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The Regulation On Supplements To The Information Business In The Political Parties

Original Language Title: Forskrift om tilskudd til informasjonsvirksomhet i politiske partier

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The regulation on supplements to the information business in the political parties.

Date of-1999-02-08-199 Ministry the Ministry of culture published in 1999 524 entry into force 08.02.1999 last edited by-2005-01-18-31 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1814-05-17-section 75, Standing Committee on budget resolutions Announced short title regulations on grants for party information Chapter overview: Kap. 1. General (§ § 1-1-1-3) Chapter. 2. Supplement to the information business (§ § 2-1-2-3) Chapter. 3. Supplement to the distribution of political partiers publications (§ § 3-1-3-3) Chapter. 4. Application processing and control (§ § 4-1-4-6) set by the Ministry of culture, now the Ministry of culture and Church, 8. February 1999 with the legal authority of the Parliament's annual budget decisions, cf. The Constitution § 75 letter d. Changed March 25, 2002 No. 376, 18 jan 2005 Nr. 31. Chapter. 1. General section 1-1. Scope this Regulation applies to the distribution of the grants of the Ministry of culture and church budget Chapter 335, Post 76 "grants to various publications" to the information business in the political parties represented in the Parliament and to the distribution of publications associated with these parties.

§ 1-2. Purpose Support scheme will contribute to political opinion wrestling and debate in the community.

§ 1-3. The budget For each grant year add Culture and Church Affairs in 1 forward suggestions to the percentage distribution of the grant on the grants to the information business and distribution grants to political parties ' publications.

Kap. 2. Grants to the information business section 2-1. Terms political parties is granted an annual supplement to the information business.
The party must be represented in the Storting. The party must also have set lists for at least half of the electoral districts and gotten at least 2.5% of the vote at the last general elections.

section 2-2. The grant the grant calculation is granted in the form of: 1. a basic grants, which should be equal for all parties in the support scheme. The size because the grant is determined by the Culture and Church Affairs for each grant year.

2. a variable supplements, which are allocated fairly by number of votes at the last general elections.

§ 2-3. Transitional party that have received grants to the information business and who loses the right to this, to be in a transition period provided grants for the following guidelines: a) the first year in transitional party get a subsidy which is equivalent to 2/3 of the grant it received last year it was tilskuddsberettiget.

b) second year in transitional get party a subsidy which is equivalent to 1/2 of the grant it received last year it was tilskuddsberettiget.

c) the third year of transitional get party a grant equal to 1/3 of the grant it received last year it was tilskuddsberettiget.

Kap. 3. Supplement to the distribution of political partiers publications section 3-1. Terms associated with political parties Publications represented in the Storting is granted an annual distribution grants.
The National Executive Committee or equivalent body of a political party that meets the criteria in section 2-1 of this regulation must confirm that the publication is associated with the party. Grants are only provided to one affiliated publication a political party.
The publication must, on average, have had a size of 12 pages in A4 format in the year before the grant year.
Your publication may not receive grants from other press support schemes on the culture and Church Ministry's budget.

section 3-2. The grant the grant calculation is allocated to publications in the scheme according to the number of copies distributed via the mail or other independent distribution company in the year before the grant year.

section 3-3. Transitional publication that has received distribution grants and who loses the right to this, to be in a transition period provided grants for the following guidelines: a) the first year in transitional makes your publication grants corresponding to 2/3 of the grant it received last year it was tilskuddsberettiget.

b) second year in transitional makes your publication grants that corresponds to 1/2 of the grant it received last year it was tilskuddsberettiget.

c) the third year of the transition arrangement makes your publication grants that corresponds to 1/3 of the grant it received last year it was tilskuddsberettiget.

Kap. 4. Application processing and control section 4-1. Application, documentation grants to the distribution of political partiers publications are awarded upon application at your own application form. Supplements to the information business in the political parties are allocated without special application.
A publication that applying for grants for forskriftens Chapter 3, in the application must present a task confirmed by the record or by other independent distribution company of the number of distributed copies in the year before the grant year. The publication must also confirm that the year before the grant year, on average, had a size of at least 12 pages in A4 format. The application shall be signed by the publication's editor and accountant.
On first application, or at the request of Norwegian media authority, your publication must present confirmation from the National Executive Committee or equivalent body of a political party that meets the criteria in section 2-1 of this regulation, that the publication is associated with the party.

§ 4-2. Management and Support is managed by the complaint scheme Norwegian media authority.
Individual decisions made by the Norwegian media authority in accordance with this Regulation may be appealed to the Ministry of culture and Church.

section 4-3. The payment of grants Grants for this regulation should normally be paid out quarterly.
The grant is for one calendar year (the grant year) and ceases from the date the terms and conditions for grants are no longer present, cf. However, section 3-3.

§ 4-4. Follow up, control the media authority, the Ministry of culture and Church and the Auditor General can take control of that a publication that receives supplements after this regulation has entered the correct basis for the calculation of grants and with that the terms of the grants, incidentally, is met.
Failure to impart information mentioned in section 4-1 or notification of incorrect information, can be deprived of the right to the publication grants for specific period of time.

§ 4-5. Closer to the Norwegian media authority regulations sets out guidelines on determining the payment of newspaper, supplements and what tasks the publications should submit, if assurance and control of forms and about accounting.

section 4-6. Entry into force this regulation takes effect immediately and applies to the processing of applications for grants to the information business in the political parties represented in the Parliament as of 1999.
From the same time repealed guidelines for grants to certain publications established by the Ministry of culture 15. August 1995.