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Instructions About The Sampling Methods And The Methods Of Analysis For The Public Temperature Control Of The Popular Frozen Food Products

Original Language Title: Instruks om prøvetakingsmetoder og analysemetoder for offentlig temperaturkontroll av dypfryste næringsmidler

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Instructions about the sampling methods and the methods of analysis for the public temperature control of the popular frozen food products.

Date-1995-04-06-355 Ministry health and Human Services Department Published Avd in entry into force 1995 419 06.04.1995 last modified the Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1933-05-19-3-section 5 Announced short title temperature control instructions Chapter overview: chapter I Chapter II. General. The sampling method for the temperature control of the popular frozen food products chapter III. Method for the measurement of the temperature of the foods popular frozen set by the Ministry of health and social 6. April 1995 with authorization in law 19. May 1933 No. 3 in the supervision of foodstuffs, etc. § 5, ref. The EEA Agreement-annex II, part XII Nr. 54 d (Kdir 92/2/EEC).

The General Chapter of the instruction includes sampling. methods and methods of analysis for the public temperature control of the popular frozen food products. Sampling and analyses in connection with the public temperature control of foodstuffs to perform popular frozen in accordance with chapter II and III in the instruction.
After verifying the results of the records of the air temperature made in accordance with the hygiene regulations 8. July 1983 Nr. 1253 for production and frambud, etc. of food § 21, the supervisory authority can use the analysis method described in chapter III if the control gives reason to suspect that the temperature requirements for popular frozen food products in the hygiene regulations 8. July 1983 Nr. 1253 for production and frambud, etc. of food § § 46 and 48 are not met.
Other scientifically recognized methods of analysis may be used, provided that this does not hinder the free movement of goods by popular frozen food products that demonstrably comply with the temperature requirements for popular frozen food products in accordance with the analysis method described in chapter III.
If the results obtained by the use of different analysis methods differ from each other, the results achieved after using the analysis method described in chapter III be current.
This instruction takes effect immediately.

Chapter II. The sampling method for the temperature control of the popular frozen foodstuffs 1.
Selection of packages to be checked the packages that are taken out of control, should be of such a nature and such a quantity that the temperature is representative of the warmest points of the controlled the party.

1.1. Freeze the samples out from inventory be selected several critical points in freeze warehouse, eg. right next to the doors (top and bottom), about in the middle of the warehouse (top and bottom) and right next to the return air to freeze the device.
The storage time shall be taken into account (for the sake of temperature stability).

1.2. Transport 1.2.1.
If it is necessary to take out samples during transport, it is selected out trying at the top and at the bottom near the door or double door's opening.

1.2.2. by sampling during unloading, be selected it out four tries from the following critical points: a) at the top and at the bottom of the party in the vicinity of the door openings b) at the top of the back corners of the Party (as far from the freeze unit as possible) c) in the middle of the party d) in the middle of the party's front surface (as close to the freeze unit as possible) e) the top and bottom corners of the party's front surface (as close to the freeze unit as possible) 1.3.
Sales drives out a sample is selected from the sales drive's three hottest points.

Chapter III. Method for the measurement of the temperature of the foods popular frozen 1.
Principle the measurement of temperature in the popular frozen foodstuffs consists in measuring the exact temperature in a sample that are selected in accordance with chapter II, with the appropriate equipment. 

2. definition of temperature with the "temperature" means the temperature measured at a specific point of the measuring instrument or measuring anordningens temperature sensitive part. 

3. equipment 3.1.
Temperature measuring device 3.2.
Produktgjennomtrengningsinstrument used a sharp piece of metal instrument, eg. a issyl, a hand drill or a live that is easy to clean. 

4. General requirements for temperature measuring instruments temperature measuring instruments shall meet the following requirements: 4.1.
The instrument's response time shall be such that 90% of the difference between the first and the last reading is reached within three minutes.

4.2. The instrument shall have an accuracy of +/-0.5 ° C in relation to the actual temperature within a temperature range from-20 ° C to + 30 ° c.

4.3. The measurement's accuracy must not change by more than 0.3 ° C at an ambient temperature of between-20 ° C and + 30 ° c.

4.4. The instrument should be able to record and display the temperature differences of at least 0.1 ° c.

4.5. The instrument's accuracy should be checked at regular intervals.

4.6. The instrument should have valid calibration certificate.

4.7. The instrument should be easy to clean.

4.8. temperature Measuring anordningens sensitive part shall be so constructed that it ensured good thermal contact with the product.

4.9. The electrical equipment must be protected against undesirable effects due to condensation of moisture. 

5. Procedure 5.1.
Prior cooling of the instruments Temperaturmålesonden and produktgjennomtrengningsinstrumentet cooled before the product's temperature is measured. Advance to ensure that the cooling temperature of the equipment to stabilize and come as close to the product temperature as possible.

5.2. Preparation of the sample Temperaturmålesondene are usually not designed to penetrate a frozen product. It is therefore necessary in advance to make a hole with the chilled so that the preview gjennomtrengningsinstrumentet målesonden can be placed there. Hullets diameter should be carefully adapted to the målesondens diameter. The depth depends on the product type (see Nr. 5.3).

5.3. Measurement of the product's core temperature sample and equipment should be kept in freezing warehouse that is selected for the control.
The measurement is made as follows: 5.3.1.
If the product's dimensions makes it possible, the advance cooled målesonden cm 2.5 in the product.

5.3.2. If the product's dimensions do not do the measurement as described in no. 5.3.1 possible, the advance in to a cooled målesonden depth that corresponds to three to four times the spacecraft's diameter.

5.3.3. Certain products (e.g. peas) can because of its size or nature not pierced the to measure the core temperature. In such cases, the core temperature is measured in the package by listing a suitable, chilled tip målesonde in to the middle of the Pack to measure the temperature surrounding the popular frozen product.

5.3.4. The temperature reads when it's been stable.