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Regulations On Film And Dvds

Original Language Title: Forskrift om film og videogram

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Regulations on film and video.

Date FOR-1999-12-20-1515

Ministry of Culture Ministry

Published Dept. In 1999 3468

Commencement 01.01.2000

FOR 2016-05-01-890

FOR 1987-12-07-998



LOV-1987-05-15-21-§2, LOV-1987-05-15-21-§3, LOV-1987-05-15-21-§4, LAW-1987-05-15- 21-§5, LOV-1987-05-15-21-section 6, LOV-1987-05-15-21-§7, LOV-1987-05-15-21-§8, LAW-1987-05- 15-21-L-10, LOV-1987-05-15-21-§11, LOV-1987-05-15-21-§12


Short Title
Regulations on film and video

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1. Scope and definitions (§§ 1-1 - 1-2)
Chapter 2. Municipal license duty (2-1)
Chapter 3. Fee for state (§§ 3-1 - 3-4)
Chapter 4. Mandatory registration and pre-control (§§ 4-1 - 4-5)
Chapter 5. Age limits (§§ 5-1 - 5-3)
Chapter 6 Board of Appeal for film and video (§§ 6-1 - 6-3)
Chapter 7. Registration videograms (§§ 7-1 - 7-9)
Chapter 8. Labelling of videograms (§§ 8-1 - 8-5)
Chapter 9. Administrative sanctions (§9-1)
Chapter 10. Fees for registration, marking and evaluation of video recordings (§§ 10.1 - 10.3)
Chapter 11. Entry into force (§11-1)

Heimel: Determine the Ministry of Culture on 20 December 1999 issued in pursuance of the Act of 15 May 1987 no. 21 on film and video.
Changes: Amended by regulation 20 October 2002 No.. 1186, 11 January 2005 No.. 16, July 12, 2007 No.. 895, February 8, 2008 No.. 115, October 20, 2009 No.. 1298, 20 Dec 2012 No.. 1391, June 26, 2015 no. 800, May 1, 2016 no. 890.

Chapter 1. Scope and definitions

§ 1-1. Scope Act and Regulations does not apply to Svalbard, Jan Mayen and the installations and devices on the Norwegian part of the continental shelf.

§ 1-2. Definitions Distributor suggests in these regulations both firm and responsible owner of the company that drive the distribution of films or videograms.
As a distributor of a film or a videogram Taken into account in these regulations it is registered as a distributor in Media Authority's register.

Chapter 2. Municipal permit duty

§ 2-1. Exemption from the requirement for a permit Students must not municipal licenses for:

framsyning of films or videograms where not Students must særskild payment for framsyninga,

framsyning or sale of films or videograms hotel,

sale of videograms which only contains

Recordings from public events, framsyningar or event held,

Music or sports fabric,

Documentaries, current affairs or news! Cloth

Its research or hobby substance

Disclosure or teaching material for use in teaching at schools, universities and colleges and in adult education in organizations and institutions that have been approved by law on 28 May 1976 no. 35 on Adult Education,

Information, and promotion of, goods and services.

Chapter 3. Fee for state

§ 3-1. Payment of the fee to the State shall harks særskild accounting for taxable framsyning or turnover. The accounts shall be audited by someone registered or chartered accountant. The accounts of municipal cinemas must be audited by the municipal audit.
For framsyning of film or videograms shall tax base and tax amount quarterly basis be filled out on a form to the Norwegian Film Institute. Value added tax shall not be deemed in the tax base.
For distribution of videograms with printed registration marks under § 8-1 fourth term, Distributor fourth quarter report on net sales of a joint form for Media Authority, cf. § 10-2.
For distribution of videograms with registration marks from the Media Authority, Distributor pay fees in connection with the acquisition of the registration marks. Media Authority provides tax refund for unused marks.

§ 3-2. (Repealed)

§ 3-3. (Repealed)

§ 3-4. Exemption from the requirement to pay tax shall not pay fees for framsyning of films or videograms which does not require municipal permits under § 2-1 section. 1 or 2.
It will not pay fees for distribution of videograms which only contains musical material . Media Authority determines in cases of doubt whether a videogram only contains musical material.

Chapter 4. Mandatory registration and advance control

§ 4-1. Registration obligation Filmar or videograms to be shown for commercial shall register with the Media Authority's film registry.
Whoever keeps the film or video program must give the Media Authority follow coordinates:

Name for the distributor, with address and phone

Original title

Norwegian title




Production countries

Brief summarization of the content of the film or videogram


Film type (eg documentaries, feature films, trailers etc.)

Count of copies

Film format

Storage medium.

Changes in registered data must be reported in writing to the Media Authority resourcefulness.
In addition the register shall include information about the date of registration, registry number and distributor number.

§ 4-2. Preview Control for films or videograms to be shown for commercial for persons under 18 shall Film Registry, cf. § 4-1, also include information Decision grunngjeving, decision date and charges. complaint and a decision from the Appeals Board for film and video.

§ 4-3. (Repealed)

§ 4-4. (Repealed)

§ 4-5. (Repealed)

Chapter 5. Age Limits

§ 5-1. (Repealed)

§ 5-2. (Repealed)

§ 5-3. (Repealed)

Chapter 6. Appeals for film and video

§ 6-1. (Repealed)

§ 6-2. (Repealed)

§ 6-3. (Repealed)

Chapter 7. Registration Videograms

§ 7-1. Inform The will have a videogram registered for translation in business, you must give the Media Authority follow details of the video program:

Name for the distributor company, with address and phone


Recommended age

Manufacture (though it can be obtained, cf. § 7-4)

Director (if it can be obtained, cf. § 7-4).

Information shall be given in Latin letters and be filled out on a form from the Media Authority.
Changes in these data must be reported in writing to the Media Authority resourcefulness.

§ 7-2. Videograms Register For each videogram title shall Videograms registry include information chronicled in § 7-1 and directions about:

Distributor numbers

Videogram register number

Date for registration.

§ 7-3. Registration Videograms which contains several Titles If a videogram that have multiple Titles shall each title records raged with dei record information that follows from § 7-1 and § 7-2. This does not apply to videograms which is a collection of several Titles and which has a property title for the collection. Media Authority determines if in doubt how many registrations that are necessary for one-Videograms.

§ 7-4. Inadequate INFORMATION Media Authority should normally not refuse registration even if it in this summer event not look up Gjere obtaining information concerning manufacture or director. The distributor should disclose the reason for it not look up Gjere obtaining retrieve the details.

§ 7-5. Distribution lists registered distributors are obliged to keep distribution lists over dei videogram dei has distributed. The list shall incitement scaffolding rådvelde police and / or the Media Authority.

§ 7-6. (Repealed)

§ 7-7. Videograms which are confiscated or blocked when a videogram is confiscated or blocked by the decision-making of the prosecuting authority or the court because it is or may be in violation of provisions in the Penal Code § 204 or § 382, ​​should this harks to the registry.
Such Videograms can not translate before the opposition lead before finally acquittal decision-making in the matter.

§ 7-8. Obligation to submit copies of videograms When Media Authority requires that an registered Videograms be assessed, the producers send videogram Media Authority innan a wick from him have received the message about this.

§ 7-9. Exemption from the requirement of registration Videograms which only contains musical material shall not register with. Media Authority determines in cases of doubt whether a videogram only contains musical material.

Chapter 8. Labelling of videograms

§ 8-1. Design of the registration mark Quartz copy of registered Videograms intended in food must affix EiT registration number issued by the Media Authority.
Registration mark shall contain follow coordinates:



The information on the registration mark shall be given in Latin letters.
Distributor can search Media Authority for permission to press anywhere registration mark directly on the videogram. Media Authority provides certain conditions for permission for the printing of registration marks.
Media Authority to give more detailed rules concerning the design, location, payment, delivery and destruction of registration mark.

§ 8-2. (Repealed)

§ 8-3. (Repealed)

§ 8-4. Responsibility for labeling the Distributor is responsible for the fourth copy of videograms that he turnover in industry are tagged in relation to laws and regulations.
Mark shall be applied innan videogram host translated into retailer or consumer.

§ 8-5. Exemption from the labeling requirement on Videograms which only contains musical material shall not marked. Media Authority determines in cases of doubt whether a videogram only contains musical material.

Chapter 9. Administrative sanctions

§ 9-1. Administrative sanctions If ein distributor acted contrary to the law on film and DVDs or regulations issued medhald of Information Act, or in violation of an order issued by the Media Authority under § 7-6, third paragraph, the Media Authority until it unlawful Relation opphøyrer refuse film or videograms from that distributor for advance control or registration.
Distributor who has received permission to print registration marks, ref. § 8-1 may by breaches of rules or conditions mentioned in the first paragraph forfeit printing, for a period or permanently.
Media Authority may lay down more detailed rules about the manageability of questions about the use of administrative sanctions.

Chapter 10. Fees for registration, marking and evaluation of Videograms

§ 10-1. Fee for registration and labeling of videograms For registration and labeling of videograms for commercial sale requires Media Authority a service charge, ref. § 10 of the Act.
Media Authority stipulates payment forma.

§ 10-2. Reporting Dei who have received permission for the printing of registration marks, ref. § 8-1, the fourth quarter report on net sales of a joint form to the Media Authority and Norwegian Cinema and Film Foundation, cf. § 3-1.
Media Authority may issue more closely rules on reporting.

§ 10-3. (Repealed)

Chapter 11. Entry into force

§ 11-1. Entry into force Regulations come into force on 1 January 2000. From the same date, the Regulations of 7 December 1987 no. 998 on film and video, however, that § 3-1 of this regulation applies to the reporting and collection of levies which debt sale before 1 . January 2000.