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Regulations On The Extension Of The Application Of Law 20 July 1991 No. 67 On The Transfer Of Sentenced Persons

Original Language Title: Forskrift om utvidelse av anvendelsesområdet for lov 20. juli 1991 nr 67 om overføring av domfelte

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Regulations on the extension of the application of Law 20 July 1991 No. 67 on the transfer of sentenced persons.

Date FOR-1995-02-01-90

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1995 106

Commencement 02/12/1995


FOR 2006-06-26-782 from 30.06.2006




LOV-1991-07-20-67-§2, TO-1993-02-12-101


Short Title
regulat. the application of the law on convicts

Chapter Overview:


Established by the Ministry of Justice on 1 February 1995 by virtue of Law 20 July 1991 No.. 67 on the transfer of sentenced persons § 2, ref. Royal Decree. 12 February 1993 no. 101. Amended by regulation 26 June 2006 no. 782.


Law 20 July 1991 No.. 67 on the transfer of sentenced persons also applies in relations between Norway and the States that have acceded to the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988), Council of Europe Convention on Laundering , Search, seizure and confiscation of the Proceeds of crime (1990) and the UN Convention against corruption (2003), as far as decisions on confiscation covered by the conventions.


Regulation enters into force on 12 February 1995 United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and 1 March 1995 Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime and apply only requests filed after the entry into force.