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Regulations On The Exercise Of The Catch Of Minke Whale

Original Language Title: Forskrift om utøvelse av fangst av vågehval

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Regulations on the exercise of the catch of minke whale-Date 2000-03-31-312 Ministry industry and Fisheries Ministry Published Avd in 2000 718 effective date last modified-31.03.2000 FOR 2013-01-28-76 Change applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-2008-06-06-37-section 15, LAW-2008-06-06-37-section 16, LAW-2008-06-06-39-section 18 Announced short title regulations on the exercise of legal authority established by the vågehvalfangst: Fisheries Department (now fisheries and coastal affairs) 31. March 2000 under the legal authority of the Act 6. June 2008 No. 37 on the management of viltlevande marine ressursar (havressurslova) § 15, § 16 and § 18.
Changes: modified by regulation 28 jan 2013 No. 76. section 1. A general rule for the catch to catch trappers under apply the catch methods that prevents unnecessary suffering for animals. The killing to be made in such a way that the animal does not come in danger to suffer in needlessly.

§ 2. Requirements for harpungranat etc. It will be used harpungranat the capture of approved to the minke whale. It is prohibited to use or have on board other grenades than the approved harpungranat.
It is prohibited to use kaldharpun.
Before the vessel docking should be taken out of the grenade, and taken my Harpoon out of my Harpoon cannon.

§ 3. Requirements to capture equipment vessel that will participate in the catch of minke whale catch shall have the following equipment: a) the Canon of caliber not under 2″ (50 mm) nestled in the jernpuller. The vessel's bow should be sufficiently braced, so that tow Tracker by shot does not give greater detachment failure of top edge than 1/4″ (6 mm).

b) Rifle caliber 9.3 mm (366) or larger.

c) at least 1 two-klørs Harpoon per assigned animal, still limited to 7 harpoons. Harpunene should have a space between klørenes sharpener (eliminated) of at least 15.4″ (38 cm). 50 mm Harpoon should weigh between 13.5 kg and 14.5 kg. 60 mm Harpoon should weigh between 15.5 kg and 16.5 kg. Other types of harpoons can be used, ("Lorentsen harpoons"), if the vektdifferansen between harpunene not exceeding 0.5 kg. On each of the harpoons to harpunlegg and nail withstand a stretch of at least 5000 kg. It should be submitted to the confirmation that harpunene is stretch tested. It is prohibited to use different types of harpoons under the catch.

d) at least 3 precursors that each is not under 60 m. Forerunners of type Spektron or equivalent material shall have a minimum thickness of 12 mm in diameter. Precursors of nylon should have a minimum thickness of 16 mm diameter.

e) Suspension device that can withstand a stretch of at least 5000 kg and has a walk of at least 1.5 m.

f) power-driven systems play to in-and opphiving of the whale. The game will be able to withstand a load of at least 5000 kg and have a traction of at least 2500 kg.

g) the vessel shall have a barrel mounted to the mast. The barrel should be painted white, with a black wide belt 30 cm in the middle of surround the barrel.

Fisheries in particular cases can dispense from this provision.

§ 4. Requirements to the rifle and ammunition to the killing of minke whales that are not killed with harpunskudd should it be used rifle caliber 9.3 mm (366) or larger helmantlet, rundneset ammunition with the estimation of energy of at least 350 kgm at 100 m it is forbidden to use ammunition with blyspiss.
Firearms and ammunition should always be kept under the catch on stand space (in the immediate vicinity of the cannon).
Firearms should be authorized by the gunsmith and injected with such ammunition to be utilised under the catch.

§ 5. Procedure by killing it is prohibited to release the shot before the sprenggranaten is put on my Harpoon and precursor and line are attached together and linens other end mounted on board the vessel. It is not allowed to drop all the way free until the minke whale is put to sleep.
Anskutt non-minke whale killed by harpunskudd to fastest possible be put to sleep with shots in the head region.
Hunting on the new to be taken up before the minke whale not anskutt whale is put to sleep.
It is forbidden to pump air or compressed gases into the vågehvalkroppen.

section 6. First the right hunting vessel that has busy hunting the minke whale has the first right to the Chase, so that other vessels cannot participate in this without consent.

section 7. Dumping Dumping of whale remains to happen so that it may not inhibit or cause inconvenience for the practice of fishing or to the public shyness.

section 8. Penalty it as intentionally or negligently contravenes provisions given in or pursuant to this Regulation shall be punished in pursuance of law 6. June 2008 No. 37 on the management of viltlevande marine ressursar (havressurslova) § 61, section 64 and section 65.
In the same way be punished intervention and attempts.

§ 9. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force immediately.