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Regulation Amending The Regulation On Worker Protection And The Working Environment And In Certain Other Regulations

Original Language Title: Forskrift om endring i forskrift om arbeidervern og arbeidsmiljø i petroleumsvirksomheten og i visse andre forskrifter

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Regulation amending the Regulation on worker protection and the working environment and in certain other regulations.

Date FOR 1995-06-30-603

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Published Dept. In 1995 854

Commencement 01/08/1995


FOR 1992-11-27-870



LOV-1977-02-04-4-§2, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§3, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§7, LAW-1977-02-04- 4 §8, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§11, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§12, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§14, LAW-1977-02- 4.4-§18, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§19, LAW-1977-02-04-4-L-21, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§22, LAW-1977- 02-04-4-§23, LAW-1977-02-04-4-Section 24, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§25, LAW-1977-02-04-4-L-26, legislation 1977-02-04-4-Section 28, LAW-1977-02-04-4-L-29, LAW-1977-02-04-4-§78, LAW-1936-06-19-8-§1, LOV-1936-06-19-8-§9 cf. LOV-2005-06-17-62-§20-2


Short Title
Amdt. in regulations on worker mm

Chapter Overview:


Stipulated by Royal Decree. June 30, 1995 by virtue of Act 4 February 1977 no. 4 relating to Worker Protection and Working Environment § 2, no. 5, § 3 no. 2, § 7 Nos. 2 and 3, § 8 no. 4, § 11 no. 2, 3, 4, and 5, § 12 no. 5, § 14, § 18, no. 1 letter b) and no. 3, § 19, § 21, second paragraph, § 22, § 23, § 24, § 25 , § 26, § 28, § 29 no. 2, § 78 fifth paragraph and the Act of 19 June 1936 No.. 8 worker protection § 1 point 2 and § 9. Promoted by Local Government and Labour.


The following regulations shall not apply in petroleum enterprises:

Regulation on protection measures for loading and unloading ships (lounges work), established by the Local Government and Labour on 23 March 1956 no. 21, pursuant to Royal Decree of 23 March 1956, ref. the Worker Protection of 19 June 1936 § 1 point 2 and § 9

Regulations on Labour Inspection consent by the erection of building, structural changes, reorganization, etc. (§ 19), set by the Local Government and Labour on 25 May 1977 no. 2 Pursuant to Act 4 February 1977 no. 4 relating to worker protection and working Environment § 19.

Regulations on painting of steel materials with shop primer, determined by Royal Decree. 2 November 1979 no. 3 pursuant to the Working Environment Act § 18, no. 3, ref. § 18, no. 1 letter b).

Regulations on regional safety representatives in construction activities, laid down by klg.res. February 13, 1981 no. 8824, pursuant to Act 4 February 1977 no. 4 relating to Worker Protection and Working Environment § 28.

Regulations for mandatory training on occupational issues for managers of private cleaning companies, established by Royal Decree. May 11, 1984 no. 1074 in pursuance of Act 4 February 1977 no. 4 in the Working Environment § 14.

Regulation on Working Environment Act apply to work in one-person enterprises in construction activities, laid down by Royal Decree. 10 January 1986 No.. 17 Pursuant to Act 4 February 1977 no. 4 relating to worker protection and working environment § 2 No.5.

Regulations on local safety representatives and working for loading and unloading work, determined by Royal Decree. 11 April 1986 No.. 870 pursuant to Act 4 February 1977 no. 4 relating to worker protection and working environment § 28 first paragraph.


Decision that regulations under VII shall not apply in the petroleum sector in force from 1 August 1995.