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Regulations Concerning Approval Of Establishments Outside Hospitals For Sterilization Of Women And The Report To The Health Directorate Of Sterilization

Original Language Title: Forskrift om godkjenning av virksomheter utenfor sykehus for sterilisering av kvinner og om innberetning til Helsedirektoratet om sterilisering

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Regulations concerning approval of establishments outside hospitals for sterilization of women and the report to the Health Directorate of sterilization.

Date FOR 2000-06-23-589

Ministry of Health and Care Services

Published Dept. In 2000 1249

Commencement 23.06.2000



FOR 1977-10-28-3, TO-1998-01-09-21



LOV-1977-06-03-57-§14, FOR-2001-12-21-1478


Short Title
Regulations on sterilization of women, etc.

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1. Approval of businesses outside hospitals for sterilization of women (§§ 1-4)
Chapter 2. Reporting to the Health Directorate of sterilization (§§ 5 - 5a)
Chapter 3. Commencement (Article 6 )

Adopted by Royal Decree. 23 June 2000 pursuant to the Act of 3 June 1977 no. 57 on sterilization § 14. Promoted by the Social Affairs and Health.
Changes: Amended by regulations 21 Dec 2001 no. 1484, 1 September 2003 No.. 1111, September 25, 2006 no. 1089 (including the title), January 17, 2013 no. 61

Chapter 1. Approval of businesses outside hospitals for sterilization of women

§ 1. Purpose The provisions of Chapter 1 shall ensure that sterilization of women outside the private and public hospitals, taking place in businesses where it is considered prudent.

§ 2 Scope The provisions of Chapter 1 apply sterilization of women by laparoscopic technique in operations outside hospitals.

§ 3. County Department approval regional commissioner can confirm that sterilization of women carried out in surgical clinics or other outpatient specialist practice outside the hospital where it is considered prudent. For the approval to be granted, the following requirements must be met:

Procedures should be performed by physicians who are specialists in gynecology and obstetrics or specialists in general surgery, with documented training in laparoscopy.

Business shall have procedures that ensure opportunity for blood typing and implementation of blood transfusion in acute complication.

Specialist in anesthesiology should be responsible for monitoring the patient during and after sterilization procedure.

Business must have adequate procedures for contact with surgical expertise for fast handling of acute complications.

The approval may be revoked if the business is not operated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

§ 4. Exemptions Health Directorate may grant exemptions from the requirements of § 3

Chapter 2. Reporting to the Health Directorate of sterilization

§ 5. Reporting of interventions Physicians and hospitals that perform interventions under the Act of 3 June 1977 no. 57 on sterilization have to report on interventions such Health Directorate issues.

§ 5a. Reporting from sterilization committees Sterilization committees shall submit a report on processed applications by the Board on form as the Health Directorate at any time has been determined. The report shall be sent Sterilization Council.

Chapter 3. Commencement

§ 6. Implementation These regulations come into force immediately.
From the same date:

Regulations of 28 October 1977 no. 3 in the report to the Ministry regarding sterilization.

Regulation of 9 January 1998 no. 21 on the approval of establishments outside hospitals for sterilization of women.