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Regulations On Approved (Reindeer Pillow) Breeding Of Sheep And Goats

Original Language Title: Forskrift om godkjente (reinavla) avlsdyr av sau og geit

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Regulations on approved (reindeer pillow) breeding of sheep and goats

Date FOR-1999-01-13-69

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Published In 1999 129 (Annexes 4 and 5 omitted)

Commencement 01/13/1999

FOR 2011-08-08-812





Short Title
Regulations on approved breeding of sheep and goats

Chapter Overview:

Main part
Appendix 1. Conditions for official recognition of the agencies that leads or creating animal register (studbooks) of approved (reindeer pillow) breeding of sheep o ...
Appendix 2. Methods for calculating the genetic value of current (reindeer pillow) breeding of sheep and goats
Appendix 3. Requirements for sheep and goats when introduced into animal register (studbooks)

Established by the Ministry of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Food) on 13 January 1999 pursuant to the Law of 4 December 1992 No.. 130 on livestock.
EEA Referrals: Council Directive. 89/361 / EEC (as amended by Directive 2008/73 / EC (as amended by Decision 2009/436 / EC)), Council Directive. 94/28 / EC (as amended by Directive 2008/73 / EC (as amended by Decision 2009/436 / EC)), Kvedtak 90/254 / EEC Kvedtak 90/256 / EEC Kvedtak 90/257 / EEC Kvedtak 90 / 258 / EEC, Kvedtak 96/509 / EC Kvedtak 96/510 / EC.
Changes: Amended by regulations 9 January 2004 no. 175, June 25, 2010 no. 1053, August 8, 2011 No.. 812.

§ 1. Purpose purpose of these regulations is to ensure proper breeding reindeer pillow animals of sheep and goats.

§ 2 Scope These regulations apply to all animals reindeer pillow sheep and goats to be used for breeding.
Import of animals, semen, ova and embryos for technical and scientific experiments carried out under the control of the authorities, not governed by this regulation.

§ 3. Definitions Approved (reindeer pillow) breeding: An individual of sheep or goats whose parents and grandparents introduced or registered in an animal register (studbook) referred to in Annex 3 to the competent breeding population (race) and that itself is either introduced or is registered and can be expected to be introduced in this register.
Animal Register (Studbook): A book, a database, phone book or other data carrier, which is led by a body that is officially authorized in the EEA countries where the instance is created, and where approved (reindeer pillow) breeding of a particular breeding population (race) is introduced or registered with mention of lineage of the animal.
Third: A country that is not a member of the EEA.
Instance: Any organization, breeding organizations, avlslag, private enterprise or public authority that is authorized to lead studbook or register for affected breeds of sheep and goats.

§ 4. Public approval In order to be officially approved, must agencies headquartered in Norway leading or creating animal registry, establishes rules for registration of performance, considering breeding value of pure-bred animals of sheep and goats and publish the results, apply the FSA about this .
To be approved, the appropriate authority meeting the requirements of Appendix 1. The approval granted irrespective of the breeding population or populations that are entered in the Register.
FSA may deny approval of an instance if there is already an approved body for the current breeding population and FSA finds that approval of a new authority would pose a danger to the preservation of breeding population or for the implementation of the breeding program to the existing instance.
FSA may withdraw approval if the conditions for approval are not complied with.

§ 5. Collection Station Station that collects, processes and stores semen, ova and embryos, should be approved by the FSA.

§ 6. Testing Public approved bodies shall, in connection with the testing of the genetic value of breeding animals using methods that are in accordance with Appendix 2. The bodies shall, in connection with public approval in accordance with § 4, explain opposite FSA registration method, model for the description of performance, statistical analysis method and genetic parameters used for each property that is considered.

§ 7. Approval and registration of breeding stock To be approved as breeding animals, must ewes or goats meet the requirements of Appendix 3.
To be approved for natural mating, must ram or goat meet the requirements of Appendix 3. | || Actual rams and goats to be tested by officially authorized bodies, cf. § 4.
A public approval authority may decide that only tested rams and goats may be approved for artificial insemination.
Approved breeding of sheep and goats, shall on application introduced or detected in animal register of competent public entity authorized in this country. Introduction or registration shall be in accordance with Appendix 3.

§ 8. Avstamnings- and identification certificate Approved authority shall on request prepare lineage certificate or pedigree for appropriate animal evidence that animal with lineage is entered in the Register of the competent breeding population.
Approved body always has the right to conduct inspection of animals is submitted desire lineage certificate or pedigree.
Breeding shall on importation into Norway from EEA countries and the export from Norway to countries in the EEA be introduced or registered in animal registry kept by body that is approved by the competent national competent authority and listed publicly by public authorities in the country concerned . Semen, ova and embryos must derive from animals mentioned in the first sentence. The said animals and breeding material shall be accompanied by a avstamnings- and identification certificate in accordance with Annex 41 (4a-4e).
If there is more than one egg, or embryo in each straw, it should be clearly indicated. In addition, all the eggs come from the same dams and all the embryos from the same dams and fardyr when there is more than one embryo per. straw.
Instead of using certificates that are given in Annex 41 (4a - 4e), the same information is included in documents accompanying the animals, semen, eggs and embryos. In such cases the authorities by the following formulation confirm whether the stipulated information is included in the aforementioned documents:
"The undersigned certify that these documents contain the information mentioned in Annexes 4a - 4e1 regulations on approved (reindeer pillow) animals of sheep and goats. "
live animals, semen, ova and embryos should be introduced to Norway, shall undergo inspection in accordance with regulations on supervision and inspection on import and export of live animals, other breeding material and animal waste. This control includes the breeding-related documentation accompanying the animals. All certificates should be submitted at the time of importation.

§ 9. Requirements for registration upon importation from third countries Breeding coming from third countries, shall be entered or recorded in the animal registers kept by body that is approved by the competent national competent authority and listed on a list published by the European Commission. Semen, ova and embryos that come from third countries must derive from animals mentioned in the first sentence.

§ 10. Documentation requirements mm on imports from third countries may only be imported animals, semen, ova and embryos for animals that meet the requirements of § 7, and followed by approved avstamnings- and identification certificates as well as supplementary certificate for pregnant animals and own certificates for imports of semen from untested rams or goats under Annex 51 (5a - 5g).
Instead of using certificates that are given in Annex 51 (5a - 5g), the same information is included in documents accompanying the animals, semen, eggs and embryos. In such cases the authorities by the following formulation confirm whether the stipulated information is included in the aforementioned documents:
"The undersigned certify that these documents contain the information mentioned in Annexes 5a - 5g1 regulations on approved (reindeer pillow) animals of sheep and goats. "
It may only be imported semen from animals that have undergone inspection and individual scrutiny and been considered breeding value.
If semen comes from an animal that has not been subject to the control of performance and assessment of breeding value on the basis of the principles set out in Annex 2, it can be imported only in the quantities necessary for approved bodies should be able to conduct public tests.
Live animals, semen, ova and embryos imported from third countries must undergo veterinary checks in accordance with the regulations on inspection and control the import and export of live animals, other breeding material and animal waste. This control includes the breeding-related documentation accompanying the animals. All certificates should be submitted at the time of importation.

§ 11. Expenses The public is not liable for costs in connection with implementation or registration in animal registry and completing the lineage certificate or pedigrees. It can not be imposed excise for introduction or registration in animal registry of approved breeding animals that have already been introduced or are enrolled in an expensive registry is being led by an approved body in another country in the EEA.

§ 12. Supplemental Food Safety Authority shall have access to all data that emerge during testing of breeding, ref. § 6 of these regulations. The final results of the testing shall be publicly available.

§ 13. Inspection and decisions FSA supervises that the provisions of the regulations and individual established pursuant to these regulations. Officially authorized agencies shall make all necessary information available to the FSA in connection with the audit.

§ 14. Dispensation The Ministry of Agriculture may in special cases grant exemptions from the provisions laid down in the regulations.

§ 15. Appeals Decisions made pursuant to these regulations, the right to appeal pursuant to the Public Administration of 10 February 1967, ch. VI. The deadline for appeals is three weeks from the date of notification of the decision reached. The complaint submitted to the administrative body that made the decision.

§ 16. Penalties Deliberate violates or contributes to the violation of the provisions of these regulations is punishable by fines or imprisonment for up to three months.

§ 17. Entry into force These regulations enter into force on 13 January 1999. From the same date, the Regulations of 1 December 1993. 1166 if approved (reindeer pillow) animals of sheep and goats.

Appendix 1. Conditions for official recognition of the agencies that leads or creating animal register (studbooks) of approved (reindeer pillow) breeding of sheep and goats

To get public approval, the agencies leading or creating animal register (studbooks)

having legal personality,

opposite FSA document

efficiency of its operations,

their ability to exercise the necessary control over the keeping of animal registers

that they have a sufficient number of animals in order to conduct a proper breeding program, or to enable the preservation of precious material (the breed) when considered necessary,

that they are able to acquire and utilize the information on the animals' performance necessary for implementation of the breeding program for improvement or maintenance of the population,

having technical rules covering

provisions on the characteristics of breeding population or populations,

an identification system for animals,

a registration system for extraction,

a definition of breeding goals,

a system for assessing the breeding value based on the performance of the animals,

division of animal registry in more paragraphs if there are different conditions for intake of animals in the registry, or if there are different procedures for the classification of animals being entered in the register, and

have statutes that specifically states that there must be no discrimination of members.

Appendix 2. Methods for calculating the genetic value of the current (reindeer pillow) breeding of sheep and goats

The genetic value (breeding value) to a subject of sheep and goats can be calculated using the following methods or combinations thereof.
I. Individual samples

Individual samples on a drive

should disclose the name of the office or the professional bodies responsible for the station and the name of the office or the professional bodies responsible for the calculation and publication of results.

It shall be presented information about the schedule for testing and animal figure included in the testing.

The following information must be provided:

Conditions for admission at the station, in particular maximum age of the young animal and weight at the beginning of the test and number of animals at the test,

Length of adaptation period and test period or final weight of the station and

Ration and feeding system.

The traits recorded (for example, growth, feed intake, express body composition, milk production, milk composition, wool, wool quality and other relevant data) shall be stated.

breeding values ​​for the tested animals shall be expressed as a total breeding value or as a simultaneous comparison for each trait.

Individual samples in cattle

Individual samples can be performed outside a station, assuming that a selection values ​​can be calculated at the end of the testing following accepted principle avlsvurdering.
II. Milk Control and assessment of female animals the breeding value for milk production properties

should disclose the name of the organization responsible for the control and the name of the office or the professional bodies responsible for the calculation and publication of results.

rules of inspection shall be submitted.

Avdråttsdata being used when assessing females the breeding value, shall be registered by an official production control system in accordance with the standards set by the International Committee for Animal Recording. (For example, milk production, milk composition and other relevant information.)

The avdråttsdata being used for evaluation of females the breeding value shall

cover a laktasjonslengde that match the standards set by the International Committee for Animal Recording,

corrected with relevant methods so that all significant environmental impacts are taken into consideration.


Method is utilized for evaluation of breeding value, shall be objective and in accordance with approved policy for avlsvurdering. Breeding value of the controlled animals shall be expressed as an expected deviation or breeding value with associated accuracy values ​​for the detected properties.

method used should be detailed account of, or be given reference to it.

III. Offspring Investigations and / or sibling / relative trying

should disclose the name of the office or the professional bodies responsible for testing, and the name of the office or the professional bodies responsible for the calculation and publication of results.

breeding value of the animals to be calculated on the basis of the characteristics of an appropriate number of offspring / relatives, from:

Meat production characteristics:

Investigation method will be detailed explained, or it shall be given reference to it,

Progeny and / or siblings / relatives must not be selected or treated selectively,

Three types of progeny tests and / or sibling / relative investigations are approved:

central investigation at a station for testing of progeny and / or siblings / relatives,

planned investigation on farms. Offspring and / or siblings / relatives should be divided into flocks in such a manner that it can be made a reliable comparison of sires,

data collected from slaughterhouses about identified carcasses of progeny and / or siblings / relatives.

milk production characteristics:

Investigation method will be explained in detail,

Females must be selected or treated selectively and

Milk yield and composition shall be included in the calculation of the genetic value.

Offspring will be randomly selected. One shall use all relevant records on the offspring in the evaluation of breeding value for males. Factors which do not concern the genetic value, be eliminated by appropriate procedures when breeding value to be calculated.

The recorded parameters (eg. Growth, ullmengde, wool quality, feed intake, carcass quality, milk production, milk composition, performance characteristics, reproduction characteristics, fertility, health, viability of offspring and other relevant information) should be published.

The methodology used for assessment of the breeding value of the animal, should be scientifically sound and in accordance with approved policy for avlsvurdering.

Appendix 3. Requirements for sheep and goats when introduced into animal register (studbooks)

I. The main section of the animal registry
To be inserted into the main section of the animal register (studbook) for breeding population (breed) his shall appropriate breeding

stem from parents and grandparents who all introduced in the animal register for this breeding population,

be identified after birth according to the rules of animal registry and

have a lineage that is determined according to the rules of animal registry.

II. Dividing main sections to animal registry in more classes
main section of the animal register can be divided into several classes depending on the quality of the animals. Only sheep and goats that meet the guidelines for Section I, may be introduced in one of these classes.
III. Introduction of females in the annex to the animal registry

A body that causes an animal registry, may decide that a female which does not meet the guidelines for Section I, may be introduced in an annex to the registry. As prerequisites for this, the female animal

be identified in accordance with the rules established for animal registry,

be judged to be in compliance with the standard of breeding population and

meet minimum requirements for properties according to the rules established for animal register.

The requirements of paragraph 1, b and c can vary depending on whether female animal belongs to the current breeding population, although her lineage is unknown or she originates from a crossing program approved by avlslaget or organization leading animal registry .

A female whose mother and maternal grandmother introduced in animal registry referred to in III point 1 and having father and two grandfathers inserted into the main section of the animal register in compliance with the guidelines in Paragraph 1, is regarded as a approved females and can be fed into the main section of the animal registry as defined in section 1

IV. Introduction of males in the annex to the animal registry

A avlslag or organization that causes an animal registry, may decide that a male which does not meet the guidelines for Section I, may be introduced in an annex to the registry. As prerequisite for this, the male animal

be identified in accordance with the rules established for animal registry,


Be judged to be in compliance with the standard of breeding population and

meet minimum requirements for properties according to the rules established for animal registry,

and terms sheep, be of the hardy race which generally are not intended to milk.

V. Division into classes
Includes animal recorded several classes shall approved animals coming from another EEA Member State, introduced into animal register in the class that the animal meets the guidelines.
Annexes 4 and 5 are omitted and can be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Department for food production and health, PO Box 8007 Dep, 0030 Oslo, tel. 22249401, fax 22249559.