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Regulations On The Calculation Of The Supplementary Pension By Occupational Injury

Original Language Title: Forskrift om beregning av tilleggspensjon ved yrkesskade

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Regulations on the calculation of the supplementary pension by occupational injury.

Date of-1997-03-11-209 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs Published Avd in 1997 525 entry into force 01.05.1997 last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1997-02-28-19-§ 3-30 Announced short title regulations on supplementary occupational injury laid down by social and Health Ministry 11. March 1997 with authorization in law 28. February 1997 Nr. 19 about the insurance section 3-30 fifth paragraph.

§ 1. Person circuit this Regulation applies only to persons who are born before 1975.

§ 2. The requirement of full vesting time by occupational injury is full vesting time for additional pension 40 poengår if the retiree is born in 1940 or later. If the retiree is born before 1940 is full vesting time 40 poengår minus one poengår for each year he or she is born before 1940.
When the pension is calculated, should it be added to the reason that the retiree has full vesting time.

§ 3. Pension percentage For the years beginning with the year pensioner age 17 years up to and including 1991, the additional pension is calculated with a pension rate of 45, see national insurance scheme law § 3-8, third paragraph. The number of years may not exceed 25.
The additional pension to be calculated with a pension at 42 percent for the number of years corresponding to the difference between the full vesting of time under section 2, and the number of years that is added to because after the first part of the paragraph here.

§ 4. The determination of points number when assumed annual income exceeding six times the basic amount When the supposed annual work income on corruption is greater than six times the basic amount, it shall on the basis of this income is determined a point number for each year starting with the year that person the age of 17 years and with it the year he or she fills the 66 years. It should still not be determined years before scores for 1967.
The points mentioned in the first numbers joints is calculated in the following way: a) For years after 1991 to points number is calculated by the part of the estimated annual labour income that exceeds the basic amount, is divided by the basic amount. The income of twelve times the basic amount. Of income between six and twelve times the basic amount to only one-third will be included, see the insurance law § 3-13.

b) For the years before 1992 to points number is calculated by the part of the estimated annual labour income that exceeds the basic amount, is divided by the basic amount. The income of twelve times the basic amount. Of income between eight and twelve times the basic amount to only one-third will be included.

The points number for insurance law § 3-30 first paragraph, LITRA c to be the calculation of the additional pension, shall be the average of the 20 highest points the numbers set out after the second paragraph.

§ 5. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force the 1. May 1997 and be given effect for cases with injury time after 1991.