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Regulations Relating To Admissions, Programs And Examination At Ansgar Theological College

Original Language Title: Forskrift om opptak, studier og eksamen ved Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole

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Regulations relating to admissions, programs and examination at Ansgar Theological College

Date FOR-2015-12-01-1595

Affairs Ministry

Published In 2015 Booklet 15

Commencement 01/01/2016





LOV-2005-04-01-15-3-3, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§3-4, LOV-2005-04-01-15-section 3-5, laws 2005-04-01-15-§3-6, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§3-7, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§3-8, LAW-2005-04-01 -15-§3-9, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§3-10, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§3-11, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§4 -3, LOV-2005-04-01-15-Section 4-5, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§4-7, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§4-8, legislation 2005-04-01-15-§5-1, LOV-2005-04-01-15-§7-1

21.12.2015 kl. 15.50

Short Title
regulation on admissions, etc. by ATH

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1: General rules (§§ 1-4)
Chapter II: Recording (§§ 5-10)
Chapter III: Teaching, curriculum and diploma (§§ 11-15)
Chapter IV: Individual education and learning (§§ 16-17)
Chapter V: Leave, confidentiality, rejection and recognition of education (§§ 18-22)
Chapter VI: Examination (§§ 23-46) | || Chapter VII: Learning Environment Committee and Appeals Board (§§ 47-48)
Chapter VIII: Implementation (§49)

Adopted by the Board Ansgar Theological College 1st December 2015 pursuant to Act 1 April 2005 no. 15 relating to Universities and Colleges (Universities and Colleges Act) § 3-3, § 3-4, § 3- 5, § 3-6, § 3-7, § 3-8, § 3-9, § 3-10, § 3-11, § 4-3, § 4-5, § 4-7, § 4- 8, § 1.5 and § 1.7.

Chapter 1: General rules

§ 1 Scope, management and allocation of Degree
(1) This regulation applies to all programs at Ansgar Theological College (ATH).

(2) Ansgar Theological College administers and awards bachelor and master degrees, entitling the corresponding title.

§ 2. Definitions
(1) Programmes: A perennial study leading to Bachelor or Master degree.

(2) Credits: measures of study load stipulated that 60 credits represent one full-time study.

(3) Learning Outcomes: Achievement Neutral description of the knowledge, skills and general competence students are expected to achieve during the program.

(4) Curriculum: A plan for how the subject groups / professional units / be implemented for it to achieve specific learning goals. This applies to the structure, content, requirements that must be met for approved qualifications. The structure of curricula are structured on the basis of the categories of courses / specialist unit, subject and date.

(5) Subject group / resource center: A collection of courses from one or more subjects through a curriculum is defined as constituting a unit. Subject Groups qualified both in content and in relation to point range. Topics put together to subject groups / technical units. Minimum group of subjects is 10 credits.

(6) Specialisation: Group of topics beyond the basic level of a field belonging discipline which can complement each other.

(7) Level: For bachelor's degree equivalent to 100 level earlier foundation, while the 200-level match earlier intermediate. For master's degree equivalent to 500-level old graduate level.

(8) Subject: Each academic year comprises 60 credits put together by threads. Blanks size shall not be less than 5 credits. In the Bachelor's degree shall preferably not exceed 20 credits. In the master's degree is the biggest topic of 60 credits, it's masters thesis. All courses must be divisible by 5. Subject is the smallest unit that can provide the basis for the printing of the examination protocol.

(9) Course: This is a teaching, study and evaluation unit. A course consists of one or more courses.

(10) Examination: Final evaluation in a subject. Examinations in all subjects where the curriculum requires that it be given character.

(11) Sample: Final evaluation in a course or subject. The trial evaluated on a pass / fail basis.

(12) Admission rights: Rights associated with a program such as the right to organized supervision, teaching seminars, group affiliation and exercises under supervision. Admission is granted on the School's offer of admission and students' acceptance of admission.

(13) Education Plan: Plan for the students' education; mutually binding agreement between the institution and the students. The education plan shall contain provisions of both parties' responsibilities and the obligations of each student towards their fellow students.

(14) Degree of Education with a specific scope and a particular composition, which gives the right to use a particular title. Title will be documented with a diploma. Ministry decides which degree Ansgar Theological College can allocate.

(15) Bachelor: A study of 180 credits that meet the requirements for the degree of Bachelor.

(16) Master: A study of 120 credits that meet the requirements for the degree of Master.

§ 3. The bachelor's degree
(1) The courses Examen philosophicum (10 credits) and Examen Facultatum (10 credits) are included in the degree of Bachelor at ATH.

(2) To obtain the Bachelor's degree the student must have taken exams which total at least 180 credits.

(3) Bachelor's degree achieves on the basis of approved combinations of topic groups and topics.

(4) To get the bachelor degree issued by Ansgar Theological College, at least 60 credits included in the degree being awarded at the institution.

(5) The 180 credits shall include a group of courses and a specialization totaling at least 80 credits. At least 20 of these credits must be at the 200 level. What are the mandatory 200-topics of specialization, defined in the individual study plans.

(6) Bachelor program normally runs for 6 semesters and study time is standardized to three years.

(7) Bachelor program will qualify for further studies at master's level.

§ 4. The degree master
(1) The Master's degree is a study of 2-year duration of full-time or 4 years part-time, based on a 3-year bachelor or equivalent.

(2) Master's degree includes a thesis on either 30 or 60 credits.

(3) The Master degree is awarded on the basis of completed and passed course groups with related topics equivalent of 120 credits.

(4) The Master's degree achieves on the basis of approved combinations of topic groups and topics.

(5) The Master's program normally extend over four semesters of full-time, and over 8 semesters part-time.

Chapter II: Admission

§ 5. General admission For admission to all studies at Ansgar Theological College covered by this regulation requires general admission or equivalent, laid down in regulations on 31 January 2007 no. 173 for admission to higher education.

§ 6. Admission to Master
(1) The applicant must meet the requirements stipulated in the regulations on 1 December 2005 No. 1392. Requirements degree.

(2) To be admitted to a discipline-based Master's program (120 credits) students must have:

Achieved Bachelor's degree or equivalent.

education at undergraduate level must have at least 80 credits in the subject group Christianity, theology, RLE or equivalent. At least 20 of these credits must be at the 200 level.

For master in management and parish development, practice with a scope of 10 credits, or equivalent.

Fulfill any other academic requirements as may be stipulated in the program for the current Master.

§ 7. Student Admissions
(1) ATH is responsible for admissions to its undergraduate programs. This does not preclude the ATH may delegate preparatory work and decision to other bodies, including the Universities and Colleges Admissions.

(2) Admissions Director performs recording, or ensures that this takes place when the recording has been delegated pursuant to the first paragraph, second sentence.

(3) study programs at ATH is normally open to students who meet the requirements. When capacity or resource reasons, however admission to particular courses or parts of the governed.

(4) Appeal of decisions related to the recording processed by "appeals committee for admission to primary education at universities and colleges" in cases where recording is delegated to collective admission. Other cases dealt with by ATHs Appeal.

§ 8. Application Deadlines
(1) For application to studies in which recording is organized through collective admission apply national limits laid down by the Ministry.

(2) For recordings Ansgar Theological College treats locally, announced deadline simultaneously with the announcement of the recording. The Committee sets the deadline.

§ 9. Documentation and after sending
(1) Applications for admission must be sent in the prescribed application form.

(2) All information relevant to the application should be documented. The applicant is obliged to inform themselves about what documentation is required for the application to be processed. The documentation is certified copies of original documents.

(3) Documentation which is not possible to enclose within the deadline, may be forwarded. In its application, the applicant must specify the documentation that might be forwarded.

§ 10. Control of original documents
(1) Students must upon request present original documents that are the basis for admission to studies, or issuance of certificates at Ansgar Theological College. Students who do not exhibit the requested documents for control may lose the right to study. Diplomas from Ansgar Theological College may be held until the requested original documents are forward displayed and controlled.

(2) Counterfeit under the Penal Code § 182, and can be prosecuted.

Chapter III: Teaching, curriculum and diploma

§ 11. Teaching
(1) The academic year normally has a length of 10 months and a full academic year is equivalent to 60 credits.

(2) The lectures are usually public unless lecture on the nature indicates otherwise. If the fees are prescribed for a course or group will lecture could only be for the College's students or certain groups of students.

(3) Seminar Teaching is reserved school's enrolled students.

§ 12. Curriculum
(1) For each module will be developed curriculum. The curriculum should provide the basis for the structure of degree and prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the qualifications framework. The curriculum should include the following information and provisions:

learning outcomes descriptions in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence.

which topics within the subject group can an exam in

credits in the course scope

teaching volume and teaching methods related to each topic

any prerequisites or any recommended prerequisites

any examination requirements; for example, approved participation in seminars, required written and / or oral work or other theoretical and practical exercises

course's examination system, testing and assessment methods

basis for the main character

other provisions which affect the implementation and quality assurance of the program, including requirements to continue / go ahead on the study

other issues which affect the implementation of quality assurance of the study.

(2) The Committee may exempt curricular prerequisites and graduation requirements if the corresponding requirements are met by other examination or other examination similar work.

(3) Changes in the curriculum shall normally be eligible to sit the examination after previous relevant curriculum for two years after the changes took effect.

§ 13. Diploma and Diploma Supplement (DS)
(1) A diploma and diploma supplement is issued in accordance with common template for diploma and DS in Community College System.

(2) Ansgar Theological College shall issue a diploma and DS for a completed degree. Certificate is normally issued only once for the same degree.

(3) The certificate must be provided on what basis / study degree is based.

(4) Learning outcomes of the Programme shall be stated on the diploma.

(5) Title of the bachelor and master's theses stated on the diploma.

(6) If a candidate has taken several exams than those required to get a degree, they can notify the exams desired included on the diploma.

§ 14. The bachelor's degree and additional designations
(1) In the Bachelor degree normally issued diplomas and diploma supplement with additional designation indicating in the subject group candidate has their professional specialization.

(2) Bachelor degrees in the field of Christianity and theology at ATH may have the following additional terms:

Bachelor of practical theology used in studies with a minimum of 140 credits in a discipline Christianity and practical theology. The practical-theological subjects must contain a minimum of 40 credits including 10 credits practice, and conditions in § 3 subsection must be met.

Bachelor of theology have different specializations and requirements for joint courses and specialization courses These are laid down in the curriculum. The terms of § 3 and subsection must be met.

Bachelor in Intercultural Studies used in studies with 180 credits. The degree includes 60 points intercultural understanding, 40 credits with specialization in Intercultural Studies and 60 credits of elective courses. Field study / Bachelor thesis of 20 credits is a mandatory part of the recess, and the terms of § 3 subsection must be met.

(3) Bachelor Degree in the field of Music at ATH may have the following additional terms:

Bachelor of Music Technology used in studies with a minimum of 140 credits in music. Dissertation 20 ECTS is a mandatory part of the study program. The terms of § 3 subsection must be met.

Bachelor of Music used in studies with 180 credits. Art Music must contain a minimum of 80 credits, and the terms of § 3 first and fifth paragraphs must be met.

Bachelor of Music and Health used for study with a minimum of 160 credits in music and health. Dissertation 20 ECTS is a mandatory part of the study program. The terms of § 3 subsection must be met.

(4) Bachelor degrees in the field of Psychology at ATH has the following designation:

Bachelor in cultural and social psychology used in studies with a minimum of 130 credits in psychology. Dissertation in Cultural and Social Psychology 20 ECTS is a mandatory part of the study program. The terms of § 3 subsection must be met

Bachelor of Psychology used in studies with 180 credits. The field must contain a minimum of 80 credits in the field of psychology, and the terms of § 3 and subsection must be met.

§ 15. The master's degree and additional designations
(1) Master of Religious Education.

The program is composed of modules, and courses corresponding to 120 credits.

The program Master of Religious Education consists of two specializations: Specialization in Biblical Science and specialization in practical theology. Students must choose one of two specializations.

specialization includes compulsory courses. In addition to the compulsory courses, the student will be able to choose electives.

(2) Master in Management and parish development

The program is subtitled "a study program in Practical Theology."

The program is composed of modules, and courses corresponding to 120 credits, and 60 credits of compulsory courses.

(3) In the 120 credits should enter into a master's thesis of either 30 or 60 credits.

(4) Upon achieving masters normally issued diplomas and diploma supplement. Specialisation should not be part of the official designation, but will appear on the Diploma and Diploma Supplement.

Chapter IV: Individual education and learning

§ 16. Individual education
(1) Between Ansgar Theological College and students admitted to studies of 60 credits or more shall prepare an education plan.

(2) The student's education plan shall be submitted electronically at the latest at the end of the student's first semester. This also applies to part-time students with a progression of at least 50%.

(3) Individual education is determined by the student and the institution jointly, within the framework of the curriculum for the program the student is admitted to, as well as other relevant regulations.

(4) For students who are admitted to study programs that have a volume of less than 60 credits may stipulate a simplified education.

(5) The student's right to supervision and facilitation during the program are contingent upon the student's obligations for education are met.

(6) The Committee further guidelines, including the education plan form, storage and archiving, the time limit and procedure for change of plan, etc.

(7) Individual education shall contain provisions concerning the school responsibilities and obligations to the student and the student's obligations towards the school and other students, including:

the name of the program and / or the subject group the student is admitted to, and a reference to the current (e) study (s) and the key rules that are not included in the study, and how these can be found

which study programs, modules and courses the student intends to complete, at what time and in what sequence, and briefing on the procedure for changing the education

briefing on the impact of the student does not follow up study.

§ 17. Learning
(1) the School Board has overall responsibility for students' learning, and acting in cooperation with ATHs Learning Committee and ATHs student affairs pave the way for a good study environment and work to improve student welfare at school.

(2) the School Board is responsible for the learning environment at the school, including the physical and mental working environment, is fully justifiable in terms of an overall assessment of the students' health, safety and welfare.

(3) at the college created a learning environment committee, which will contribute to the students' learning environment is in accordance with law on universities and colleges § 4-3. ATHs Learning Committee shall participate in the planning of measures relating to the learning environment and closely follow developments in matters concerning the safety and welfare.

(4) the School work on the learning environment is a part of the college's quality assurance system.

(5) School will as far as possible and reasonable post study conditions for students with special needs, although without causing reduction of the academic requirements of the individual courses.

Chapter V: Leave, confidentiality, rejection and recognition of education

§ 18. Entitlement to maternity

(1) A student who has a child under study period at Ansgar Theological College, shall be entitled to leave from their studies during pregnancy and to care for children. On leave period, the student continued status as a student at the institution and has the right to resume their studies at the same level as before the leave. A student who is pregnant, has just postponed exam if the exam date is in the period of three weeks early and six weeks after birth. Father is entitled to postponed examination if the examination date is in the period two weeks after birth. Institutions may make further provisions for deferred examination.

(2) Ansgar Theological College is expected to facilitate that students who leave pursuant to the first paragraph may resume their studies as soon as possible after such leave.

§ 19. Exclusion College Board can ban or expel students in cases described in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges § 4-8. Expulsion Decision will be registered in the National Register RUST as described in the Act relating to Universities and Colleges § 4-12

§ 20. Recognition of other education Education from university or other college which falls under the law on universities and colleges shall be credited students at Ansgar Theological College with the same number of credits.

§ 21. Overlap between degrees
(1) A student who has completed a Norwegian or foreign degree or professional training, must have taken at least 60 new credits that are not included in the basis of previously obtained degree to be issued with new degree diplomas , ref. regulations relating to recognition of higher education.

(2) may not be granted exemption thesis on the basis of master thesis or equivalent work in a previous degree.

§ 22. study period at another institution
(1) In the ordinary course at ATH students have opportunities for study period at another institution in Norway and abroad. Study period ie one or more courses included in the education plan.

(2) Period of study abroad must be approved by the Study Committee before flying. After returning to ATH student must apply for final approval of the courses.

(3) ATH should pave the way for studies abroad through providing general guidance on collaboration and funding opportunities.

Chapter VI: Examination

§ 23. Exemption from an examination or test
(1) exemption from examination or test when it is established that an equivalent examination or test has been taken by the school earlier or at another college or university that falls under the law on universities and colleges. It can also be granted exemptions on the basis of another suitable examination or test. Documentation of prior learning can also provide a basis for exemption. The Committee will decide on exemptions.

(2) Upon recognition given the opportunity to sit the exam for several courses together, maximized to 30 credits per exam. Application for opportunity to sit the exam for several topics under one decided by the Study Committee.

(3) A student may be granted an exemption Examen philosophicum and Examen Facultatum when the student has presented a unified and graduating as the level and scope equivalent to the Bachelor's degree.

§ 24. Right to take the exam
(1) Any person who meets the requirement for admission and any other requirements to sit for the examination in the relevant subject, have the right to take the exam. This also applies to students who are not enrolled on that topic group.

(2) If the curriculum is provided for the candidate to participate in mandatory courses, mandatory seminars, compulsory practice or the like, the candidate denied registration under this section if he does not meet the mandatory requirements or the like.

§ 25. External evaluation of assessment or assessment arrangements
(1) School will ensure that the knowledge and skills of the students are tested in an impartial and professional manner, and the selected assessment methods to ensure the professional level at the school and at students. The external evaluation shall be the assessment or assessment arrangements.

(2) By censoring used at least one internal examiner in combination with external evaluation of the evaluation or assessment. Judging from the oral examination or similar which by their nature are not testable, it should still be at least two sensors.

(3) Re-marking at least two new examiners, of whom at least one external. Change can be both in favor and disfavour. If the final grade is determined based on both the written and oral tests, and an appeal against a mark of the written part of the exam, held a new oral test to determine the final grade.

(4) Arrangements for external evaluation may be one of, or a combination of, the following:

external examiner participates in the assessment of examination papers from all candidates

external examiner participates in the formulation of examination questions and / or assessment guidance

external examiner checks the internal examiner's assessment of a random selection of candidates

external sensors make an overall assessment of all assessment procedures included in the curriculum / subject.

(5) the School Board appoints external examiners for three years, while the Study Committee establishes guidelines regarding the number of sensors and how external participation in the assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the fourth paragraph.

§ 26. Examinations and marking
(1) Oral examinations and tests are public unless considerations of implementation implies that they should be closed. The School Board may also - upon application - grant exemptions from the rule concerning public examinations or tests for individual candidates if there are weighty reasons for doing so.

(2) Marks shall be made within 18 working days unless special circumstances make it necessary to spend more time on censorship efforts. If it is not possible to provide the number of qualified examiners required to complete the marking within 18 business days, school's board set a longer deadline.

§ 27. Grades and the assessment The assessment for examinations, tests, evaluation of papers or other assessments will be pass / fail or a graded scale of five levels from A to E for passes and F for fail. The graduated scale has the following values:

Symbol Designation
General, qualitative description of valuation

excellent performance, clearly outstanding. Showing high degree of independence.

Very good
very good performance that is above average. Shows ability to independence.

average performance, which is satisfactory in most areas.

performance, but with significant shortcomings.

performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no more.

performance that does not meet minimum requirements.


Symbol Nemning
General, qualitative description of assessment criteria

Ein outstandingly performance as separators out clearly. Visions largely sjølvstende.

Much good
a very common good achievement which lies above average. Visions ability sjølvstende.

Ein average performance, which is satisfactory at dei most sectors.

Ein performance below average, with an annexe significant shortcomings.

Ein achievement that meets the minimum requirements, but neither are you more.

Not managed
A feat that not meet the minimum requirements.


Grade Grade

An excellent performance, Clearly outstanding. Shows a high degree of independence.

Very good
A very good performance, above average. Shows a certainties degree of independence.

An average performance, satisfactory in most areas.

A performance below average, and with significant shortcomings.

A performance That meets the minimum criteria.

A performance That does not meet the minimum criteria.

§ 28. Weighting, average and main character
(1) Each character is given a weighting when calculating an average grade in a subject, or in connection with the calculation of the main character. The weight shall be indicated in the program as a fraction of the total grade.

(2) Average grade is an overall grade for a subject. For courses the average grade is calculated as follows:

Each letter grade is replaced by a numerical equivalent, so that A = 5; B = 4; C = 3; D = 2; E = 1.

For each exam multiplied numerical equivalent of the weight the examination shall be in accordance with the program, and all products are summed.

Product sum put up or down to the nearest whole number, after the usual extension rules are used.

average grade indicated by the letter symbol that corresponds to the number that appears.

(3) The average grade is specified as a literal symbol if at least 75% of the exams in the subject, calculated by weight, is given a letter grade. Or s the average grade given as "Pass" or "Fail".

(4) Final grade is one grade after completing the degree.


The main character set as a literal symbol if at least 75% of the exams in the subject, calculated by weight, is given a letter grade. Otherwise, the main character is specified as "Pass" or "Fail"

§ 29. External examiners and eligibility
(1) External examiners must not be employed full-time or part-time position at ATH in the current semester. Committed lecturers / seminars holders considered internal that time they receive a salary from Ansgar Theological College.

(2) An external examiner must have at least one of the following qualifications:

Have scientific expertise that qualify for appointment as a minimum lecturer / assistant professor at the university / college or other research institution.

In special cases through relevant work experience is particularly qualified to mark a given area.

§ 30. Examination arrangements and examination
(1) Examination arrangements
Examination arrangements include these forms:

Regular examination

Deferred examination

Deferred examination is an examination arranged for students who have been sick or had other valid reason for absence at the last ordinary examination.

A re

Examinations that can be arranged for students who have portrayed themselves and received the rating "fail" / "F" at the last ordinary examination or students who want to improve their results.

(2) Examination Former
exam includes these forms of assessment:

School / klausureksamen: Written and / or oral examination held at the premises designated by the institution, and supervised by persons designated by the institution. The oral exam is given as either independently weighted examination or adjusting / corrective.

Written exam held digital or analog (pen and paper). ATH determines what the terms that apply to the various topics. Candidates who do not want digital examination must apply for this within the deadline set by the ATH.

By digital examination is based on the use of their own laptop must exam candidates have reported the need to borrow PC within deadline set by the ATH.

Candidates who use their own equipment are responsible for downloading the necessary software before they encounter in the exam room.

Subject Test: Written and / or oral examination, which may include the presentation and the like.

Hjemmeeksamen: Normally a written work.

Portfolio: Assessment of one or more works that are submitted during the time the study of the course concerned progress. Further provisions given in the curriculum.

Seminar Assignment: Written work prepared under the supervision and in relation to each topic.

group Exam: Written and / or oral examination held for a group of students linked to a specific topic.

Other forms of examination: After further stipulated in the curriculum, such as assessed practice, practical exam, project, or else.

(3) There shall be determined in the study which of these examination forms to be used and how long the student has at their disposal. It may be decided that a form be used alone or in combination with others, and it may be determined that examination may or must be carried out as a group examination.

(4) can be determined in the curriculum that only a selection of students to be summoned to oral. In such cases, the committee shall be made either:

random, in that a predetermined proportion of the candidates chosen by lot, or

after examiners' discretion, by the candidate that one particular have doubts about the grading of, recalled or

by the candidates who have been notified that they wish, recalled.

(5) For candidates who have not called in for an oral exam, put the character on the basis of the other exam sections alone. It shall in such cases be determined weighting rules in the curriculum for grading both with and without oral examination, cf. "Supplementary Rules for examination and testing by Ansgar Theological College."

§ 31. Annulment of examinations or other assessment ATHs Board or Appeals Committee can annul an examination or other assessment or approval of courses in the cases described in the Act relating to Universities and Colleges § 4-7 and § 4-8.

§ 32. Citations and cheating in exams
(1) At the seminar essays, examinations and other written work, copying or duplicating professional literature and the work of others without attribution be considered as cheating.

(2) Use of aids other than those listed in the program are considered cheating.

(3) If a student has unlawful aids at their disposal after the examination has started, it is treated as an attempt to cheat.

(4) If it is suspected of cheating or attempting to cheat during the exam, the candidate must immediately be informed that the incident will be reported. The candidate chooses whether he wants to complete or cancel the exam. If the examination is completed, the file should be submitted and assessed in the normal manner.

§ 33. Complaints against procedural errors
(1) Students who have taken an examination may complain of procedural errors within three weeks after he or she is or ought to be aware of the circumstances justifying the complaint. If a request for explanation of or appeal against a mark has been submitted, the deadline for complaints to this section from the student receives the explanation or final decision of the appeal is. The complaint submitted to the institution.

(2) If the institution itself find that an error was committed which may have affected one or more students' achievements or the assessment of these, the error may be corrected by a new assessment, or that it will be held a new examination.

(3) The Board or the institution's appeals committee's appeals committee of the institution's decision under this provision.

§ 34. An appeal and the right to justification
(1) The student is entitled to an explanation of the grading of their performance. At oral examinations or assessments of practical skills, a request for such an explanation must be made immediately after the student has been informed of the grade. For other evaluation requirements for justification be submitted within one week after the candidate learns of the mark.

(2) Explanations shall normally be given within two weeks after the candidate has requested this. In explanation shall state the general principles that are the basis for the evaluation of the candidate's performance. Sensor determines whether justification shall be given orally or in writing.

(3) If there are written guidelines for the assessment, shall be available to students after the grade is given.

(4) A student may appeal in writing above grade within three weeks after the examination result has been announced. Reassessing shall be met. Request for an explanation for the grade or complain of procedural errors in the question, the examination procedure or the assessment made, the deadline for complaints to this section from the student receives the explanation or final decision of the appeal is.

(5) Re-marking examiners shall not be provided with neither character examiner's explanation or the student's appeal grounds.

(6) Assessment of oral performance and assessment of praksisopplærling or similar which by their nature can not be controlled, can not be appealed. Preliminary examinations can only be appealed against when the examination is failed.

(7) Marks awarded following re-marking pursuant to this section may not be appealed.

§ 35. Explanation and Complaints The following rules apply for re-marking on appeal:

(1) If the final grade for all partial examinations that exam consists of, all partial examinations submitted a new assessment.

(2) If it is given separate marks are during the course of the various partial examinations as part of the course, individuals midterm or individual midterm (s) that the student appeals, submitted a new assessment. The candidate must specify which or which parts of the exam that appealed.

(3) An appeal by a group examination must be signed by a majority of members of the group before it can be submitted.

(4) It may not be lodged complaint on an assessment that is only feedback on learning from teacher / supervisor, and that does not result in grading.

§ 36. General rules concerning examinations, particularly on requirements for full syllabus
(1) In subjects where more exams included, will generally all be passed for the subject can be considered passed. Exceptions may be made of this in the curriculum, and it would be set how many, possibly which, exams that must be passed for the whole subject may be considered passed.

(2) For portfolio assessment shall be in the program given rules about:

number works to be included in the folder

The nature and extent of the individual works

Order of submission of the individual works, or if the student can choose the order

Deadline for individual works

In what form works to be submitted

Which (t) work that will form the basis for the final grade

Reciprocal weight if two or more work will form the basis for the character.

§ 37. Use of valuation at censorship Besides the general, qualitative descriptions of valuation, may be used subject-specific assessment criteria adopted by the Study Committee. The subject-specific assessment criteria should be available to students. If it becomes drafted guidelines for use of the sensor (s) for the various examinations, shall be available to students after the grading decision is announced.

§ 38. Examination Language Exams formulated as required in Norwegian and / or English, or in other languages ​​in accordance with the program. Unless otherwise specifically stated, the answer is written in Norwegian or English, or another Scandinavian language. The Committee may, upon application open for answers in other languages.

§ 39. Acute illness and other special reasons for absence from examinations
(1) In acute illness, employees are entitled to a postponed exam. As acute illness include illness that has arisen after the withdrawal deadline. Upon death of a relative or other special reasons, it may also be entitled to examination, if the relationship is documented.

(2) If a candidate because of acute illness or other special reasons can not meet the academic requirements for the assessment he has registered for, it may be allowed to go up to alternative forms of application.

(3) The student must submit proof of a valid excuse to the invigilator.

(4) If it is impracticable to let candidates conduct their examinations during the semester and / or before its final examinations, the examination inspector establish and organize postponed examination the following semester.

(5) Unless otherwise provided in the program can not waiving the mandatory teaching.

(6) If a candidate can not attend the examination due to acute illness or other special reasons, given him right to the postponed examination if a medical certificate is sent or delivered to the invigilator at the latest two days after the first examination certificate applies to. A candidate who gets sick during school examination must notify the guard in the examination room and see a doctor immediately and submit a medical certificate. Is it not possible to receive the medical report to ATH later than two days after the first examination which the declaration relates, the examination candidate must provide the invigilator told this by the deadline. The medical certificate shall contain information about the exam or which exams to which it applies, as well as periods of sickness period.

(7) If an acute illness or other specific reasons during seminar assignment or home exam makes the candidate exam disability must be documented. The medical certificate shall contain information about the exam or which exams to which it applies, as well as periods of sickness period. Examination inspector shall be notified. The candidate may by documented exam disability are given the right to three day extension of the original deadline. If the statement after the submission deadline due to illness must be submitted on a Saturday, it must be sent by registered ATH same day. If the statement after the submission deadline must be submitted on a Sunday or holiday, it is provided on the first subsequent working day.

(8) Examination Disability beyond this entitles new examination.

§ 40. Deferred examination due to acute illness or other special reasons decay
(1) Candidates who do not complete an exam, or part of the examination, and who meets the conditions for being granted examination, may attend a re-examination . The relationship must be certified by a physician.

(2) Candidates for specific reasons related to pregnancy, birth or care for children can not go for regular examinations, can also apply to attend the scheduled examination. The relationship must be documented by a medical certificate, birth certificate, etc.

(3) If the exam is not allowed to go up to any part of the exam that was passed during the regular examinations. The examinations deferred examination shall be the same as the regular examination.

(4) Deferred exams will be held at the end of the current semester and normally no later than by the end of next teaching period. Students must register for the re examination. Examination inspector determines the deadline for signing up.

§ 41. Access to the continuation of candidates who do not pass the regular examination
(1) Re in connection with school and home exam will be held either at the end of the current semester or at the end of the following semester. Timing of continuation in other forms of assessment determined by the invigilator.

(2) Re in connection with the subject test held on the same semester, later than the first teaching period following semester.

(3) Students must register for continuation. Examination inspector determines the deadline for registration. Examination Reports to sit exams is binding.

(4) are held not exposed examinations at due to illness or other absence from continuation, unless the study determines that it should be entitled or obliged to re-examination.

(5) Written works as seminar tasks can only be submitted to a new assessment in processed or supplemented terms if the work is judged as failed.

(6) For students who fail the practice rules apply.

§ 42. Extraordinary examination
(1) Extraordinary examination is an examination that department in special cases may hold for students of compelling reasons not wait until the next scheduled exam, and who do not meet the requirements to attend the postponed examination or resit.

(2) Students who have portrayed themselves to the ordinary examination in the same course last so held, and candidates who are not enrolled as students at that particular subject or study, can not go up to the extraordinary examinations.

(3) Applications submitted to invigilator.

(4) There will be no scheduled examination or continuation in connection with extraordinary exams.

§ 43. Permission to sit the same examination
(1) It is permitted to sit for an examination that everything is passed, if the candidate meanwhile has not passed the exam as academic based on the current exam .

(2) It is not permitted to sit the examination in the same subject more than 3 times by Ansgar Theological College. In special cases, the Study Committee on application grant an exemption to a 4th examination attempt.

(3) If a candidate has passed the same examination more than once, the best grade will apply.

(4) After the transition to a new assessment forms should grade is given after the new regulations apply.

(5) When a new examination, candidates who have passed the exam in a course with continuous assessment that includes multiple exams, take all exam parts over again.

§ 44. Access to take the exam after previous arrangement by closures or changes in topic
(1) If the course change significantly with respect to scope, curriculum, etc., shall be eligible to sit the examination after previous arrangement for a period of two years after the new scheme comes into force. The student, however, not entitled to education by previous arrangement.

(2) Relates to change the examination procedure, it is allowed for within a year to take the exam once by previous arrangement if the student has commenced the course before the new system came into force.

(3) must be applied to take an examination after previous arrangement. Applications must be submitted to the invigilator.

§ 45. Special arrangements
(1) If a student has a physical or mental difficulty taking an examination in the usual way, the college application from the student to the extent necessary to adopt a different arrangements for both written and oral.

(2) special arrangement shall aim to offset the disadvantages disability / illness / injury, while the greatest extent possible will ensure that students are tested equally.

(3) The various arrangements may be:

extended examination by examination

submission deadline at home exams, semester assignments and similar forms of examination

opportunity longer breaks, possibly with the opportunity to rest

written examination instead of the oral

oral exams instead of written

separate examination room with separate invigilator

examination of the candidate's home

use of computer and other engineering

secretarial help, interpreter for the deaf and other practical help

transfer of tasks to braille or enlarged print

reading of question papers

reading of the answer for proofing.

(4) The deadline for applying for special arrangements is later than six weeks before the actual exam. If the disability occurred after the deadline, or if other specific circumstances, this may be waived. Applications should be addressed to the invigilator.

(5) The need for the applied-specific arrangements must be documented by a certificate from a doctor or other expert. The certificate shall contain the information needed to determine which (n) special scheme (s) is needed.

(6) The need must be documented each time the student makes an exam registration. For chronic conditions exceptions can be made from this.

(7) ATH come in consultation with the student and any consulting service for disabled students, up to which special arrangements are necessary.

(8) A certificate of dyslexia (anonymous) may be the candidate's written responses by censorship, if this has been the basis for a special arrangement.

§ 46. Supplementary regulations for examination the School Board delegates to Study Committee to provide additional rules on matters that are unique to individual examination.

Chapter VII: Learning Environment Committee and Appeal

§ 47. Learning Selection
(1) The Board has overall responsibility for students 'learning and that learning environment at the institution, including the physical and mental working environment is fully justified based on an overall assessment of the students' health, safety and welfare in accordance with law on universities and colleges § 4-3.

(2) Students and staff at Ansgar school has every three representatives in LMU. Student Council elects three student representatives, while Ansgar College elect three employee representatives. The committee shall elect a chairman each year alternately among the school and the students' representatives.

(3) LMU meet at least once a semester, and Chairman is responsible for convening and conducting committee meetings.

(4) Learning Environment Committee reports directly to the Board and shall each year submit the annual report on the work of the learning environment.

§ 48. Appeal
(1) The Board shall appoint members to the institution's appeals committee in accordance with the law on universities and colleges § 5-1.

(2) The appeal board shall hear complaints against decisions and the Board's determination, others appeals to students.

(3) Decision on approval and accreditation of education under the Act on Universities and University Colleges § 3-4, exemption from an examination or test pursuant to § 3-5, admission of students in accordance with § 3-6 and § 3-7, right to take the examination under § 3-10, cancellation of examinations or tests after § 4-7 and exclusion under § 4-8 to § 4-10 are regarded as individual Administration.

Chapter VIII: Implementation

§ 49. Commencement This regulation comes into force on 1 January 2016. repealed 9 September 2014 No.. 1263 on admissions, programs and examination at Ansgar Theological College.