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Regulations On Internal Control To Meet Food Legislation

Original Language Title: Forskrift om internkontroll for å oppfylle næringsmiddellovgivningen

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Regulations on internal control to meet food legislation

Date FOR-1994-12-15-1187

Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Health, Industry and Fisheries Ministry

Published Dept. In 1994 2158

Commencement 01.01.1995


FOR-2008-12-22-1635 from 01/03/2010




LOV-1932-06-17-6-§2, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§5, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§7, LAW-2003-12-19- 124 §33, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§36, FOR-2003-12-19-1790


Short Title
Internal Control Regulations for foodstuffs

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. Purpose and definitions. (§§ 1-3)
Chapter II. Internal (§§ 4 - 5a)
Chapter III. Administrative provisions (§§ 6-11)

Adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Food), Health and Social Affairs (now the Ministry of Health) and the Ministry of Fisheries (now Fisheries and Coastal Affairs) on 15 December 1994 in pursuance of the Act of 17 June 1932 No. . 6 for quality control of agricultural products etc., § 2, third paragraph and the law of 19 December 2003. 124 relating to food production and food safety. (Food Act) § 33 first paragraph, cf.. § 36 second paragraph, cf.. Delegated Decision of 19 December 2003. 1790.
EEA information: EEA Agreement, Annex II, ch. XII of. 54j (Directive 93/43 / EEC).
Changes: Amended by regulations 12 November 1997 No.. 1240 (including title and authority), 15 January 2004 No.. 205 (including legal), 21 Dec 2006 no. 1568, 22 Dec 2008 no. 1635 as amended by regulation 19 February 2010 No.. 316.

Chapter I. Purpose and definitions.

§ 1. Purpose This regulation will ensure a systematic implementation of measures to comply with food legislation.

§ 2. Requirements for the establishment of internal control requirements for the establishment of internal control covers all food businesses that manufacture, packs, stores or sells foodstuffs. The requirement also applies to the first collection point for imports of foodstuffs. The requirement does not apply to primary producers.
Requirements for the establishment of internal control does not apply if the turnover is in a form that does not represent further risks to health, such as heating of cooked foods such as hot dogs, hamburgers etc. when business is of a temporary nature and the heat treatment takes place in connection with sales, and sales of packaged edible ice in retail outlets. If in doubt determines supervisory authority whether to require the establishment of internal controls.

§ 3. Definitions In this regulation by:


Internal: systematic measures to ensure that the activities planned, organized, conducted and maintained in accordance with the requirements laid down in food legislation.


Food Legislation: rules that are designed to ensure safe and wholesome food and promote health, quality and consumer interests in food companies that produce, packages, stores, transports, sells or imports food, including fish and other animal foods.


Routine: an accepted way to perform an activity.


Deviation: failure to fulfill requirements established by law and regulation.

Chapter II. internal

§ 4. Obligation internal Whoever is responsible are to ensure that it introduced and performed internal controls.
Anyone engaged or participating in activities covered by this regulation are obliged to ensure that internal controls are followed.
Internal control shall be documented in the form and to the extent necessary in the light of the nature, activities, risks and size.
Written documentation pursuant to these regulations shall include at least § 5, no. 4, 5, 7 and 8. The supervisory authority may order written documentation beyond this, if deemed necessary.

§ 5. Inter control content internal control shall be adapted to the nature, activities, risks and size to the extent necessary to comply with requirements of food legislation. The internal audit shall include:

Overview of the requirements of food legislation governing their activities,

Overview of how the business is organized,

Procedures followed by the enterprise, to ensure compliance næringsmiddellovgivingens requirements. Responsibility and authority for execution shall be determined,

Routines business consequences if deviations occur and information about who is responsible,

Procedures followed by the enterprise to prevent recurrence of deviations and information about who is responsible,

Records operations are necessary to store and information about how long they should be available to the supervisory authority,


Routine for how the business systematically and regularly review its internal control, to ensure that the activities and results of those matches the system business has been established, and if it means fulfillment of food legislation,

Routine for how the business will ensure that all current and only current procedures are used, and

Procedures for how the business ensures that employees have sufficient expertise to comply with the regulations.

§ 5a. (Repealed by regulation 22 Dec 2008 no. 1635 as amended by regulation 19 February 2010 No.. 316, effective March 1, 2010.)

Chapter III. Administrative provisions

§ 6. Inspection and decisions FSA supervises and makes decisions to implement the provisions laid down in and pursuant to these regulations.

§ 7. (Repealed by regulation 15 January 2004 No.. 205.)

§ 8. (Repealed by regulation 22 Dec 2008 no. 1635 as amended by regulation 19 February 2010 No.. 316, effective March 1, 2010.)

§ 9. Criminal liability and fines willful or negligent violation of these regulations or provisions and decisions issued pursuant thereto is punishable under the Food Act § 28

§ 10. (Repealed by Regulation 12 November 1997 No.. 1240, effective 1 January 1998.)

§ 11. Entry into force This regulation comes into force from 1 January 1995.