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Regulations Relating To An Area With Prohibition Against Anchoring And Fishing On The Norne Field

Original Language Title: Forskrift om område med forbud mot oppankring og fiske på Nornefeltet

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Regulations relating to an area with prohibition against anchoring and fishing on the Norne field.

Date FOR 1995-04-21-378

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Published Dept. In 1995 451

Commencement 01/04/1996

FOR 1996-05-29-523




FOR 1987-10-09-810-§9, TO-1987-10-09-810-section 6


Short Title
Regulations prohibiting fishing etc Norne

Stipulated by Royal Decree. 21 April 1995 pursuant to the Regulation of 9 October 1987 no. 810 relating to safety zones etc. § 9 subsections, ref. § 6 subsection. Promoted by Local Government and Labour. Amended by regulation 29 May 1996 no. 523.

§ 1 These regulations apply to two groups of templates on the Norne field, as well as along the routes for intra-field pipelines and cables. The northern area includes a circle with a radius of 550 meters around the two templates and a pipeline corridor width 1,050 meters into the safety zone. The southern area comprises a circle with a radius of 600 meters around three templates and a pipeline corridor with width 1250 meters. The areas have the following coordinates: Center security zone:
458,667 E
7,323,438 N
Centre northern zone:
459,185 E
7,325,417 N
Centre southern area: || | 457 180 E
7,322,028 N
Coordinates for external delimitation of areas:

UTM coordinates
Geographical coordinates

456718 E 7322411 N
8 ° 2 '44.60 "E
66 ° 1' 4.14" N

456765 E 7323577 N
8 ° 2 '46.90 "E
66 ° 1' 41.81" N

458458 E 7324161 N
8 ° 5 '0.64 "E
66 ° 2' 1.48" N

458589 E 7324831 N
8 ° 5 '10.32 "E
66 ° 2' 23.18" N

458569 E 7325568 N
8 ° 5 '7.81 "E
66 ° 2' 46.99" N

458796 E 7325796 N
8 ° 5 '25.62 "E
66 ° 2' 54.44" N

459815 E 7325204 N
8 ° 6 '47.26 "E
66 ° 2' 35.81" N

460362 E 7324408 N
8 ° 7 '31.56 "E
66 ° 2' 10.35" N

459321 E 7323061 N
8 ° 6 '10.41 "E
66 ° 1' 36.26" N

458688 E 7321518 N
8 ° 5 '21.96 "E
66 ° 0' 36.26" N

457485 E 7321512 N
8 ° 3 '46.57 "E
66 ° 0' 35.48" N

§ 2. Within the areas specified in § 1 banned all undue anchoring and fishing with bottom gear such as bottom trawls and seines.

§ 3 Willful or negligent violation of these regulations is punishable by law on 22 March 1985. 11 relating to petroleum activities § 66, cf. Regulations relating to safety zones etc. § 15.

§ 4. The Regulation shall enter into force when the Ministry bestemmer.1