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Regulations Relating To Crystal Glass

Original Language Title: Forskrift om krystallglass

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Regulations on crystal glass

Date FOR 1997-07-03-773

Ministry of Children and Equality

Published Dept. In 1997 1696

Commencement 01/08/1997






Short Title
Regulations on crystal glass

Chapter Overview:

Main part
Appendix 1. List of crystal glass categories
Appendix 2. Methods for determining the chemical and physical properties of crystal groups

Adopted of Children and Family Affairs (now Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion) 3 July 1997 pursuant to the Act of 18 December 1981 no. 90 concerning the labeling of consumer goods etc. § 3.

§ 1 Scope These regulations apply to goods by number 70.13 in Customs Tariff traded on sale or are intended for such sales in this country. The regulation thus comprises items of glass, table service, household and toilet paper and office products, ornaments, etc.

§ 2. Requirements for marking Only items covered by the regulations and who meets the requirements of Annex 1 can be labeled with the designations listed in Appendix 1. In addition to the described terms can also be used the symbols described in appendix 1. Designations and symbols can be used on the same label / brand.
On goods not have the characteristics mentioned in Annex 1, it is prohibited to use the in Annex 1 cited designations and symbols or designations or symbols that can be confused with them.

§ 3. More about labeling If a product covered by this regulation, carries one of the designations given in Annex 1, it can also carry identification symbol shown and defined in Annex 1
If a trademark, company name or other inscription contains either as main links or as an adjective for root word, one of the designations set out in Annex 1 or they may lead to confusion with these designations shall be with clear writing be applied immediately before the mark or business name or inscription:

Designation of the goods when this has characteristics specified in Annex 1

Information about works materials, when not having the characteristics specified in Appendix 1.

§ 4. Analytical methods in Annex 2 shall be used to determine the correlation between designations and identification symbols on the one hand, and the characteristics set out in Annex 1

§ 5. Penalties Violation of these regulations is punishable by fines.

§ 6. Effective regulation enters into force on 1 August 1997.

Appendix 1. List of crystal glass categories

Designations Properties

Metal- Density


Zation surface-

(In pro-

figures hardness


Cristal Superiuer

Round brands


Color: gold

Cristallo Superiore


30% *


≥1 cm


30% *

Volloodkristal 30%

Full Lead Crystal


Crystal 30%

Cristal au Plomb


Cristallo al Plombo


Blei Kristall 24%

Loodkristal 24%

Lead Crystal 24%

Crystal 24%





K₂ O
n D

Color: silver



Page: ≥1 cm

Alone or








Form of

K₂ O

One equal

Alone or

± 20

Sided triangle.


Color: silver


Page: ≥1 cm

Appendix 2. Methods for determining the chemical and physical properties of crystal groups

1. Chemical analyzes

BaO and PbO

Determination of the total content of BaO + PbO

Weigh to an accuracy of 0.0001 g ca. 0.5 g of powdered glass, transferred to a platinum dish. Moisten with water and add 10 ml of 15% sulfuric acid and 10 ml of hydrogen fluoride. Heat in sand bath until white fumes. Allow to cool and treated again with 10 ml of hydrogen fluoride. Heat until it left white fumes. Cool again, and toilet bowl walls rinsed off with water. Heat again until white fumes. Allow to cool and carefully add 10 ml of water and then transferred to a 400 ml beaker. Rinse the bowl several times with a solution of 10% sulfuric acid and dilute to 100ml with the same solution. Boil for 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand overnight.

Filter through a filter crucible with porosity 4, washing first with a 10% sulfuric acid solution and then two or three times with ethanol. Dry one hour at 150 ° C in a drying cabinet. Weigh BaSO4 + PbSO4.

Determination of BaO

Weigh to an accuracy of 0.0001 g ca. 0.5 g of powdered glass, transferred to a platinum dish. Moisten with water and add 10 ml of hydrogen fluoride and 5 ml of perchloric acid. Heat in sand bath until white fumes.
Let the mixture cool and add in 10 ml of hydrogen fluoride. Warm up to the white fumes again. Allow to cool and rinse the sides of the dish with distilled water. Heat up again and let the mixture steam until it is almost dry. Start again with 50 ml of 10% hydrochloric acid and warm gently to aid dissolution. Transfer to a 400 ml beaker and dilute with water to 200 ml. Boil and send a stream of hydrogen sulphide through the hot solution. Stop the gas flow when the precipitate of lead sulphide drops to the bottom of the beaker. Filtered through a finfilterpapir and wash with cold water saturated with hydrogen sulphide.
Boil the filtrates and reduce them if necessary to 300 ml by evaporation. Ha 10 ml of a 10% solution of sulfuric acid in the boiling mixture. Take off the heat and let the mixture stand for at least 4 hours.
Filter through a finfilterpapir and wash with cold water. Calcining the precipitate at 1050 ° C and road BaSO4.

Determination of ZnO

Evaporate the filtrate from the separation of BaSO4 so that the amount is reduced to 200 ml. Neutralize with ammonia with the presence of methyl red and add 20 ml of N / 10 sulfuric acid. Adjust the pH to 2 (pH meter) by addition of either N / 10 sulfuric acid or N / 10 sodium hydroxide, depending on the case, and fold out sulphide cold by passing a stream of hydrogen sulfide through the solution. Let the precipitate stand for four hours, then collect then on a finfilterpapir. Wash with cold water saturated with hydrogen sulphide. Dissolve the precipitate on the filter by pouring through 25 mL of a warm solution of 10% hydrochloric acid. Wash the filter with boiling water until it has been an amount of about 150 ml. Neutralize with ammonia in the presence of lakkmuspapir, then add 02.01 g Urotropine solidified to fix the pH ca. 5. Add a few drops of a nytillaget watered solution of 0.5% xylenoloransje and titrate with an N / 10 complexone III to the color changes from pink to lemon yellow.

Determination of K₂ O

By precipitation and weighing of potassium tetraphenylborate

2 g glass is crushed and sieved, and

then dissolved in:

2 ml of concentrated HNO3

15 ml HCO4

25 ml of HF

In platinum dish in a water bath and then in sand bath. When it is made dense vapor of perchloric acid (steam into dry) are dissolved mixture in 20 ml of hot water and 2-3 ml of concentrated HCl.
Have over in a 200 mL volumetric flask and fill with distilled water until the volume is reached.
Reagents: 6% solution of sodium tetraphenylborate: dissolve 1.5 grams of the reagent in 250 ml distilled water. Remove the remaining light cloudiness by adding 1 g alumina hydrate. Shake for five minutes and filter, taking care to filter the first 20 ml again through the filter.
Solution for washing of the precipitate: Slightly potassium salt prepared by the 0.1 g KCL in 50 ml N / 10 HCl is poured into a solution of tetraphenylborate stirring until the precipitate ceases. Filter through sinter. Wash with distilled water. Drying in a desiccator at room temperature. Ha then 20-30 mg of this salt in 250 ml distilled water. Stir occasionally. After 30 minutes, from 0.5 to 1 g aluminum hydrate. Stir for a few minutes. Filter.
Procedure: Take a part of the hydrochloric acid solution corresponding to approximately 10 mg K₂ O. Dilute to about 100 ml. Slowly pour Oppi reagent, approximately 10 ml per. 5 mg presumed K₂ O, while gently stirring. Let rest for up to 15 minutes and filter in sintered tared filter crucible no. 3 or no. 4. Wash with washing solution. Dry for 30 minutes at 120 ° C. The conversion factor K₂ O is 0.13143.

Analysis Tolerances

± 0.1 in absolute value for each determination.
If an analysis provides a value within the tolerance that is less than the prescribed limits (30, 24 or 10%), there must be an average of at least three assays. If the average is greater than or equal respectively 29.95, 23.95 or 9.95 shall jar accepted in categories corresponding respectively to 30, 24 or 10%.

2. Determination of the physical properties


Method using a hydrostatic weight with an accuracy of ± 0.01. A sample of at least 20 g is weighed in air and in 20 ° C warm distilled water.

Refractive squad

Refractive index measured with refractometer with an accuracy of ± 0.001.

Micro Hardness

Vickers hardness measured by the standard ASTM E 92-65 norm (revision 1965), but with a weight of 50 g and an average of 15 determinations.