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Regulation On The Implementation Of The Refund Claim By The Payment Of A Pension And Social Security Benefits With Tilbakevirkning

Original Language Title: Forskrift om gjennomføring av refusjonskrav ved utbetaling av pensjons- og trygdeytelser med tilbakevirkning

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Regulation on the implementation of the refund claim by the payment of a pension and social security benefits with the tilbakevirkning.

Date-2000-07-06-726 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs Published Avd in 2000 1675 entry into force 01.09.2000 last edited FOR-2010-04-20-527 from March 1, 2010 Changes FOR-1969-03-15-4112,-1977-10-20-2, FOR-1979-06-28-4124 applies to Norway Pursuant law-1957-07-06-26-section 26 Announced short title regulations on reimbursements by the div. of legal authority set out payments: social and Health Ministry 6. July 2000 under the legal authority of the law of 6. July 1957 No. 26 about the coordination of pension and social security benefits § 26 Nr. 2. changes: modified by regulation 20 april 2010 No. 527. section 1. Scope this Regulation applies when a pension or social security scheme have the basis to promote requests for moves in after the payment of the performance from another scheme (reimbursements), cf. coordination section 26 the first paragraph.

§ 2. The lower limit A pension or social security scheme may fail to promote the reimbursement claims not exceeding 2 pst. of the basic rate in the national insurance scheme, and forhøyes to the nearest 100 kroner.

§ 3. The deadline for the promotion of the reimbursement claims the requirement be promoted as soon as possible after the pension or social security scheme has received notice that the payout that forms the basis for the refund.
The payout can be held for up to six weeks after notification of payout is reached to the competent scheme. Should it be paid an amount that is greater than half the basic amount in the insurance scheme, the scheme to make after payment the other memory scheme on the issue in writing before the payment to the retiree/transfer the recipient can take place. It should then be given a new deadline for the reimbursement requirement not to exceed three weeks.
Time limits in the second paragraph can be waived when it is due to the special conditions that they can not be met, IE. that there are several schemes to make coordination. In this case, both the scheme to make after the payment and the retiree/transfer recipient under be directed in writing by the end of the deadline with the enlightenment about the reason for the delay.

§ 4. The order, the refund claim if it shall be made internal coordination in the national insurance scheme, eg. the offset between the sick pay/work avklarings money and disability, it should be carried out before the claims of the other pension or social security schemes covered.
Have several pension or social security schemes the reimbursement claims in the same after the payment amount, the requirements are covered in the same order of priority as follows of the coordination law and associated regulations. That is, the scheme that Act to be reconciled after coordination first, also get covered the reimbursement requirement first.
Then follow any other statutory reimbursement requirements. Requirements from an employer should only be covered to the extent that there is nothing left of after the payment amount after the refund as mentioned before is made.

§ 5. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force the 1. September 2000. From the same time repealed regulations 15. March 1969 No. 4112 about the reimbursement claim upon payment with tilbakevirkning (coordination regulation 40), regulation 20. October 1977 Nr. 2 about the deadline to report the reimbursement requirements for coordination requirements for coordination law (coordination regulation 41) and regulations 28. June 1979 No. 4113 about the order of the reimbursement claims (coordination regulation 42).