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Regulations On The Design Of The Border Markers In The Affairs Of Earth Replacing The Courts

Original Language Title: Forskrift om utforming av grensemerker i saker for jordskiftedomstolene

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Regulations on the design of the boundary marks in cases for the Earth shift courts date of 2015-12-07-1416 Ministry of Justice and emergency Ministry published in 2015 clips 13 entry into force 01.01.2016 last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-2013-06-21-100-section 6-29, FOR-2013-06-21-737, FOR-2014-10-15-1304 Announced at 10.12.2015. 15:00 short title regulations on the design of the border marks in the soil shift matters Chapter overview: the main part annex 1. Limit mark type 1 Attachment 2. Limit mark type 2 Title: laid down by the Court Administration 7. December 2015 under the legal authority of the Act 21. June 2013 No. about 100 fastsetjing and the change of eigedoms and rettshøve on fixed eigedom and more (jordskiftelova) § 6-29 last paragraph, cf.. the delegation decision 21. June 2013 No. 737 and the delegation decision 15. October 2014 Nr. 1304. § 1. Select the limit set up by the soil shift the courts shall have the same physical dimensions and requirements for material that limit, select set up under the legal authority of section 41 in the directory lists regulations 26. June 2009 Nr. 864 jf. "specification for boundary marks after the law determined by the parcel" the Norwegian Mapping Authority.

§ 2. Text on the limit, select type 1: page 1: off. ACK HAS BEEN RECEIVED. LIMIT MARK JF. JSL. Vendor invoice disc. Nr.
Page 2: Earth SHIFT the Court.
Text on the limit, select type 2: outer circle: off. ACK HAS BEEN RECEIVED. LIMIT MARK JF. JSL. Vendor invoice disc. Nr.
Inner circle: Earth SHIFT the Court.
The text should be placed as shown in annex 1 and 2 to this regulation. The text should have the same depth and that characterize the size set by the Norwegian Mapping Authority for border marks in pursuance of the law directory lists 17. June 2005 Nr. 101. section 3. The regulation does not apply to the labeling of the protected boundaries after nature diversity Act 19. June 2009 Nr. 100 or similar laws when guard the border are not congruent with the property boundary.

§ 4. Limit mark ordered and delivered Earth shift the courts before 1. January 2016 can be used for existing inventory is empty.

§ 5. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. January 2016.

Appendix 1. Limit mark type 1 Attachment 2. Limit mark type 2