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Regulations On Practical Training (Internship) To Obtain Certification As A Prosthetist And Chiropractor

Original Language Title: Forskrift om praktisk tjeneste (turnustjeneste) for å få autorisasjon som ortopediingeniør og kiropraktor

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Regulations on practical training (internship) to obtain certification as a prosthetist and chiropractor

Date FOR-2000-12-21-1382

Ministry of Health and Care Services

Published In 2000 3097

Commencement 01.01.2001


FOR-2015-12-18-1740 from 01/01/2016



LOV-1999-07-02-64-Act §48


Corrected 17.04.2002 (Notes removed)

Short Title
Regulations on internship

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1 General provisions (§§ 1-1 - 1-2)
Chapter 2. (Repealed)
Chapter 3. (Repealed)
Chapter 4. (Repealed)
Chapter 5. Practical Training (turnus) to obtain certification as a prosthetist (§§ 5-1 - 5-7)
Chapter 6. Practical Training (turnus) to obtain certification as a chiropractor (§§ 6-1 - 6- 2)
Chapter 7. Commencement etc. (§7-1)

Adopted by Health and Social Affairs (now the Ministry of Health) 21 December 2000 pursuant to the Act of 2 July 1999 no. 64 relating to health personnel (Health) § 48 second paragraph letter b.
amendments: Amended by regulations 20 Dec 2001 no. 1549, 1 September 2003 No.. 1111, September 9, 2009 No.. 1175, 17 January 2013 No.. 61, 18 Dec 2015 No.. 1740.

Chapter 1 General provisions

§ 1-1. License health care providers who by this regulation shall perform practical training (internship) must be licensed (interns license) issued by the Directorate of Health before the service begins. This applies not health professionals that are discussed in Chapter 5.

§ 1-2. Service at the designated place Unless otherwise provided in these regulations, the service must be performed at the designated place to be approved as practical training (internship).

Chapter 2. (Repealed)

Chapter 3. (Repealed)

Chapter 4. (Repealed)

Chapter 5. Practical Training (Turnus) to obtain certification as a prosthetist

§ 5-1. Implementation of Turnus Candidates must demonstrate having performed 2 years of continuous practical training at orthopedics technical workshop. Oslo University College is responsible for finding candidates place in the workshop for the implementation of the practical service. The service must be carried out in close association with the final passing the exam.

§ 5-2. Approval of shifts space Approval of orthopedics technical workshop of work for practical training required that:

workshop will be led by a prosthetist with Norwegian authorization

workshop has satisfactory cooperation with the doctor. Cooperation shall include prescribing and control of aids and training in the use of such orthopedic devices that require intrusion,

workshop as part of this partnership also has satisfactory cooperation with therapist (physiotherapist, occupational therapist), therapeutically department or other authority for adequate training and that

workshop provides internship candidate such work and such working conditions as mentioned in § 3.5, § 4.5 and § 5-5.

In connection with the approval of the service location can Directorate of Health determine the number of interns that duty station can not exceed at any time.
A year of practice time can be completely or partially undergo military at foreign workshop provided this written acceptance of the conditions applicable for internship at Norwegian yards. The foreign workshop must be approved by the Directorate of Health before the service begins.

§ 5-3. Requirements for interns Service Content turnus candidate should the period of service is given a varied and productive cooperation, which to the extent possible, the candidate with a broad and general practical experience in the subject, besides insight into the yard's operations and exercise in self employment. The candidate shall with the necessary supervision of prosthetist with Norwegian authorization even collaborate with your doctor about prescription and control, and preferably even perform it specifically orthopedics technical work on the utilities candidate cooperating doctor about. The candidate will continue, with the necessary supervision of prosthetist with Norwegian authorization, although responsible for the adaptation of the aids concerned manufacture and remain informed about the patient's progress during training with such equipment that requires intrusion.
In orthopedics technical workshop, the candidate should work with different types of conventional orthoses, prostheses and orthopedic footwear. On workshop for orthopedic footwear, the candidate should work with different types of orthopedic footwear, footbeds, filling prostheses, orthopedic adjustment of factory produced footwear and as far as possible elevation dentures.

§ 5-4. Appreciation Superior ortopediingeniørs assessment of internship candidate competence shall be carried out by professional qualifications for subordinate authorized prosthetist.

§ 5-5. Relations with employer Period of service and conditions of employment agreed between shifts candidate and the employer.
Turnus applicant shall, subject to the limitation that a reasonable implementation of the above-described special conditions implies, following the yard's usual instructions and work procedures as a regular employee and participate effectively in production for workshop management directions.

§ 5-6. Exceptions In special cases, the Directorate of Health grant exemptions from the conditions set out in this chapter.

§ 5-7. Appeal Decisions made under this chapter may be appealed to the national appeal body for health.

Chapter 6. Practical Training (Turnus) to obtain certification as a chiropractor

§ 6-1. Conditions for authorization To obtain authorization as chiropractor candidate must demonstrate that he / she has done so convenient service as determined by the Directorate of Health.

§ 6-2. Exceptions candidate from another country for a candidate from another country within the European Economic Area (EEA), which meet the requirements for certification as a chiropractor under the EEA Agreement, granted authorization by the Regulation of 21 December 2000 No.. 1377 authorization mm healthcare professionals according to the EEA agreement.

Chapter 7. Commencement etc.

§ 7-1. Implementation These regulations come into force on 1 January 2001.
Chap. 2 applies in the cases in accordance with the transitional provisions of Regulations on practical training (internship) for Doctors § 24 follows the previous rules. The same applies to the policies and target descriptions that applied at the Regulation came into force.