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The Regulation On Transitional For Authorization Of Help Caregivers And Bioengineers

Original Language Title: Forskrift om overgangsordning for autorisasjon av hjelpepleiere og bioingeniører

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The regulation on transitional for authorization of help caregivers and bioengineers.

Date-2000-12-21-1386 Ministry health and Human Services Department published in 2000 3097 entry into force 01.01.2001-01.01.2003 and DEP. determines the last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1999-07-02-64-section 76 Announced short title regulations on the authorization of nurses etc set by the Ministry of health and social 21. December 2000 under the legal authority of the law of 2. July 1999 No. 64 on health personnel, etc. (helsepersonelloven) § 76 third paragraph. 
In the authorization. help tend education at school approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs before 1. January 1981 will be accepted as the basis for authorization that help tend up to 1. January 2003. 
II. Authorization as medical laboratory scientist public approval as fysiokjemiker or laboratory engineer applies without further ADO that authorization as medical laboratory scientist.
The scheme applies until the revocation of the social and Health Ministry.