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Regulations On Protective Measures, Until Further Notice, By Imports Of Fishery Products Originating In Uganda, Kenya And Mocambique

Original Language Title: Forskrift om vernetiltak, inntil videre, ved import av fiskeriprodukter med opprinnelse i Uganda, Kenya og Mocambique

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Regulations on protective measures, until further notice, by imports of fishery products originating in Uganda, Kenya and Mocambique.

Date-1999-03-26-381 Ministry health and Human Services Department Published in 1999 924 26.03.1999 Avd entry into force last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1933-05-19-3-section 6, law-1933-05-19-3-section 4, FOR-1988-04-29-312 Announced short title regulations on fiskeriprod. from East Africa established by the State food inspectorate 26. March 1999 with authorization in law 19. May 1933 No. 3 in the supervision of foodstuffs, etc. § 6 subsection, jf. § 4 the eighth paragraph, cf.. kgl. Res. 29. April 1988 No. 312 about Government transfer to the State food inspectorate etc., cf. Agreement in part I (Kvedtak 98/423/EC with amendments).

§ 1. For fishery products originating in Uganda, Kenya and Mocambique, the health certificate in addition to the health certificate set out in the annex to Kvedtak 95/328/EC, Access appends a new point 3:3.
any person who has worked with or dealt with fisheries or akvakulturprodukter as described above, with the satisfying result reviewed the health surveillance that is described in chapter III, point II (B) of the annex to the Rdir. 91/493/EEC.

§ 2. This regulation takes effect immediately and applies until further notice.