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Regulations On Entrainment And Use Of Radio Equipment And Ssr Transponder Aircraft

Original Language Title: Forskrift om medføring og bruk av radionavigasjonsutstyr og SSR-transponder i luftfartøy

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Regulations on entrainment and use of radio equipment and SSR transponder aircraft.

Date FOR 1998-02-03-113

Affairs Ministry

Published Dept. In 1998 202

Commencement 04/23/1998


FOR 1979-12-12



LOV-1993-06-11-101-§9-1, TO-1994-03-25-241


Short Title
Regulations on radio navigation equipment

Adopted by the Civil Aviation Administration 3. February 1998 pursuant to the Act of 11 June 1993 no. 101 of the Aviation (Aviation Act) § 9-1 and the Ministry's authorization of 25 March 1994 no. 241.
Changes: Amended by regulation 28 October 2014 No.. 1361.

§ 1. Scope These regulations apply to Norwegian aircraft within Norwegian territory.
Regulations also apply to aviation with foreign registered aircraft within Norwegian territory unless otherwise stated, and it is consistent with international agreements or especially an agreement with the registration authorities in the country.
Regulation does not apply to aircraft that are regulated by Regulation (EC). 965/2012 as implemented by Regulation 7 August 2013 no. 956 on Air Operations.

§ 2. Purpose The purpose of this regulation is to improve aviation safety by aircraft to perform the flight navigation equipment in accordance with instrument flight rules (IFR) and by improving monitoring of air traffic using Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR transponder).

§ 3. Requirements for equipment and use civilian aircraft properly when it performs flight in specified airspace be equipped with radio navigational equipment and SSR transponder, ref. AIP NORWAY GEN 1.5.
Aircraft shall when it flies in specified airspace, using the required radio navigation equipment and SSR transponder, ref. AIP NORWAY GEN 1.5.

§ 4. Design and function Design and function of radio equipment and SSR transponder shall be in accordance with applicable Technical Standard Order (TSO).

§ 5. Approval Radio Navigation Equipment and SSR transponder shall be approved in accordance with regulations on radio station in aircraft, BSL B 4-2.

§ 6. Installation of radio equipment and SSR transponder must be performed by an approved JAR-145 organization.

§ 7. Maintenance and Control Maintenance and control shall be in accordance with regulations on maintenance and modification of aircraft material, ref. BSL B 4-2. Work will be performed by an approved JAR-145 organization.

§ 8. Malfunctions For commercial aviation with multi-engine aircraft shall malfunctions are treated in accordance with regulations governing the rules for commercial aviation with multi-engine aircraft components or systems inoperative (Minimum Equipment List - MEL), ref. BSL D 2-6 .
For other aviation should malfunctions noted in the aircraft journey log, technical journals or equivalent approved system of technical accounting, ref. BSL B 1-1.

§ 9. Flight Manual Aeroplane Flight Manual will be updated to include the installed radio navigation and SSR transponder equipment and otherwise comply with the regulations on flight manual and checklist aircraft, cf. BSL B 1-5.

§ 10. Training and Education Using radio navigation equipment and SSR transponder in commercial aviation should be training and education be in accordance with regulations concerning commercial aviation with aircraft / helicopter, ref. BSL D 2-1 and 2-2.
When using radio navigation equipment and SSR transponder not commercial aviation duties user before the flight begins, to study user manuals for the equipment.

§ 11. Exemption The Civil Aviation Administration may grant exemptions from this regulation for a shorter period, ref. AIP NORWAY GEN 1.5.

§ 12. Violation Violation may lead to revocation of the certificate ref. Aviation Act § 5-6, and / or penalty under the Aviation Act § 14-13.

§ 13. Entry into force These regulations enter into force on 23 April 1998 and abolishes while former Regulation of 12 December 1979.1