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Regulations Relating To Reimbursement Of Expenses For Supervision Of Resource Management In The Petroleum Activities

Original Language Title: Forskrift om refusjon av utgifter for tilsyn med ressursforvaltning i petroleumsvirksomheten

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Regulations relating to reimbursement of expenses for supervision of resource management in the petroleum activities

Date FOR 1997-06-27-652

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Labour and Social Affairs

Published In 1997 1551

Commencement 01/07/1997

FOR 2013-05-24-513

FOR 1993-03-26-222



LOV-1996-11-29-72-§10-18, LOV-1996-11-29-72-10-3


Short Title
Regulations on expenses - Supervision petr.virks.

Adopted by Royal Decree. 27 June 1997 pursuant to the Act 29 November 1996 no. 72 relating to petroleum activities § 10-18, cf. § 10-3. Promoted by MPE.
Changes: Amended by regulations 17 September 2001 no. 1618, 1 February 2002 No.. 127, April 4, 2003 No.. 431, October 8, 2004 No.. 1395, 14 Dec 2009 No.. 1514 May 24, 2013 No.. 513.

§ 1. Scope This regulation applies to supervision of resource management in the petroleum activities in areas mentioned in Act 29 November 1996 no. 72 relating to petroleum activities § 1-4.

§ 2. (Repealed by regulations 24 May 2013 No.. 513.)

§ 3. Supervision of resource management for supervision of resource required reimbursement in the following cases:

Participation as an observer in committee meetings in licenses as mentioned in Act 29 November 1996 no. 72 relating to petroleum activities,

Other necessary meetings in connection with the supervision of licenses etc,

Measurement audits,

Registration of new wells.

MPE may decide that also in other cases refunding will be claimed for regulatory supervision of resource.

§ 4. Reimbursement of expenses in connection with supervision Supervision, including travel time, which is carried out under these regulations will be charged NOK 820 per. hour.

§ 5. Reimbursement of costs associated with business travel expenses in connection with official travel shall be invoiced by the official scale for travel.

§ 6. Documentation costs required refunded under these regulations shall be paid on the basis of lists of elapsed time with.
When calculating elapsed time, working time of 30 minutes or less is considered a half hour, and time beyond thirty minutes is considered a full hour.
The refunding expenses, may require the supervisory authority to submit hour tasks.

§ 7 Particular refunding etc If an agreed supervision outside the regular workplace can not be carried out when the supervisory authority arrives, and this is not due to the supervisory authority, the licensee or the audit targets pay an amount of $ 1430 per. official present. This amount is in addition to the hourly rate and travel expenses. If the reason for that supervision can not be implemented is outside the licensee or the audit targets its control, the supervisory authority may decide that refund should not be required.
Supervisory authority may use other public or private legal or natural persons to assist in the supervision of the petroleum activities. If such legal or physical persons assisting in supervision, the supervisory authority shall determine the size of the refund in each case.
For supervisory expenses where the rates in this regulation does not fit, the supervisory authority may prescribe special fees according to the nature, extent and circumstances. The supervisory authority may stipulate fees for specific tasks if it finds that it is more appropriate.

§ 8 Claims for refunding etc Refunding of expenses in connection with supervision may be required from the licensee or the audit directed at or where it takes place in the individual case.
Supervisory authority may require a bank guarantee or similar covering supervision expenses.
If expenses are not refunded due date, interest shall be payable on the amount in accordance with the Act of 17 December 1976 no. 100 relating to interest on overdue payments

§ 9. Adjustment betting MPE can adjust the rates mentioned in § 4 and § 7

§ 10. Entry into force etc. This regulation comes into force on 1 July 1997. From the same date, the Regulations on 26 March 1993 no. 222 concerning the collection of fees to the treasury for the oversight of the petroleum industry.