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Regulations On The Reimbursement Claim Against The Regional Health Undertaking In The Patient's Region Of Residence (Processing Settlement)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om refusjonskrav mot det regionale helseforetaket i pasientens bostedsregion (behandlingsoppgjør)

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Regulations on the reimbursement claim against the regional health undertaking in the patient's region of residence (processing settlement) Date-2000-12-20-1551 Ministry Ministry of health and human services published in 2000 3454 entry into force 01.01.2001 Recently changed-2013-01-17-61 Change FOR-1980-12-12-4 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1999-07-02-61-section 5-2 Announced short title regulations on processing the legal authority established by the settlement: social and Health Department (now Ministry of health and care services) 20. December 2000 with authorization in law 2. July 1999 No. 61 about the specialist and more (specialist health service Act) section 5-2 third paragraph.
Changes: modified by regulations 18 des 2001 No. 1577 (including the title and the legal authority), July 7, 2004 No. 1110, 17 jan 2013 No. 61. section 1. Determination of refusjonssats Ministry can fix normed rates for the reimbursement as the regional health undertaking in the patient's region of residence to provide for specialist health service law § 5-2 the first paragraph.
The Ministry can determine the binding to be added to refusjonssatser because of the reimbursement statement for certain features.
The Ministry may fix the same refusjonssats for one or more groups of institutions.
When the Ministry does not have fixed rates referred to in the second paragraph, the processing statement is made on the basis of agreement between the regional health undertaking in the patient's region of residence and the service provider.

§ 2. Refund settlement for services provided outside the realm when a patient according to the international agreement has the right to travel abroad to get necessary treatment, the regional health undertaking in the patient's residence region cover the expenses in accordance with the refusjonssatsene as determined under section 1. Also refund to the Norwegian authorities that has retained coverage of such expenses, after the refusjonssatser as determined under section 1.

§ 3. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force 1. January 2001. From the same time repealed regulation of 12. December 1980, Nr. 4 about the calculation of the catering expenses in connection with the guest patient statements.