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Regulations On Insurance Against Liability For Sick Pay During The Employer Period For Small Businesses

Original Language Title: Forskrift om forsikring mot ansvar for sykepenger i arbeidsgiverperioden for små bedrifter

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Regulations on insurance against liability for sick pay during the employer period for small businesses

Date FOR 1997-03-25-260

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Published Dept. In 1997 629

Commencement 01/05/1997


FOR-2015-10-15-1203 from 01/07/2016




LOV-1997-02-28-19-§8-21, LOV-1997-02-28-19-§23-6


Short Title
Regulations on sickness benefit insurance, small business

Adopted by Health and Social Affairs (now Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) on 25 March 1997 pursuant to the Act on 28 February 1997 no. 19 on Insurance § 8-21 subsection and § 23-6 letter a. | || Changes: Amended by regulations 19 Dec 2000 no. 1325, March 15, 2001 no. 249, June 30, 2006 no. 790, 30 August 2006 No.. 1010, February 25, 2015 No.. 162, October 15, 2015 No.. 1203. | ||
§ 1. Insurance - premiums and premiums based insurance applies as of the beginning of the quarter after the application for admission to the insurance scheme is received by the Labour and Welfare Administration. The policy does not apply to cases of illness that started before this date.
Employer shall pay an insurance premium, which is determined as a percentage of total wage payments in the calendar year expires in the middle of the insurance year (premium basis). Insurance year runs from 1 July to 30 June. When calculating the total wage payments is disregarded wages to employees who are exempt from the employer's sick pay liability under Insurance Act § 8-20.
The premium for the insurance year paid in advance each quarter with a preliminary amount. It made a statement for the fourth quarter (April quarter).
The preliminary amount is calculated on the basis of wage payments in the previous calendar year, adjusted by a factor of expected wage developments in the calendar expires in insurance year.
If your employer has not had salary payments in the preceding calendar year, or if the calculated salary payments under subsection differ materially from those projected salary payments, determined the basis for the premium discretionary.

§ 2. Prize The prize is determined annually by Labour and Welfare and announced in a message to the Labour and Welfare Administration.

§ 3. The insurance termination - premium settlement policy expires

at the end of the term as it has been paid if the employer has not paid the premium referred to in § 1 within 14 days after the NAV has sent written notice

from the day the business ceases,

at the end of the quarter NAV has received notice of the insurance,

at the end of the insurance year if the total payroll during the preceding calendar year exceeds the maximum amount under the National Insurance Act § 8-21 first paragraph, with at least 10 percent.

The employer can not be resumed in the insurance scheme before it is passed at least one year, if the insurance ceases under subsection letter a, c and d. If the insurance ceases under subparagraph c, the employer may still be resumed in the insurance scheme before it's gone one year if special circumstances.
When the insurance ceases calculated the premium until the end of the quarter.
If insurance terminates by insurance yearend be wage payments in the preceding calendar year basis for the final settlement.
In other cases considered the provisional payment under § 1 as final prize. If the employer can prove that the actual salary payments during the insurance year is less than wage payments which underlies the preliminary payment, the advance premium paid for very demanded if it exceeds 100 million.

§ 4. Implementation These regulations come into force on 1 May 1997.