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The Regulation On Transitional Rules For The Determination Of The Highest Pension In The State's Pension Fund By The Coordination Of Occupational Pension

Original Language Title: Forskrift om overgangsregler for fastsettelse av høyeste pensjon i Statens Pensjonskasse ved samordning av tjenestepensjoner

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The regulation on transitional rules for the determination of the highest pension in the State's pension fund by the coordination of occupational pension.

Date-2000-07-07-743 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs Published in 2000 1697 07.07.2000 Avd entry into force with effect from 1. May 2000 last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1957-07-06-26-section 27 Announced short title regulations on transitional rules for occupational pension Chapter overview: in II laid down by the Ministry of health and social 7. July 2000 under the legal authority of the law of 6. July 1957 No. 26 about the coordination of pension and social security benefits § 27.

In By the coordination of occupational pension under the provisions of section 7, reconciliation, the law applies to the following transition rule by the determination of the highest pension in the State's pension fund: For pension for service conditions that are terminated before 1. May 2000, the highest in the State's pension pension fund are determined by the rules that were in effect before that date. That is, the portion of the pension rewarding income (salary) that is between eight and twelve scheme only considered by one-third.

II this regulation will take effect immediately and be given effect from 1. May 2000.