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Service Scheme For Bishops

Original Language Title: Tjenesteordning for biskoper

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Service scheme for bishops

Date FOR-1997-06-06-1055

Ministry of Culture Ministry

Published Dept. In 1997 1968

Commencement 06/06/1997


FOR 2015-03-13-267 from 01/09/2015




LOV-1996-06-07-31-§34, FOR-1997-06-06-1540, TO-2012-06-08-505


Short Title
service scheme for bishops

Chapter Overview:

Bishop responsibility and authority (§§ 1-6)
bishop service functions (§§ 7 - 17b)
bishop Terms (§§ 18-28)

Adopted by Royal Decree. 6. June 1997 pursuant to the Act of 7 June 1996 no. 31 on the Norwegian Church (church law) § 34. Promoted by the Ministry of Education and Research (now Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs).
Added authority: Delegation Resolution 8 June 2012 no. 505.
Changes: Amended by Decision 14 July 1999 no. 1574, January 15, 2007 No.. 26, February 23, 2007 No.. 202, 17 Dec 2010 No.. 1775 , June 29, 2012 no. 705. Amended by regulation 13 March 2015 no. 267.

Bishop responsibilities and powers

§ 1. The Bishop shall, through preaching and sacrament management take care of the apostolic teaching the word of God and our Church confession, promote and preserve the unity of the Church of God and guide and encourage diocesan parishes, church employees and other employees. In order to address this oversight responsibilities the bishop can give advice and guidance, and also give binding instructions concerning priests and other church employees' duties. Bishop sees to it that priests administer the sacraments, preaching and even live in tune with the Christian faith, as expressed in our Church confession and arrangements, and that others who are consecrated to serve in church work and live in accordance with the consecration admonition and lift.
The bishop oversees that the ecclesiastical Council of the diocese carry out their work in loyalty with the Evangelical Lutheran doctrine.

§ 2. The Bishop is the supreme leader of the clergy of the diocese and ensure the necessary coordination with the ecclesiastical councils business. The bishop is committed to the objectives and strategies established for operations in the Norwegian Church, and will support measures to promote these.
The bishop ensures that vacant provost office or dean positions being serviced.
Bishop may delegate authority under this section to staple director.

§ 3. The Bishop ordains services in diocesan parishes and deciding how many church services must be maintained in either church or other place of worship.

§ 4. The bishop exercises the authority in liturgy the provisions conferred bishop.

§ 5. The bishop may personally or by another priest officiating worship and use the churches in his diocese in the same way as parish priests. In such cases, the bishop has the rights to use the church. The bishop oversees the use of churches and determines complaints about the use and lending of churches by rules laid down by the General Synod.

§ 6. The bishop leads consecration registry for his diocese. Bishops' Conference may adopt detailed rules for the keeping of the register.

Bishop service functions

§ 7. The bishop be searched parish in the diocese in compliance with visitation rules established by the Bishops' Conference.

§ 8. The bishop decides whether ordination to the priesthood and consecration to the other church services, after the call to have found the candidates qualified for the service and appetizers so ordinasjons- or consecration action by prescribed liturgy. The bishop may establish a system of preparation for ordination. Only consecrated bishop can officiate ordination to the priesthood. At the request of the person who acts as a bishop, another was consecrated bishop officiate ordination to the priesthood. The latter considers in such cases the candidate's aptitude and make decisions on ordination. Only persons who satisfy the regulatory requirements for appointment as parish priest in the Norwegian Church may be ordained to the priesthood.
No one can be ordained or consecrated without being added in an orderly ecclesiastical position requiring such ordination or consecration. In special cases, however candidates who meet the conditions for appointment as parish priest, ordained chaplain service, service in church organizations, educational institutions and the like by further rules laid down by the Bishops' Conference.
Decision on ordination or consecration may not be appealed.

After application and recommendation from their denominations bishop may decide that a person's priestly ordination in another Christian denomination shall be considered valid basis for doing ministry in the Norwegian Church without new ordination. Before such a decision, the bishop after consultations have found the person fit for the ministry in the Norwegian Church and received their promise to perform this service in accordance with our church's confession and arrangements. Decisions as mentioned here, does not entail a dispensation from the qualification requirements for appointment of a minister. The bishop's decision is final.
The bishop sends Ministry notification of the decision under this section.

§ 9. The bishop call letter / service letter by adding ordained or consecrated person in ecclesiastical position, confirming that he is ordained or consecrated, marking the supervision of the bishop and exhortation to the church to welcome the employees who directly called servant .

§ 10. The bishop may consent to an ordained minister in the Norwegian Church holds worship and appetizers church events in a deanery where the person is not employed in the public Christian minister position. The bishop may give suitable laypeople who on responsibility and under the supervision of a priest performing assistant duty under favor freedom or vacancy in a priestly position, authority to officiate ordained worship, baptism, communion and burial. Such authorization may also be theological students who are in the final part of professional studies in theology or equivalent.

§ 11. The bishop may give representatives of other Christian denominations permission to preach and participate otherwise in ordained worship and at church events. Except for marriages may ordained ministers from other Christian denominations granted permission to officiate worship services and church events for our Church arrangements. The bishop may, within the framework of the Ministry's authority under church law § 29 exemption from the requirement for membership of the Norwegian Church for church employees and ombudsman. This decision may be appealed to the Ministry.

§ 12. The Bishop hit on application decide that a person is released from the right to exercise ministry in the Norwegian Church. The bishop decides whether any time limit in the loss of the right to perform priestly ministry in the Norwegian Church after church Act § 32 first paragraph.
Bishop hit within the framework of the Ministry's authority under church law § 32, second paragraph, and under the conditions mentioned therein, decisions concerning loss of the right to perform priestly ministry in the Norwegian Church.
The bishop's decision after the second and third paragraphs may be appealed to the Ministry.
The bishop sends Ministry notification of the decision by the first, second and third paragraphs.
When the bishop finds the basis for assessing the acquisition of priestly rights of one who has lost the right to perform priestly ministry forever, or before the expiry of that particular era, the bishop matter for the Ministry with recommendations on resolutions.
The provision of this section shall apply mutatis mutandis to the right to exercise ministry in the Norwegian Church as a pastor in another denomination is given under § 8 subsection.

§ 13. The bishop performs consecration of churches that have been approved by the Ministry. The bishop can grant permission for assembly halls to serve as church premises for a district, and offices in institutions consecrated church purposes.

§ 14. The bishop is the dean's immediate supervisor and Prost as its intermediaries in the exercise of his ministry. The bishop may delegate authority under § 2, § 10 and § 11 first paragraph of the dean. Dean's bishop permanent substitute and may also in special cases authorized to perform episcopal ministry under § 7, § 8, § 9 and § 13 dean, neither as a substitute or in other cases officiate ordination to the priesthood.
Dean inserted in his position of bishop or on his behalf by the dean or another provost for decision by the bishop.
Bishop appraisals with Prost and head provost meetings.

§ 15. The bishop participates in the Bishops' Conference consisting of all serving bishops.

§ 16. The bishop is a member of The Norwegian church doctrinal commission and can travel doctrinal matter under the current rules.

§ 17. The bishop is a member of the diocesan council and the General Synod. The bishop prepared annually together with diocesan council a report on the activities and conditions of the diocese.

§ 17b. Nidaros diocese has two serving bishops. Episcopal meeting's president exerts bishop authority within Nidaros parish. Nidaros Bishop exerts the authority added the bishop, in other parts of the Nidaros diocese. The Ministry will decide in cases of doubt about the bishop's authority is to Nidaros Bishop or president. Preses has its seat in Nidaros diocesan council in matters concerning employment, dismissal, imposition of disciplinary measures, dismissal and suspension within Nidaros parish. Nidaros Bishop has its seat in the diocesan council in other cases. The Ministry will decide in cases of doubt about Nidaros Bishop or president has seats in the diocesan council.
Bishops' meeting show president is permanent substitute for president 'functions as head of the Bishops' Conference. Nidaros Bishop's permanent substitute for president in matters relating to supervision area for president. The Ministry will decide in cases of doubt who is the substitute for president.

Bishop Terms

§ 18. The bishop's clerical office or official and is with regard to rights and obligations governed by the rules that apply at any time for the government office or officials, and for the ecclesiastical administration. The bishop has a duty of confidentiality under the current rules.

§ 19. The bishop's office or service department a diocese with extent determined by the King.

§ 20. The bishop is appointed by the National Council for regulations concerning the procedure specified by the Synod and on conditions laid down by law. The bishop must abide by approved service system and find themselves in the changes in tasks and office or service district extent.

§ 21. As a bishop may be appointed person who has the qualifications required to be appointed as a minister.

§ 22. The bishop consecrated in the relevant Diocesan Cathedral by ordained Liturgy officiated by Bishop summit's president. Vigslingsliturgiens admonition and promise is determinative of the bishop's service and conduct.

§ 23. The bishop is remunerated by the state salary scale and receive special allowances for the rules and rates applicable at any time.

§ 24. The bishop's service costume is surtout for models approved by the Ministry, with the bishop's cross which follows the individual office. As liturgical costume wears bishop the korkåpe supplied office, together with Albanians, stole and episcopal cross. Service Skin and liturgical costume paid for by the public.

§ 25. (Repealed)

§ 26. The bishop communicated vacation and other leave of absence by the Ministry. The bishop should allocate the necessary time to study, leisure and personal renewal.

§ 27. The bishop furnishes information and give an opinion on matters submitted by the Ministry, Synod and other public bodies, and may on its own initiative take up matters relating to matters within the diocese, the Norwegian Church or society.

§ 28. The bishop performs the tasks at any given time is required by law, pursuant to law or by determination of the King or the Ministry.