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Regulations On The Licence As A Chartered Interpreter And Tolkeprøven

Original Language Title: Forskrift om bevilling som statsautorisert tolk og tolkeprøven

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Regulations on the licence as a Chartered interpreter and tolkeprøven date of-1997-06-06-571 Ministry children and equality Published in 1997 1101 03.12.1997 Avd entry into force Last modified-2006-04-10-425 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1902-05-22-10-section 332, jf. LAW-2005-05-20-28-section 411 Announced short title regulations on government authorised interpreters Chapter overview: Kap. In the. Authorization and interpreter's duties, etc. (sections 1-6) Chapter. II. Tolkeprøven (authorization sample) (sections 7-14) Chapter. III. Committee for tolkeprøven (trial Tribunal) (§ § 15-17) Chapter. IV. various provisions (sections 18-20) set out at URkgl.res. 6 June 1997 with the legal authority of the criminal law of 22. May 1902 No. 10 § 332. Made by the local government and labour. Put into effect from 3 des 1997-State. Regulation 3 des 1997 Nr. 1252. Amended by regulations 27 Oct 1999 Nr. 1132, 23 des 2005 Nr. 1702, april 10, 2006 no. 425. Kap. In the. Authorization and interpreter's duties, etc.

§ 1. Licencing authority Licence as a Chartered interpreter is provided by the integration and diversity (IMDI).
The Agency shall call the grant back when one of the conditions to get it, or hold it, cf. section 3, no longer be met. Temporary revocation may be made for the time it takes to process the case.
Application to get a licence, and the case for revocation of licence, will be treated under the rules of law 10. February 1967 on administrative matters (administrative law).
The Directorate is responsible for keeping a public register of the persons who have been granted a licence as a Chartered interpreter, and for the publication of information on the registry.

§ 2. Bevillingens content Licensed as chartered interpreter applies for General expertise in interpreting to and from Norwegian and tolkespråket.

§ 3. The terms and conditions for a licence a licence that is provided to the certified interpreter who has passed such a test of knowledge and tolkeferdigheter that is set out in these regulations, and that have completed 20 years and is of legal age according to Norwegian regulations.
Before the grant is awarded, the candidate must have given a written assurance to would abide by it as is or are specific about tolkevirksomheten etc. in this regulation. If the provisions given in or pursuant to regulations overtres, the grant is revoked.
When particular reasons for it, the Ministry can make exceptions to the criteria in the first paragraph.

§ 4. The designation chartered interpreter Disbarred gives the right to use the designation chartered interpreter, with an appendix that specifies tolkespråket.
The interpreter does not have access to use the term in conjunction with confirmation of the correctness of a translation of a document, either on the actual translation, or in a document with reference to the translation.

§ 5. The duties of tolkevirksomheten business that chartered interpreter must be carried out impartially and carefully, and in accordance with good tolkeskikk.
When it under the interpretation is something to hinder the interpreter can perform their work professionally satisfying, the interpreter must make the parties aware of this.
If the interpreter is ugild in pursuance of section 6, management law the first paragraph, the letters a-d, or after the second paragraph, to the interpreter even make note of this relationship.

section 6. Confidentiality etc. interpreter has confidentiality when it comes to information from its tolkevirksomhet in accordance with good tolkeskikk. The rules of administrative law § § 13 flg. applies accordingly. Other provisions on confidentiality in the special legislation also applies to the extent that they apply at the individual tolkeoppdrag.
Exception to the first paragraph applies to the extent that the interpreter according to the legislation are required to provide information.
Information that is confidential under subsection, must not be exploited by the interpreter engaged or otherwise. The exception after the second paragraph does not limit this prohibition.

Kap. II. Tolkeprøven (authorization sample) section 7. Annual tolkeprøve Tolkeprøven be held at least once a year in selected languages.

section 8. Oppmelding to tolkeprøven Oppmeldingen to tolkeprøven is printed on the prescribed form. The identity must be confirmed as evidenced by the form.
Registration fee is paid with the amount the Ministry decides.

§ 9. Tolkeprøvens purpose and section Tolkeprøven determines whether the candidate meets the academic requirements to get licensed as chartered interpreter. It utferdiges not diplomas for passing the test, but the outcome of the sample reported to the Agency.
Tolkeprøven consists of a written and an oral part.

§ 10. The contents of the written part of the tolkeprøven the written portion of the tolkeprøven includes both the languages, and consists of a terminology section, a general linguistic section and a realiadel. In the Norwegian lyrics can both target forms occur. Some samples include the areas of health/medicine, law and law enforcement, social management, work life/finance and other key social conditions.
Realiaprøven to view the candidate's knowledge in social and cultural relationships in both language areas.
Terminology the sample will display the candidate's knowledge in unique terms in both languages, distributed in the areas after the first paragraph.
The written test as a rule must be passed for the candidate can go up to the oral test.
The use of AIDS are not allowed on the written test.

section 11. The contents of the oral portion of the tolkeprøven Candidate will be tried in practical skills in interpreting at the oral test. Moreover, the candidate show that he/she has skills in adequate use of language, knowledge of the central social conditions in both language areas and insights in good tolkeskikk.
The oral part of the tolkeprøven to display about the candidate on the same areas mentioned in section 10: a) may by interpreting konsekutivt transfer the message to both languages so full that there occurs error of significance for the understanding, and b) can preserve the style level and render essential selections in the voice, facial expression and gestures in the transfer, and c) have an adequate vocabulary and d) have knowledge of good tolkeskikk.

The oral part will contain dialogues and short monologues on Norwegian and tolkespråket. Different dialects and style levels can occur.
The tasks to reflect the actual situations, and one of the tasks should be from either law school/law enforcement or health/medicine.
The oral test is terminated with a call that would show the candidate's knowledge of good tolkeskikk. It is allowed to use dictionaries or dictionary by the oral test.

§ 12. Sensor instructions there should be a written sensor guidance both for the written test and the oral. The instructions should help to ensure equality in subsequent judgments of the candidates with different tolkespråk.
The instructions are being prepared by the trial Tribunal by a variety of appeals, jf. section 15.

section 13. Evaluation of tolkeprøven For having passed the tolkeprøven candidate must have demonstrated satisfactory performance both in the written section and in the oral section.
At the oral test, the candidate must show that he or she can express themselves with ease on the Norwegian and on tolkespråket on a language correctly and with clear pronunciation. In addition, the candidate must show good tolketekniske skills, have knowledge of the subject terminology on the mentioned sites and knowledge of good tolkeskikk.
The performance of tolkeprøven be judged with the terms pass and does not pass.
It is allowed to go up to tolkeprøven 3 times.

section 14. The right to justified evaluation and complain the rules on appeal and reversal in the administrative law section section 28 flg. applies accordingly.
When the performance of tolkeprøven is evaluated, the candidate, if the specimen is judged to fail, the right to receive an account of the evaluation of the own achievement. Requirement of justification must be made within 3 weeks after the evaluation has been announced.
Written reasoned complaint about the evaluation must be made within three weeks after the rationale is given. New moderation should then be undertaken.

Kap. III. Committee for tolkeprøven (trial Tribunal) section 15. Try the Committee's composition and tasks Try consists of a Committee leader, three sensors and two people who play the role of tolkebrukere. The head of the tolkeprøven should have a Deputy. These committees shall be appointed by the administrative authority for the implementation of the tolkeprøven for a particular service time.
In cases where it is not possible to recruit sensors with relevant higher education, as well as skills in Norwegian and tolkespråk, can try the Committee be extended to the total can be ensured proper judging according to the criteria as mentioned in section 11.
The head of the tolkeprøven will lead the trial Tribunal's business. By unexpected maturity can leader and one of the sensors make appointment to the Tribunal.
A selection of the Committee, which consists of the head of the tolkeprøven and at least one of the sensors is to have responsibility for the drafting of the missions of tolkeprøven with sensor instructions. Try the Committee evaluates the achievements.

section 16. The Division of labour in the trial Tribunal Two sensors should have the relevant higher education as well as skills in Norwegian and tolkespråket. The same sensors to have judged the written answer.
A third sensor, with relevant experience, especially the judge tolkeferdighetene.
The head of the tolkeprøven can make the examination in good tolkeskikk.
In cases where it is not possible to recruit two sensors with relevant higher education as well as the expertise both in the Norwegian and the current tolkespråk, the Division of labour can be changed so that the total can be ensured proper judging according to the criteria mentioned in section 11.
The one who plays tolkebruker with native competence in Norwegian, will have the role of Norwegian-speaking. The other player with native speakers as tolkebruker competence in the relevant tolkespråket, should have the role of minority language.

If none of the sensors have native competence in Norwegian it can that plays the role of Norwegian tolkebruker in addition, appointed as Assistant examiner. If none of the sensors have native competence in the relevant tolkespråket, the who play the minority language tolkebruker appointed as help in the appropriate language sensor. In such cases, they must have the current Norwegian, respectively, or tolkespråket as their native language as well as higher education. In that case the person concerned shall make its assessment on the basis of the tape recording from the samples.

§ 17. The decision in the trial Tribunal Try the Committee's sensors determines after discussion about tolkeprøven's passing. It has worked a sensor, this should help participate in the discussion and give expression of his opinion on how the decision should be.
There is no consensus on the decision, it shall be disclosed in the trial Committee's Protocol how the individual sensors have voted. It has participated a sensor to help, its recommendation of passing or not passing always record.
The head of the tolkeprøven and the sensors will signing the Protocol.

Kap. IV. various provisions § 18. The Council for the authorization scheme Work and social inclusion may appoint a Council for the authorization scheme, which consists of members from the relevant institutions and organizations, etc. The Council should be able to help with consulting in connection with the authorization scheme.
The Ministry further gives provisions on the Council's activities.

§ 19. Supplementary provisions the Ministry determines who should have administrative authority for the implementation of the tolkeprøven. The Ministry can provide complementary provisions to the regulation, both general provisions and regulations that apply to individual cases. The administrative authority for the tolkeprøven can provide complementary provisions to the forskriftens chapter II and III.
The Agency can decide which tolkespråk should include tolkeprøven.

section 20. Implementation etc. these regulations apply from the dag1 Municipal and regional development decides.
Work and social inclusion has the authority to make changes to the regulations.