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Regulation On The Criteria To Get The Master Letters

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Regulation on the criteria to get the master letter.

Date-2000-12-08-1280 Ministry industry and Fisheries Ministry published in the entry into force last modified 2000 2771 08.12.2000 Change-1994-10-25-995 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1986-06-20-35-section 6, FOR-1986-12-12-2,210-section 1 Announced short title regulations on the allocation of the master letters set by the Master letters the Committee 8. December 2000 under the legal authority of the law of 20. June 1986 No. about 35 Master letter in crafts and other nutrition section 6 jf. Regulation of 12. December 1986 No. 2187 to champion the letter the law § 1 the first paragraph.

§ 1. Master letter the Committee determines in which subjects it can be issued master letter.

§ 2. Criteria for the award of the Master letter should in General be the applicant: a) is of legal age and a permanent resident in the Kingdom. The condition of being a permanent resident in the Kingdom does not apply to nationals of States that are parties to the EEA Agreement when they are living in such a State, b) has taken journeyman/fagprøve in subjects under master letter scheme, c) has at least 6 years of practice in the subject or at least 2 years of practice in the subject after the journeyman/fagprøve, d) has graduated in the subject's champion try set by the Master letters Committee.

Master letter can also accept the Committee other education and practice, as well as equal education from abroad.

§ 3. These are awarded master letter by letting them register with Master letter the Committee's secretariat (Norway's Craft associations) within the 15. January 1988:1.
Person with craft letters.

2. Person with craft right.

3. approved contractor in house construction in masonry and stone or wood, jf. Entrepreneurial law of 24. October 1952 and forskriftenes section 1 A and B.

§ 4. Master letter is allocated upon application the person filling the requirements in section 2, a, b and c and that within 15. January 1988 consists in professional costing and accounting. For templates, walls, plumbing and carpentry subject must also subject's additional test passes. For these 4 subjects be extended transition scheme to 15.1.1989 if trying for practical reasons cannot be taken earlier.

§ 5. The master letters can be assigned to the application that does not fill the requirements of section 2, but who runs the craft business in subjects associated with the master letter scheme, has at least 8 years of practice in the subject and documenting relevant qualifications and such practices as is assumed in the Act on vocational in the workplace section 20. Application is submitted within 15. January 1988.

section 6. Master letter the Committee can, when special reasons, dispense from the requirements.

section 7. Application for master letter is sent to the Master letters Committee. Together with the application to follow the documentation of the conditions to get the master letter. Also to medfølge the fee laid down for the processing of the application.

section 8. Master letter the Committee's refusal to assign master letter can be appealed to the Appeals Board within 3 weeks after the applicant has been familiar with the decision. The same thing can the Committee's decision after the section 3. The complaint is sent via the Master letters Committee. The regulation will take effect immediately, and from the same time repealed:-Regulation of 25. October 1994 no. 995 about criteria to get the master letter.