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Regulations On The Regulation Of Fishing For Sprat In 2016

Original Language Title: Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter brisling i 2016

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Regulations on the regulation of fishing for sprat in 2016

Date FOR-2015-12-08-1417

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 2015 Booklet 13

Effective 08.12.2015, 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016, 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017





LOV-2008-06-06-37-§11, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§12 LOV-2008-06-06-37-§16 LOV-2008-06-06- 37-§27, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§36, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§37, FOR-2001-10-16-4686

12.10.2015 kl. 15.00

Short Title
Regulations on sprat catches, 2016

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1. Fish Prohibition and quotas (§§ 1-2)
Chapter 2. Vessels with purse seine license and vessel with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawling license (§§ 3-8)
Chapter 3. Vessel with access to participate in coastal vessel group (§§ 9-10)
Chapter 4. General Provisions (§11)
Chapter 5. Penalties and entry into force (§§ 12-13)

Adopted by the National Fisheries 8 December 2015 pursuant to the Act on 6 June 2008 no. 37 on the management of wild living marine resources (Marine Resources Act) § 11, § 12, § 16, § 27, § 36 and § 37, ref. delegated decision on 16 October 2001 no. 4686.

Chapter 1. Fish Prohibition and quotas

§ 1. General prohibition It is prohibited for Norwegian vessels to fish and land sprat in the following areas:

In ICES statistical area IV in Norwegian territorial waters and economic zone and in the EU zone. With statistics area in the first sentence is understood in these regulations statistics area IV west of a straight line between Lindesnes lighthouse and Hanstholmen guy.

In ICES statistical area IIIa in Norway's territorial waters and in the Skagerrak more than 4 nautical mil from the baselines in the area bounded on the west by a straight line through Hanstholmen guy and Lindesnes lighthouse and on the south by a straight line from Hansenøre to Gruber Narrow, from Korshage to Spodsbjerg and from Gilbjerg Hoved to Kullen.

§ 2. Group Quotas Notwithstanding the prohibition in § 1 may Norwegian vessels with purse seine license and pelagic trawl / North Sea trawl fishing permit and land up to 20 000 tonnes of sprat in EU waters.
Notwithstanding the prohibition in § 1, the owner and vessels permitted to engage in coastal vessel group, fishing and land coastal sprat in the Skagerrak. The catch is settled quantity of 2496 tonnes in the agreement between the EU and Norway.

Chapter 2. Vessels with purse seine license and vessel with pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawling license

§ 3. The protection period in havbrislingfisket It is prohibited to fish sprat from 1 April to 31 July.

§ 4. Registration for fishing To ensure an appropriate liquidation and distribution of the fishery for sprat in EU waters, carried fished in 2016 after announcement and written registration to NSS by Monday 14th December 2015 at. 24:00.

§ 5. Utseilingsrekkefølge by drawing lots After registration deadline determined utseilingsrekkefølgen by lot. The basis for participation is identity number of the individual vessel's special permit (purse seine permit, pelagic trawl permit or North Sea trawl permit), as recorded in the Directorate of Fisheries authorizing and participant registry.
NSS determines how many vessels will take sailed out and conducting the liquidation of sailed out according to the drawing list. Vessels that have been sailed out to report sailed out to NSS, and then daily at 12 on the capture of the last message.
Utseilingsrekkefølgen after the draw list is valid from 1 January to 31 March.

§ 6. Last utseilingsfrist vessel that has been admitted sailed out of NSS, must have taken sailed out no later than 11 January 2016 kl. 24:00. Maximum quota lapses for vessels that do not have sailed out before the deadline. If a vessel waive fishing maximum quota the first quarter, the NSS on the draw list. When NSS proceeding on the draw list must vessels have taken sailed out within 72 hours after the NSS has given vessel access.
Optionally fishing on residual quantity later in regulation year happens after regular utseilingsordning by informed the Norwegian Sildelsalgslag about sailed out. Maksimalkvote established pursuant to this regulation, the whole regulatory year.

§ 7. Vertical Trek Ingens effect sailed out in 2017 Special permit for identity number has been given access to participate Q1 2016, pulled out at the bottom of an eventual withdrawal list for 2017.

§ 8. Maksimalkvote when fishing in EU waters Maximum quota for vessels that are fishing in EU waters is 550 tons. Fisheries can change the maximum quota.

Chapter 3. Vessels eligible to participate in coastal vessels group

§ 9. Close seasons for coastal sprat In the period from 1 January to 31 July it pursuant to the Regulation of 22 December 2004 no. 1878 concerning the pursuit of fishing on the lake § 35a prohibited fishing coastal sprat.
Pursuant to clause mentioned in the first paragraph, it is permitted to make exceptions or extend the close mv.

§ 10. Right to attend. Notwithstanding § 1 may own and vessels permitted to engage in coastal vessel group, fishing sprat in Norwegian territorial waters.

Chapter 4. General Provisions

§ 11. Authorisation Directorate of Fisheries may close the fishery when total area quota mentioned in § 2 is intended caught.
Fisheries may amend these regulations and lay down more detailed provisions necessary for achieving a rational and appropriate for conducting or completing fishing.

Chapter 5. Penalties and entry into force

§ 12. Penalties Anyone who deliberately or negligently violates provisions pursuant to these regulations shall be punished according to the law on 6 June 2008 no. 37 on the management of wild living marine resources (Marine Resources Act) § 60, § 61, § 62 , § 64 and § 65 and Act of 26 March 1999 No.. 15 on the right to participate in fishing § 31. the same penalty complicity and attempts.

§ 13. Entry into force These regulations enter into force on 1 January 2016 and applies until 31 December 2016, with the exception of § 4 and § 5, which comes into force immediately. Moreover, § 7 to 31 December 2017.