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Regulations On Pension Plans For Elected Municipal Or County

Original Language Title: Forskrift om pensjonsordninger for folkevalgte i kommune eller fylkeskommune

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Regulations on pension plans for elected officials in local authority

Date FOR 1997-04-22-375

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Published Dept. In 1997 824

Commencement 01/05/1997


FOR-2012-12-03-1121 from 01/01/2014




LOV-1992-09-25-107-§43, FOR-1992-12-18-1079


Short Title
Regulation on pensions for elected officials

Adopted by Health and Social Affairs (now the Ministry of Labour) on 22 April 1997 pursuant to the Act on 25 September 1992 no. 107 on municipalities and counties § 43 second paragraph, cf.. Royal Decree. December 18, 1992 no. 1079.
Changes: Amended by regulations 18 Dec 2009 No.. 1726, 17 Dec 2010 No.. 1745, 3 Dec 2012 no. 1121.

§ 1. Scope A scheme shall, if it is established, include all elected officers of a certain size and be in compliance with these regulations. The minimum and supplementary provisions stipulated in the regulations governing the scheme. All positions should be considered together.
The alternative to a separate pension plan for elected officials in accordance with these Regulations, the ordinary pension scheme as local authority employees are covered by.

§ 2. Retirement of service period from 1 January 2014 Retirement of elected members of local and regional authorities can service period from 1 January 2014 not be based on a higher accrual percentage or be of different nature than that provided by law on 16 December 2011 No.. 60 regarding a pension plan for members of parliament and government officials (parliamentary and government pension law) section 2

§ 3. Retirement of pensionable service before 1 January 2014 Retirement of pensionable service before 1 January 2014 can the full entitlement be no higher or other character than that provided by the Act of 28 July 1949 No.. 26 Public Service Pension Fund.
Pension basis will not be set higher than the elected representatives remuneration in the vesting period, including counting the value of any benefits in kind.
A minimum 16-year qualification period for full pension. For shorter qualifying period shortened performance proportionately. The vesting period shall constitute the time it is paid membership deposit for them. It can also be included time as an elected before the system was created.
The elected officials may be entitled to a guaranteed pension level, ref. Rules of law on the state pension § 24a, however, that guarantee customized requirement for full accrual period that applies to elected officials. For politicians who have less than full contribution period, constitute the guaranteed pension level a proportionate level.
It may not be paid retirement scheme before age 65.
Retirement under this provision can not be extended as long as they receive remuneration as an elected or is in position with the right to membership in pension plans in the public sector. If the elected officials receive reduced remuneration or are employed in state or municipal / county position part time, it can still be given a proportional reduced pension.
By resigning before reaching retirement age, the member shall be entitled to a deferred pension which will be reduced on the basis of the vesting period relative to the time required for a full pension. The member becomes entitled to a deferred pension after 20 months of service. Is vesting period shorter, but still at least 1/10 of the length of service required for full pension, the member likewise entitled to a deferred pension. In assessing whether the minimum requirement is fulfilled also includes qualifying period from 1 January 2014.

§ 4. Disability and survivors 'pensions Disability pensions for elected members of local and regional authorities and survivors' pensions for their surviving relatives can not be higher or different in nature than is required by parliamentary and government pension law Chapters 5 and 6. In translating the qualifying period before 1 . January 2014 used the conversion factor 1.875 for elected officials.

§ 5. Supplementary Provisions When special reasons, the Ministry may - or FSA insofar Ministry has authorized it - exemption from the provisions of these Regulations.
FSA may issue rules to ensure the implementation of the regulation.

§ 6. Implementation These regulations come into force on 1 May 1997.