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Regulations On Insurance For Addition To Sick Leave For The Self-Employed

Original Language Title: Forskrift om forsikring for tillegg til sykepenger for selvstendig næringsdrivende

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Regulations on insurance for addition to sick leave for the self-employed-Date 1997-03-25-261 Ministry labour and Social Affairs Published in 1997 630 01.05.1997 Avd entry into force Recently changed-2008-06-27-720 from 01.07.2008 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1997-02-28-19-section 8-36, law-1997-02-28-19-section 23-6 Announced short title regulations on the sick monetary insurance, næringsdr.

Legal authority: established by the social and Health Ministry (now the work and social inclusion) 25. March 1997 with authorization in law 28. February 1997 Nr. 19 about the insurance section 8-36, sixth paragraph and section 23-6 letter b. changes: modified by regulations 4 July 2000 No. 722, 18 Dec 2003 Nr. 1658, 30 June 2006 no. 790, 27 June 2008 No. 720 (e.g. title).

§ 1. Premium and premium basis the insurance is valid from the day of labour and welfare receives the application, if the self-employed pay the insurance premium within 14 days after he or she has received notification of the decision.
The prize is determined as a percentage of the expected retirement income that year rewarding self-employed, jf. insurance law § 8-35 (premium basis). The highest premium basis is six times the basic amount, cf. insurance law § 810 other joints. The insurance year runs from 1. January to 31. December.
The premium is calculated per calendar week. With the calendar week is meant for these policies 1/26 half. The premium paid in advance to the labour and welfare for at least half a year at a time. Labour and welfare agency may accept that the premium is to be paid for a shorter term, when there are special reasons.

§ 2. Change of premium Foundation Work and Welfare shall each year after income tax returns available, make a new determination of premium basis. Change of premium basis happens with effect from the 1. January.
If in the course of a year of income will be made that the independent merchant work situation or business is permanently changes, so that the pension rewarding annual income determined under the provisions of Insurance Act section 8-35 third paragraph differs from the fixed premium basis, cf. § 1, the Foundation shall be changed accordingly. The prize is adjusted from and with current year.
When the basic rate change cf.. insurance law § 1-4, to be changed from the prize and the basis of the next insurance half. If a self-employed is unable to work between the time the basic rate is changed and the expiry of the insurance, the insurance premium shall be changed from the time the basic amount is changed.

§ 3. Prize pools tournaments Premiesatsene is determined annually by the labor and welfare Directorate and announced in the message to the labour and welfare.

§ 4. Premium exemption Prize be paid not for the entire calendar weeks when a self employed a) don't have the right to the supplement for insurance, cf.. insurance law section 8-36 the second paragraph.

b) as mentioned in the national insurance scheme Act 8-36 first paragraph, LITRA a, is on sick leave for more than 16 days, c) has lost the right to sick pay for insurance law § 8-54.

§ 5. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force the 1. May 1997.