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The Regulation On A Special Appeals For The Treatment Of Complaints Over The Decision On Erkjentlighetsbeløp To People Who Are In Norway Was Hit By Anti-Jewish Measures During The 2. World War Ii

Original Language Title: Forskrift om en særskilt klagenemnd for behandling av klager over vedtak om erkjentlighetsbeløp til personer som i Norge ble rammet av antijødiske tiltak under den 2. verdenskrig

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The regulation on a special appeals for the treatment of complaints over the decision on erkjentlighetsbeløp to people who are in Norway was hit by anti-Jewish measures during the 2. World War II Date-1999-08-06-885 Ministry of Justice and emergency Ministry Published Avd in 1999 2073 06.08.1999 FOR entry into force last modified-2008-10-17-5 from January 1, 2009 Change applies to Norway Pursuant Law-1967-02-10-section 28 Announced short title Forskr. about the appeals for compensation to Jews: the legal authority set forth by URKronprinsreg.res. 6. august 1999 under the legal authority of the law of 10. February 1967 on administrative matters (administrative law) section 28, third paragraph. Promoted by the Ministry of Justice and the police.
Changes: modified by regulation 17 Oct 2008 Nr. 1119. § 1. Complaints over the Justice Ministry's decision on erkjentlighetsbeløp to people who are in Norway was hit by anti-Jewish measures during World War II, will be determined by a special appeals. The special complaints Committee under subsection consists of those who are members of the Standing Committee on billighetserstatningsutvalg. Deputy members of the Standing Committee on billighetserstatningsutvalg is the Deputy members of the Complaints Committee. Complaints Committee is headed by the head of the Storting's billighetserstatningsutvalg.
The Ministry of Justice is the Secretariat for the Complaints Committee.

§ 2. Complaints board hit their decision in the meeting. Complaints Board is vedtaksfør when the leader and both members are present. The Committee's decisions shall be made by a simple majority. Appeal the Committee's decision may not be appealed. The Secretariat is undertaking the preparation of the complaint that the administrative law section 33 or add under authority. Questions about to reject a complaint is determined by the Complaints Committee. The complainant has the right to see the Secretariat's recommendation to the Complaints Committee.
For administrative law and offentleglova for complaint the Committee's proceedings.

§ 3. The regulation will take effect immediately.