority

Original Language Title: Midlertidig forskrift om godkjenning mv. av grensekontrollstasjoner med tilhørende kontrollsentra underlagt Mattilsynets myndighet

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Temporary regulation on approval, etc. of border control stations, complete with control centres are subject to the Food Authority's authority.

Date of-2001-01-03-5 Ministry industry and Fisheries Ministry published in 2001 clips 1 entry into force 03.01.2001 last edited FOR-2004-01-09-43 Changes apply to Norway Pursuant law-2003-12-19-124-section 33, law-2003-12-19-124-section 36, FOR-2003-12-19-1790 Announced 31.01.2001 short title Midl. forskr. If the ACK has been received. of border control station Chapter overview: in (sections 1-4) established by the Ministry of Fisheries II 3. January 2001 under the legal authority of the law of 19. December 2003 No. 124 on food production and food safety, etc. (matloven) section 33 the first paragraph, cf.. section 36 the second paragraph, cf.. the delegation decision of 19. December 2003 No. 1790. Cf. EEA Agreement attachment in chap. In (Directive 97/78/EC). Changed 9 jan 2004 Nr. 43 (including the title and the legal authority).

In section 1. Scope this Regulation applies to border control stations, complete with control centres are subject to the Food Authority's authority, cf. the regulation of 18. October 1999 No. 1163 on the supervision and control on import and transit etc. of animal food products and products of animal origin, etc. from third countries.

§ 2. Norwegian food safety authority approval decision on approval of the hit new control centres under the existing border control stations if the requirements at any given time be set are met.
For new border control stations and control centres under these working out Norwegian food safety authority, on the basis of the control, list of the border control stations, complete with control centres proposed approved. This list is sent to the EFTA surveillance authority.
On the basis of the Food Authority's proposal, the EFTA Surveillance Authority carries out inspection of the new border control stations and control centres under these.
The EFTA surveillance authority decision on approval if hit the prior inspection dictates this.

§ 3. Withdrawal of approval If serious reasons warrant it should pull back the FSA approval.
Norwegian food safety authority reports the EFTA Surveillance Authority on the withdrawal of the approval.
Border control station or the control center can only gjenoppføres on the list after the procedure in section 2.

§ 4. Appeal Decisions taken by the EFTA Surveillance Authority under section 2, fourth paragraph, of the EFTA Court innklages, jf. the agreement between the EFTA States on the establishment of a surveillance authority and a Court of law (ODA-agreement) art. 36. II this regulation will take effect immediately.