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Regulations Relating To Police Under The Child Welfare Act

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Regulations relating to police under the Child Welfare Act

Date FOR-1999-10-15-1090

Ministry of Children and Equality

Published Dept. In 1999 2476

Commencement 01/11/1999


FOR-2014-01-21-51 from 01/02/2014





Short Title
Regulations relating to police in child welfare

Adopted of Children and Family Affairs (now Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion) on 15 October 1999 pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1992 no. 100 Child Welfare § 10.6 last paragraph.
Changes: Amended by regulations 4 Dec 2003 no. 1423, June 3rd, 2008 no. 546, July 5, 2011 No.. 739, January 21, 2014 No.. 51.

§ 1. Police for employees in the municipal child welfare service Anyone who shall be appointed in the municipal child welfare or that perform work on behalf welfare service, cf. Welfare Act § 2-1 shall submit police certificates pursuant to § 6-10 first paragraph. Requirements relating to police only applies to persons who perform work pursuant to § 2-1. The person making the appointment is responsible for the police certificate be added.

§ 2. Police for personnel in institutions, centers for parents, children and care centers for minors Whoever be employed by an institution covered by the Child Welfare Act § 5-1, or in a government center for parents and children, a private or municipal institution approved pursuant to § 5-8, or a care center for minors under chapter 5A, will present a police pursuant to § 6-10 second paragraph. The person making the appointment is responsible for the police certificate be added. Whoever shall perform functions for the institution, the center for parents and children or care center and who have direct contact with children and young people staying there, will present a police pursuant to § 6-10 second paragraph. Manager or head shall demand that such conduct.
If the owner of a private institution, a center for parents and children or care center for minors who have been approved pursuant to § 5.8 should work or stay regularly there, he shall present a police pursuant to § 6-10 second paragraph of state regional child welfare authorities.

§ 3. Police for foster parents and people who take care of children of beds relief measures The person or persons shall be approved as foster parents, ref. Welfare Act § 4-22 must submit exhaustive and expanded police pursuant to § 6-10 third paragraph, first sentence. The child welfare service in the municipality must approve the foster home is responsible for such a certificate certificate be presented. Similar requirements for a police applies individual who welcomes children of beds relief measures. The child welfare service shall consider whether others living in foster or respite home must submit a police pursuant to § 6-10, third paragraph, third sentence.

§ 4 Police for support contacts, people who perform functions for the child welfare service as part of relief efforts and people who shall exercise supervision of children in foster care child welfare service shall require police after the Child Welfare Act § 6-10 first paragraph of support contacts and others performing tasks child welfare services as part of the remedial action pursuant to § 4-4. The municipality shall require police after the Child Welfare Act § 6-10 first paragraph from people who shall exercise supervision of children in foster care by Child Welfare Act § 4-22.

§ 5. Police Atte Stens content Police according to Regulation § 1, § 2, § 3, last sentence and § 4 will show whether he is indicted, prosecuted, fined or convicted for breach of provisions of the Penal Code as mentioned in the police registry law § 39 subsection (limited childcare certificate).
Police by Regulation § 3, first and third sentences should be exhaustive and extended in accordance with the Police Register Act § 41 (exhaustive childcare certificate).
Certificate shall not be older than three months.

§ 6. Process Applicants should be aware that it will be required police on appointment, approval or appointment. For jobs, assignments or like that are announced or advertised, it should be noted the requirement for police in the announcement or ad text. It should be in the announcement or ad text also are advised that the certificate should not be enclosed. Certificate shall only be required of the applicant offered the position or to be appointed or approved to perform the tasks covered by this regulation.

§ 7 Consequences of remarks on police Person with remarks on bounded childcare certificate according to Regulation § 5, first paragraph, shall not be allowed to have responsibilities to minors.

Person with remarks on exhaustive childcare certificate according to Regulation § 5 second paragraph, shall not be allowed to have responsibilities to minors, if the strike would proceed in the limited childcare certificate under subsection. Person with other remarks on exhaustive certificate shall not be allowed to have responsibilities to minors, if the strike may create doubts whether he is suitable for the task.

§ 8. Storage police police certificate shall be kept by the body or institution after this regulation is liable to require police lodged. The certificate shall be stored in a secure. It should be kept as long as the person holding the position or assignment. The certificate shall be shredded when he or she resigns. Prepared certificate of person who does not get assigned position or assignment to be shredded.

§ 9. Confidentiality Whoever becomes aware of information through a police duty to prevent unauthorized access to or knowledge of those. Violations are punishable under the Criminal Code § 121.

§ 10 Supervision regional commissioner as part of its oversight responsibilities, cf. Act § 2-3b, require that a police of all covered by this regulation.

§ 11. Renewed background check user of previously issued police may obtain significant new information in accordance with the provisions of the Police Register Act § 43.

§ 12. Entry into force These regulations enter into force on 1 November 1999.