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Regulations On The Regulation Of Fishing For Cod In The Fishing Protection Zone By The Svalbard Archipelago In 2016

Original Language Title: Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter torsk i fiskevernsonen ved Svalbard i 2016

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Regulations on the regulation of fishing for cod in the fishing protection zone by Svalbard in the 2016 Date-2015-12-09-1421 Ministry industry and Fisheries Ministry published in 2015 booklet 13-entry into force 01.01.2016 31.12.2016 last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1976-12-17-91, LAW-2008-06-06-37-section 11, LAW-2008-06-06-37-section 16, LAW-2008-06-06-39-section 59, FOR-1977-06-03-6-section 3 Announced at 10.12.2015. 15:00 short title regulations on cod fishing by the Svalbard archipelago, the legal authority set forth by 2016: food and Fisheries Ministry 9. December 2015 under the legal authority of the Act 17. December 1976 No. 91 of Norway's economic zone, law 6. June 2008 No. 37 on the management of viltlevande marine ressursar (havressurslova) section 11, section 16 and section 59 and regulations 3. June 1977 Nr. 6 about the fishing protection zone by Svalbard § 3.

§ 1. Scope this Regulation applies to fishing in the fishing protection zone by Svalbard with Norwegian and foreign vessels of any kind who run fishing in carrying purposes or to assist the fishing fleet, including exploration and research vessels.

§ 2. General prohibition it is prohibited to fish cod in the fishing protection zone by Svalbard unless expressly stated.

§ 3. Quotas without regard to the prohibition in section 2 can Norwegian and Russian vessels fishing in the Norwegian Arctic cod-fishing protection zone by Svalbard within the framework of the quotas established for vessels from these countries.
Without regard to the prohibition in section 2 can vessels from States that have traditionally fished in the Norwegian Arctic cod-fishing protection zone by the Svalbard archipelago, fishing within the set volume. These are vessels from the European Union and the Faroe Islands.
For vessels from the European Union are determined a share of the biggest total catch amount for the Norwegian-Arctic cod, for fishing in the fishing protection zone by Svalbard. In 2016 is this quota 33 176 tons.
For vessels from the Faroe Islands is determined a share of the biggest total catch amount for the Norwegian-Arctic cod, for fishing in the fishing protection zone by Svalbard. In 2016 is this quota 1822 tons.

§ 4. Vessels with access to fish in the Vessels with access to what to fish-cod in Norwegian Arctic Norway's economic zone are exempt from the limitations in section 3. Fishing in the fishing protection zone after this exception can only take place within the framework of the established quotas of Norwegian-Arctic cod, and to come to the deduction in these.

§ 5. By-catch Interference of the Norwegian Arctic cod fishery-in for other species of fish of up to 10% are exempt from the limitations in section 3.

section 6. Empowerment Fisheries Director can stop fishing after the Norwegian-Arctic cod in the fishing protection zone by the Svalbard archipelago in accordance with this regulation when the quotas that are placed after the regulation is intended to would be oppfisket.

section 7. Violation fee Enterprises and the one that intentionally or negligently contravenes provisions given in or pursuant to this regulation, the amounts levied fee in accordance to law 6. June 2008 No. 37 on the management of viltlevande marine ressursar § 59 and regulations 20. December 2011 No. 1437 on the use of coercive and violation fee for breach of havressurslova.

section 8. Penalty it as intentionally or negligently contravenes provisions of or given in pursuance of this regulation is punishable by law 17. December 1976 No. 91 of Norway's economic zone section 8 and section 9 and allowed 6. June 2008 No. 37 on the management of viltlevande marine ressursar (havressurslova) § 60, section 61, section 64 and section 65. Attempt and complicity is punishable in the same way.

§ 9. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force 1. January 2016 and applies through 31. December 2016.