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Regulations On Practice Law Attorney In Insurance Court As Conditions For Obtaining A Practicing Certificate

Original Language Title: Forskrift om praksis som rettsfullmektig i Trygderetten som vilkår for å få advokatbevilling

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Regulations on practice law attorney in Insurance Court as conditions for obtaining a practicing certificate.

Date FOR 1997-06-04-589

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1997 1408

Commencement 01.01.1998






Short Title
Regulation on conditions for obtaining a practicing certificate

Established by the Ministry of Justice on 4 June 1997 pursuant to the Act of 13 August 1915. 5 of the courts (Courts Act) § 220, third paragraph, first sentence.

§ 1. To obtain permission to be attorney by other dishes than the Supreme Court approved the person for a total of at least two years after the degree has been in business as the right agent in Insurance Court.

§ 2. An applicant who has practices mentioned in § 1, totaling at least 1 year, does not meet the procedural requirement for the practice time to be approved.

§ 3. The Regulation comes into force on 1 January 1998.